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Mostrati risultati da 8 a 27 di 51
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2020 Automation factory evolution: from the on-premise to the cloud services. How the strategy and its implementation change the SCADA and MES systems. Automation factory evolution: from the on-premise to the cloud services. How the strategy and its implementation change the SCADA and MES systems. FAEDO, EDOARDO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Automation system of powder-based 3D printer in the Industry 4.0 environment - Trevisan, Luca
Lauree magistrali 2022 Automazione di una linea produttiva con un sistema a carrelli indipendenti per il trasporto di generi alimentari Automation of a production line with an independent carriage system for the transport of foodstuffs CECCATO, THOMAS
Lauree triennali 2023 Automazione nei sistemi di filtraggio e applicazioni IoT Automation in filtering sistems and IoT applications FARINATI, LUCIO
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Collegamento alla rete PROFINET IO di una scheda per l'acquisizione di dati provenienti da un sistema di pesatura per macchine imbottigliatrici - Zoppellaro, Giuseppe
Lauree triennali 2021 Comunicazioni Wireless per Applicazioni Automotive Wireless Communications for Automotive Applications DE NITTO, ERNESTO
Lauree triennali 2022 Descrizione di un progetto e dell’implementazione del software per il sistema di automazione di un impianto di condizionamento in una nave da crociera Description of a project and software implementation for the air conditioning automation system in a cruise ship PASSARIN, GABRIELE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Development of a cybersecure and robust HMI/NMC for an integrated automation system in the field of industrial air conditioning Development of a cybersecure and robust HMI/NMC for an integrated automation system in the field of industrial air conditioning PELLIZZARI, JACOPO
Lauree magistrali 2019 Development of functional safety applications for Autec products. Study of protocols: CANopen, CANopen Safety, FSOE and ProfiSafe - Peserico, Giovanni
Lauree magistrali 2023 Development of PLC software for a Laser Machine using Continuous Integration approach Development of PLC software for a Laser Machine using Continuous Integration approach MOSELE, RICCARDO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Efficient and Interoperable EV Charging: Building an ISO15118-Compliant Charger using EVerest Software Stack Efficient and Interoperable EV Charging: Building an ISO15118-Compliant Charger using EVerest Software Stack ILGIN, SERRA
Lauree triennali 2023 Energy management applicato su sistema di condizionamento di nave da crociera Energy management applied to a cruise ship's air conditioning system MASIERO, WILLIAM
Lauree magistrali 2022 Evaluation of performance and security of 5G for IEC61850 based communications in power grids Evaluation of performance and security of 5G for IEC61850 based communications in power grids TROLESE, FRANCESCO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Experimental Study on Real-Time Wireless Networks for Motion Control of Manipulator and Mobile Platform in Industrial Robotics - Rossanese, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2022 Implementation of new Automatic Transfer Switches in an integrated automation system for industrial precision cooling Implementation of new Automatic Transfer Switches in an integrated automation system for industrial precision cooling FIOCCO, RICCARDO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Integrazione tra automazione e manutenzione nel World Class Manufacturing: il caso Tetra Pak Integration between automation and maintenance in World Class Manufacturing: the Tetra Pak case COLOMBO, ALDO
Lauree triennali 2012 IWSN. Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks. Reti industriali wireless di sensori - Dalla Rena, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2023 Machine Interconnection Project for MES integration of manufacturing machines Machine Interconnection Project for MES integration of manufacturing machines PANIZ, ANGELO
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Misure di prestazioni della rete profinet IO - Bellinato, Luca
Lauree magistrali 2015 Misure di prestazioni di sistemi di comunicazione powerline nella banda CENELEC C - Fusaro, Alessio
Mostrati risultati da 8 a 27 di 51
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