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Mostrati risultati da 87 a 106 di 121
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2020 Numerical simulations of running specific prostheses for the evaluation of their structural behaviour during running - Luisi, Alessandro
Lauree magistrali 2022 Preliminar parametric technological evaluation for the design and costruction of a 3D printed scoliosis brace Preliminar parametric technological evaluation for the design and costruction of a 3D printed scoliosis brace LAMONACA, MARTA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Progettazione di sistemi di appoggio al suolo e sostegno dinamico di esosccheletro attivo per arti inferiori Design of ground support systems and dynamic support of a lower limb active exoskeleton POLESE, MATTIA
Lauree triennali 2022 Progettazione di un banco prova per misure di rigidezza su telai e-bike Design of a test bench for stiffness measurements on e-bike frames COSTA, EDOARDO
Lauree triennali 2021 Progettazione funzionale di maschere di saldatura The functional design of welding jigs MALVEZZI, GIACOMO
Lauree magistrali 2013 Progetto e costruzione di un supporto dinamometrico per prese da arrampicata - Spanevello, Luca
Lauree magistrali 2023 Progetto e prototipazione di una mano mioelettrica per età pediatrica a dimensione regolabile Design and Prototyping of an Adjustable-Size Myoelectric Hand for Pediatric Age ORTU, MATTEO
Lauree triennali 2023 Prototipo di Front Mower a batteria: caratterizzazione e analisi delle prestazioni Battery-powered front mower prototype: characterization and performance analysis SARRI, MATTEO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Quantifying Sprint Determinants: Development of Motion Capture Analysis tools to support elite coaching. Quantifying Sprint Determinants: Development of Motion Capture Analysis tools to support elite coaching. BUCCIOL, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2022 Realizzazione tramite stampa 3D di elementi costruttivi: esperienze in azienda del settore labelling Constructive elements made with 3D printing: experiences in the labelling industry BUONAIUTO, MATTIA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Static and dynamic characterization of innovative biofidelic neck surrogates for head and neck impact testing Static and dynamic characterization of innovative biofidelic neck surrogates for head and neck impact testing RANGO, MARCO
Lauree magistrali 2018 Structural analysis and functional behaviour of Running Specific Prosthesis during in-vivo field tests and laboratory bench tests - Foscan, Gianmario
Lauree magistrali 2012 Structural analysis and functional evaluation of a new mechanical prosthetic knee - Costantin, Alessandro
Lauree magistrali 2016 Structural analysis of a rugby wheelchair frame during field and laboratory tests - Bettella, Francesco
Lauree magistrali 2023 Structural and functional optimization of an innovative bio-inspired ankle-foot passive prosthesis Structural and functional optimization of an innovative bio-inspired ankle-foot passive prosthesis RAGNO, MARCO
Lauree magistrali 2014 Structural behavior analysis of elastic compensation superstructure for innovative ski production - Signoretto, Federico
Lauree magistrali 2022 Studio dei fattori di influenza sulla leg stiffness in atleti paralimpici d'elite amputati unilateralmente durante prove di salto in lungo e corsa su pista Study of factors influencing leg stiffness in unilateral amputee elite paralympic athletes during long jump and track sprinting trials SALVALAGGIO, GIANLUCA
Lauree triennali 2020 Studio di fattibilità per passare da supporti balestra saldati a imbullonati per rimorchi Feasibility study to switch from welded to bolted leaf spring supports for trailers MANGANOTTI, FABIO
Lauree triennali 2022 Studio di un nuovo sistema per la movimentazione a passo di profili t-bar attraverso le stazioni di stampaggio di una pressa punzonatrice Study of a new system for the step movement of t-bar profiles through the stamping stations of a punching press GUZZO, NICOLA
Mostrati risultati da 87 a 106 di 121
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