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Mostrati risultati da 9 a 28 di 62
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2023 Automotive Granular Synthesizer (AGS) for Electric Vehicles: Development and Affective Impact Analysis Automotive Granular Synthesizer (AGS) for Electric Vehicles: Development and Affective Impact Analysis POVEGLIANO, GIORGIO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Automotive Granular Synthesizer (AGS): Design and Evaluation of a Sound Processing Algorithm for Electric Vehicles Automotive Granular Synthesizer (AGS): Design and Evaluation of a Sound Processing Algorithm for Electric Vehicles DI PIETRANTONIO, EDOARDO
Lauree magistrali 2023 CAN Simulation of Electric Vehicles for Designing Sound Associated with Sustainable Mobility CAN Simulation of Electric Vehicles for Designing Sound Associated with Sustainable Mobility HASCOSKAN, MIRAY
Lauree magistrali 2012 A comparison between gesture tracking models, and the development of an interactive mobility aid system for the visually impaired - Scattolin, Nicola
Lauree triennali 2020 Condizionare le Reti Neurali: lo studio di caso della Generazione di Accompagnamento Musicale Steering Neural Networks: the case study of Musical Accompaniment Generation LORENZONI, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Conservazione di Installazioni Artistiche Multimediali Interattive. Studio di caso: Riattivazione di "Il Caos delle Sfere" di Carlo de Pirro Preservation of Interactive Multimedia Artwork. A case study: Reactivation of “Il Caos delle Sfere” by Carlo de Pirro ZECCHINATO, LUCA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Definizione di un modello per l'auto-monitoraggio del livello di stress durante una performance musicale. Uno studio di caso: il progetto "Below 58 BPM". Design of a model for self-monitoring of stress level during a musical performance. A case study: the "Below 58 BPM" project. MADDALENA, TOMMASO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Development of an Educational Video Game to Learn Critical Thinking Skills Against Disinformation Development of an Educational Video Game to Learn Critical Thinking Skills Against Disinformation TOPCU, BERKCAN
Lauree magistrali 2023 Development of an Ultrasonic Platform for Privacy-Preserving Autonomous Sound Uroflowmetry at Home Development of an Ultrasonic Platform for Privacy-Preserving Autonomous Sound Uroflowmetry at Home MOHAMMADI, MOHAMMAD
Lauree magistrali 2023 Digital Signal Processing for Electric Vehicles’s Sustainable Mobility Digital Signal Processing for Electric Vehicles’s Sustainable Mobility AHMADIAN, ARASH
Lauree triennali 2023 Elettronica e musica: design di uno strumento musicale digitale sul modello dell'astrolabio Electronics and music: design of a digital musical instrument based on the astrolabe model NOGARIN, GIACOMO
Lauree magistrali 2012 Fiaba Magica: sviluppo e sperimentazione di un ambiente interattivo multimodale per l'attuazione di percorsi didattici inclusivi - Calabrese, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2023 Implementation of an AI-based model for detecting speed variations by means of spectrogram images for new magnetic tapes preservation strategies Implementation of an AI-based model for detecting speed variations by means of spectrogram images for new magnetic tapes preservation strategies LUNARDON, LORENZO
Lauree triennali 2023 Izichartz: sviluppo di una web app per la progettazione di software tramite l'utilizzo di tools grafici - Il modulo Entity-Relationship Izichartz: development of a web app for software design using graphical tools - The Entity-Relationship module CAON, DAMIANO
Lauree magistrali 2012 La Stanza Logo-Motoria. Un ambiente multimodale interattivo per l'insegnamento a bambini in situazione di multi-disabilità - Amico, Leonardo
Lauree triennali 2023 La virtualizzazione nella riattivazione di installazioni artistiche interattive e multimediali. Uno studio di caso: "Il caos delle sfere" di Carlo De Pirro. Virtualization in the reactivation of multimedia interactive artistic installations. A case study: "The chaos of the spheres" by Carlo De Pirro. FRIGO, ALESSANDRO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Machine Learning methods to improve the Injection Moulding process. Machine Learning methods to improve the Injection Moulding process. GOMA, KRITI
Lauree triennali 2022 Migrazione tecnologica e conservazione attiva di installazioni di arte multimediale. Studio di caso:”Il caos delle sfere” di Carlo De Pirro. Technological migration and active conservation of multimedia art installations. Case study: "The Chaos of the Spheres" by Carlo De Pirro. PILOTTO, FEDERICO
Lauree magistrali 2017 Modelli per il riconoscimento automatico delle curve di pre-enfasi e post-enfasi applicate ai documenti sonori - Casamento, Fabio
Mostrati risultati da 9 a 28 di 62
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