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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 19 di 19
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2023 A pragmatic analysis of traditional Chinese toasts: the role played by age and gender A pragmatic analysis of traditional Chinese toasts: the role played by age and gender REN, YUNHUA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Abilità presupposizionali in un bambino ipoacusico: esito di un compito di comprensione Presuppositional skills in a hard-of-hearing child: outcome of a comprehension task DAL BRUN, GRAZIA
Lauree magistrali 2016 Acknowledging gratitude in American English: a pragmatic study of native speakers' role play data - Grando, Angela
Lauree magistrali 2023 Attitudes towards strangers: an exploratory study into the cultural differences between northern and southern China L'atteggiamento verso gli estranei: uno studio esplorativo sulle differenze culturali tra la Cina del nord e del sud Attitudes towards strangers: an exploratory study into the cultural differences between northern and southern China HUA, XIAOYU
Lauree magistrali 2013 Different forms, different meanings? A lexicographic and corpus-based study of four sets of English near-synonyms - Celeghin, Denise
Lauree magistrali 2022 Evitamento linguistico da parte di apprendenti cinesi della lingua italiana: la voce passiva, il periodo ipotetico e il pronome partitivo "ne". Target language avoidance by Chinese learners of Italian: the passive voice, the conditional sentence and the partitive pronoun "ne". ​ WU, XUEWEI
Lauree magistrali 2023 Expressing thanks in Chinese: the influence of age and personality on speech act behavior Expressing thanks in Chinese: the influence of age and personality on speech act behavior DENG, MEIYA
Lauree magistrali 2016 Gossip sections and readers' contributions in British girls' magazines: a linguistic analysis of "Top Of The Pops", "We Love Pop" and "Shout" - Crema, Laura
Lauree magistrali 2020 How Muslims are represented in the press: a corpus-driven analysis of American and Pakistani online newspaper articles How Muslims are represented in the press: a corpus-driven analysis of American and Pakistani online newspaper articles GOTTARDO, FRANCESCO
Lauree magistrali 2023 I memi cinesi, inglesi e italiani sul lavoro: un’analisi linguistica a metodo misto Chinese, English and Italian memes about work: a mixed-method linguistic analysis LIU, RUNYU
Lauree magistrali 2020 Il maestro delle inferenze e la cortesia: un’analisi pragmatica dell’evoluzione caratteriale del protagonista della serie TV “Sherlock. - Didonè, Elena
Lauree magistrali 2018 Il ruolo della pragmatica nella serie televisiva "The Big Bang Theory": (in)efficienza comunicativa e (s)cortesia sociale nel parlato di Sheldon Cooper - Reitano, Jlenia
Lauree magistrali 2022 L'umorismo verbale nel Crosstalk cinese: un'analisi pragmatica secondo la Teoria Generale dell'Umorismo Verbale Verbal humor in Chinese Crosstalk: a pragmatic analysis according to the General Theory of Verbal Humor GAO, QIANYI
Lauree magistrali 2022 La comprensione delle presupposizioni da parte di bambini della scuola primaria a sviluppo tipico e con Dislessia Evolutiva Retrieval of presuppositions by primary school children with typical development and with Developmental Dyslexia SIGNORETTO, ROBERTA
Lauree magistrali 2022 La pubblicità di servizio pubblico nella Cina moderna: un'analisi fraseologica e funzionale di 50 annunci televisivi Public service advertising in modern China: a phraseological and functional analysis of 50 television advertisements LIU, JIALE
Lauree magistrali 2018 Les pratiques conversationnelles sur des applications de rencontres entre hommes homosexuels - Kunichkin, Grigory
Lauree triennali 2022 Soulslike video games — a corpus linguistic analysis of the language of "Elden Ring" Soulslike video games — a corpus linguistic analysis of the language of "Elden Ring" SPEZZAFERRI, CARLO
Lauree magistrali 2023 The language of serial killers: communicative patterns in interviews with psychopaths diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder The language of serial killers: communicative patterns in interviews with psychopaths diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder FAZIO, ELEONORA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Un'indagine quantitativo-qualitativa di atti linguistici reattivi in cinese e in italiano: Aspetti cross-linguistici e cross-culturali A quantitative-qualitative investigation of reactive speech acts in Chinese and Italian: cross-linguistic and cross-cultural aspects QIANG, XINRUI
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