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Mostrati risultati da 16 a 35 di 60
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Caratterizzazione termica di lampade a LED per illuminazione civile - Manfrini, Andrea
Lauree magistrali 2012 Caratterizzazione termica ed affidabilità di Power Amplifier in GaAs per applicazioni a radio-frequenza - Ronzani, Luca
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Characterization and reliability of advanced GaN-LED structures: LEDs on silicon and DEEP-UV LEDs - Barbisan, Diego
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Characterization and reliability of blue and white GaN-based LEDs submitted to current and thermal stress - Bugno, Paolo
Lauree magistrali 2012 Characterization and reliability of GaN Laser Diodes emitting in the blue, skyblue and violet visible regions - Bugno, Alessandro
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Circuiti integrati a microonde basati su GaAs e GaN - Hysenbelli, Juljana
Lauree triennali 2022 Classificazione ed efficienza degli amplificatori audio Classification and efficiency of audio amplifiers VOLPATO, PIETRO
Lauree triennali 2023 Dal Silicio al Qubit: Storia, Evoluzione e Innovazioni Quantistiche From Silicon to Qubit: History, Evolution, and Quantum Innovations NALIN, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2014 Design and characterization of a led system with active regulation of the color temperature - Durigon, Luca
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Design, test e realizzazione di ricevitori solari per sistemi fotovoltaici a concentrazione - Mos, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2012 Development and characterization of a high CRI LED lamp - Meneghesso, Matteo
Lauree magistrali 2022 Device physics and failure mechanisms of deep submicron gate GaN HEMTs for microwave and millimeter-wave applications Device physics and failure mechanisms of deep submicron gate GaN HEMTs for microwave and millimeter-wave applications CARLOTTO, ANDREA
Lauree triennali 2023 Evoluzione della tecnologia delle celle fotovoltaiche e dei relativi materiali Evolution of photovoltaic cell technology and related materials ZOCCA, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Experimental characterization of sub 0.15 µm-gate In(Ga)AlN/GaN HEMTs adopting Fe compensation or double heterojunction for carrier confinement Experimental characterization of sub 0.15 µm-gate In(Ga)AlN/GaN HEMTs adopting Fe compensation or double heterojunction for carrier confinement TONELLO, ANDREA
Lauree specialistiche 2010 Gallium nitride simulations using Sentaurus software - De Brida, Christian
Lauree triennali 2021 Hardware per l'implementazione di reti neurali Hardware implementation of neural networks COSMA, DAVIDE
Lauree magistrali 2021 Impact of different epitaxial structures on performance and reliability of High Electron Mobility Transistor with scaled gate length (lg<0.15μm) Impact of different epitaxial structures on performance and reliability of High Electron Mobility Transistor with scaled gate length (lg<0.15μm) SARO, MARCO
Lauree magistrali 2012 Influenza del coefficiente di ricombinazione non radiativa sulle prestazioni elettriche ed ottiche di LED in InGaN/GaN - Zambon, Alessandro
Lauree magistrali 2014 Interconnect Reliability of LED-Based Printed Circuit Assemblies - Montoncelli, Mattia
Lauree triennali 2022 interconnessioni ottiche su chip e silicon photonics on-chip optical interconnects and silicon photonics CROSARIOL, EMILIO
Mostrati risultati da 16 a 35 di 60
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