Sfoglia per Relatore
Addestramento cinofilo ed equestre: uno studio sulle percezioni sociali
Analisi e valutazione di variabili che influenzano i comportamenti di fattrici trotter e puledri nel periodo perinatale: osservazioni in continuo ed istantanee
Arctictis Binturong: osservazioni comportamentali di due individui in cattività durante un programma di arricchimento
Arricchimento ambientale per procioni in cattività
Assessing Brown Bear Adaptation in Captive Conditions: Developing a Working Ethogram and Analyzing Behavioral Responses to Habitat Dynamics and Environmental Influences.
Assessing Social Compatibility in Captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Development and Application of a Standardised Ethogram for Behavioural Observations and Social Evaluation.
2023/2024 MANIN, GIULIA
Behavior and activity levels of two Lynxes, two Caracals and three Servals in controlled environment.
Behavioral observations and analysis of two subspecies of equids, Tarpan Konik (E. ferus caballus) and Przewalski (E. ferus przewalskii), in an extensive controlled environment, with a focus on social interactions
2023/2024 CENTOMO, ELISA
Caracals' enclosure: design, building and behavioral study on the usage
Comparazione tra due metodi di osservazione del comportamento in Panthera pardus
Confronto tra metodi di registrazione per l'osservazione del comportamento di un gruppo di asini domestici (Equus asinus)
2022/2023 BIANCHI, LISA
Development and Application of an Ethogram for a Socialization Project on a Pair of captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Design, Implementation and Behavioral Analysis in a Sanctuary Setting
2023/2024 ESPOSITO, ANNA
Effects of Environmental Enrichment in 3 Species of Parrots at Cappeller Zoo: Ara ararauna, Trichoglossus haematodus and Amazona leucocephala
2021/2022 MARIAN, ILARIA
Effetti dell'esposizione a Valeriana officinalis sulla manipolabilità di gatti sottoposti a pratiche mediche e profilattiche
2010/2011 Gislon, Valeria
Espressioni facciali come indicatore dello stato emotivo del cavallo
Fattori rilevanti nella discriminazione di quantità nel cane maschio
2021/2022 VALLINI, ELISA
Impact of the way a question is posed on the response of the caretaker about the animal's behavior
Indagine sulla percezione del benessere dei cani e dei gatti all'interno dei rifugi da parte del personale
Indagine sulle attitudini verso i metodi di addestramento/educazione di cane e cavallo
Lynx Twins with Linking Lynx: raising in captivity, capture, transport and introduction to the wild of the two Carpathian lynx (Lynx lynx carpathicus) born in the Domaine des Grottes de Han Animal Park as part of a European conservation programme
2023/2024 KOLTUN, ANTON
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Addestramento cinofilo ed equestre: uno studio sulle percezioni sociali | Dog and equestrian training: a study of the social perceptions | FESSEHAYE, BETIEL | |
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico | 2022 | Analisi e valutazione di variabili che influenzano i comportamenti di fattrici trotter e puledri nel periodo perinatale: osservazioni in continuo ed istantanee | Analysis and evaluation of variables influencing the behaviour of trotter mares and foals during perinatal period: continuous and instantaneous observations | VISIN, MARGHERITA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Arctictis Binturong: osservazioni comportamentali di due individui in cattività durante un programma di arricchimento | Arctictis Binturong: behavioral observations of two captive specimens during an enrichment program | PUGLIESE, BARBARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Arricchimento ambientale per procioni in cattività | Environmental enrichment for captive raccoons | MARTINELLI, SILVIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Assessing Brown Bear Adaptation in Captive Conditions: Developing a Working Ethogram and Analyzing Behavioral Responses to Habitat Dynamics and Environmental Influences. | Assessing Brown Bear Adaptation in Captive Conditions: Developing a Working Ethogram and Analyzing Behavioral Responses to Habitat Dynamics and Environmental Influences. | CARRER, CAMILLA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Assessing Social Compatibility in Captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Development and Application of a Standardised Ethogram for Behavioural Observations and Social Evaluation. | Assessing Social Compatibility in Captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Development and Application of a Standardised Ethogram for Behavioural Observations and Social Evaluation. | MANIN, GIULIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Behavior and activity levels of two Lynxes, two Caracals and three Servals in controlled environment. | Behavior and activity levels of two Lynxes, two Caracals and three Servals in controlled environment. | BROTTO, RICCARDO | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Behavioral observations and analysis of two subspecies of equids, Tarpan Konik (E. ferus caballus) and Przewalski (E. ferus przewalskii), in an extensive controlled environment, with a focus on social interactions | Behavioral observations and analysis of two subspecies of equids, Tarpan Konik (E. ferus caballus) and Przewalski (E. ferus przewalskii), in an extensive controlled environment, with a focus on social interactions | CENTOMO, ELISA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Caracals' enclosure: design, building and behavioral study on the usage | Caracals' enclosure: design, building and behavioral study on the usage | CEOLDO, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Comparazione tra due metodi di osservazione del comportamento in Panthera pardus | Comparison between two methods of observation of behavior of Panthers pardus | SANTOS RODRIGUES, ROMINA | |
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico | 2022 | Confronto tra metodi di registrazione per l'osservazione del comportamento di un gruppo di asini domestici (Equus asinus) | Comparison between recording methods to observe the behaviour of a group of domestic donkeys (Equus asinus) | BIANCHI, LISA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Development and Application of an Ethogram for a Socialization Project on a Pair of captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Design, Implementation and Behavioral Analysis in a Sanctuary Setting | Development and Application of an Ethogram for a Socialization Project on a Pair of captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos): Design, Implementation and Behavioral Analysis in a Sanctuary Setting | ESPOSITO, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Effects of Environmental Enrichment in 3 Species of Parrots at Cappeller Zoo: Ara ararauna, Trichoglossus haematodus and Amazona leucocephala | Effects of Environmental Enrichment in 3 Species of Parrots at Cappeller Zoo: Ara ararauna, Trichoglossus haematodus and Amazona leucocephala | MARIAN, ILARIA | |
Lauree specialistiche a ciclo unico | 2010 | Effetti dell'esposizione a Valeriana officinalis sulla manipolabilità di gatti sottoposti a pratiche mediche e profilattiche | - | Gislon, Valeria | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Espressioni facciali come indicatore dello stato emotivo del cavallo | Facial expressions as an indicator of the horse's emotional state | CARRARO, ANGELICA | |
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico | 2021 | Fattori rilevanti nella discriminazione di quantità nel cane maschio | Relevant factors in quantity discrimination in the male dog | VALLINI, ELISA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Impact of the way a question is posed on the response of the caretaker about the animal's behavior | Impact of the way a question is posed on the response of the caretaker about the animal's behavior | BORLINI, MARTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Indagine sulla percezione del benessere dei cani e dei gatti all'interno dei rifugi da parte del personale | Animal welfare. A survey on staff members perceptions of the well-being of dogs and cats in shelters. | COLOMBARA, ANNALISA | |
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico | 2022 | Indagine sulle attitudini verso i metodi di addestramento/educazione di cane e cavallo | Attitudes towards dog's and horse's training/education methods | DAVINI, CRISTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Lynx Twins with Linking Lynx: raising in captivity, capture, transport and introduction to the wild of the two Carpathian lynx (Lynx lynx carpathicus) born in the Domaine des Grottes de Han Animal Park as part of a European conservation programme | Lynx Twins with Linking Lynx: raising in captivity, capture, transport and introduction to the wild of the two Carpathian lynx (Lynx lynx carpathicus) born in the Domaine des Grottes de Han Animal Park as part of a European conservation programme | KOLTUN, ANTON |
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