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Mostrati risultati da 2 a 11 di 11
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2023 Development of syndromic tests for the surveillance of emerging infectious diseases Development of syndromic tests for the surveillance of emerging infectious diseases SATTARI SOBHANI, ALALEH
Lauree magistrali 2020 Discovery and validation of circulating microRNAs as candidate biomarkers of COVID-19 severity Discovery and validation of circulating microRNAs as candidate biomarkers of COVID-19 severity AGOSTINI, MATTEO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Dissecting differences and similarities in the host response to Rabies virus and other lyssaviruses in the Syrian hamster model Dissecting differences and similarities in the host response to Rabies virus and other lyssaviruses in the Syrian hamster model PRIORE, MARIA FRANCESCA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Effect of glyphosate exposure on testicular function and semen parameters in a human-equivalent animal model Effect of glyphosate exposure on testicular function and semen parameters in a human-equivalent animal model FAGGION, GIORGIA
Lauree specialistiche 2006 Interazione tra il fattore letale di antrace e il suo substrato MAPK chinasi 6 - Terenzio, Marco
Lauree triennali 2023 Modelli in vitro per la caratterizzazione fenotipica di virus neurotropi In vitro models for the phenotypic characterization of neurotropic viruses TECCHIO, DAVIDE
Lauree triennali 2021 Studio di flavivirus neurotropi mediante l’utilizzo di modelli in vitro derivati da cellule staminali umane In vitro modeling of neurotropic flavivirus infection by using human stem cells-derived neurons BRUGIOLO, ANDREA
Lauree triennali 2020 Valutazione dell'efficacia di un nuovo metodo di estrazione degli acidi nucleici con impiego di termolisi per la ricerca di SARS-CoV-2 mediante RT-PCR rispetto al metodo standard Evaluation of the effectiveness of a new nucleic acid extraction method using thermolysis for SARS-CoV-2 detection by RT-PCR compared to the standard method GONZO, GIULIO
Lauree triennali 2020 Valutazione e comparazione dei test antigenici rapidi e dei test molecolari (PCR Real Time) nella diagnostica di SARS CoV-2 Evaluation and comparison of rapid antigen tests and molecular tests (Real Time PCR) for the diagnosis of SARS CoV-2 FABRIS, ELISABETTA
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico 2021 Vector-borne viral infections in travellers: Clinical and laboratory findings, biomarkers for early diagnosis, and role as sentinels of new transmission areas Vector-borne viral infections in travellers: Clinical and laboratory findings, biomarkers for early diagnosis, and role as sentinels of new transmission areas VOLPE, ANDREA
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