Sfoglia per Corso
False Friends: a study of the challenges for Italian students
2023/2024 MARINI, ELENA
Fantascienza ispanoamericana e fine del mondo: verso un'evoluzione divergente
Fantasmi necessari: presenze disturbanti nel mondo globalizzato di Solange Rodríguez Pappe
Fantasy in translation: a study of the Italian versions of Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive
Felix Salten, Bambi. Una lettura storico-culturale
Female Hysteria and Patriarchal Dominance: A Study of Lady Macbeth.
2022/2023 ACHILLEA, SARA
Female identity in the Victorian Age: Transgression and the Gothic in "Carmilla"
Feminismo español en el contexto de la Guerra Civil Española
2021/2022 FORTUNA, ANNA
Femmes Fatales as Mythological Creatures in Romantic and Victorian Poetry
Fenomenologia della casa come luogo non sicuro
Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley: Occultismo, Identità e Ribellione tra Letteratura e Magia
Fernando Pessoa e l'eteronimo Alexander Search: dall'influenza degli autori inglesi alla peculiarità di A Very Original Dinner
2023/2024 ORAZI, ELISA
Flaubert et le romantisme dans Madame Bovary
2022/2023 REBATO, ANNA
Flâneurs come “alberi murati”: camminare e scrivere al tempo del Covid
Forced Aboriginal child removal in Australia: Stolen Generations and stolen identities
2020/2021 ALBIERO, ELISA
Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) Among Advanced English Learners: A Study of Intervention Strategies at the University of Padova
Formulaic language in TV series: an analysis of the use of lexical bundles in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother"
2022/2023 CRACCO, ANNA
Fortuna e ricezione del “Male oscuro” di Giuseppe Berto nel mondo anglofono
2023/2024 OKAI, ADELAID
Fortuna e ricezione di Primo Levi nel mondo anglofono
Fra city marketing e city (re)branding: il caso di Amsterdam
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | False Friends: a study of the challenges for Italian students | False Friends: a study of the challenges for Italian students | MARINI, ELENA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Fantascienza ispanoamericana e fine del mondo: verso un'evoluzione divergente | Hispanic American science fiction and the end of the world: towards a divergent evolution | PILLAN, GIACOMO | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Fantasmi necessari: presenze disturbanti nel mondo globalizzato di Solange Rodríguez Pappe | Necessary ghosts: disturbing presences in the globalised world of Solange Rodriguez Pappe | DELLA LUCILLA, REBECCA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Fantasy in translation: a study of the Italian versions of Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive | Fantasy in translation: a study of the Italian versions of Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive | ZILIO, VALENTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Felix Salten, Bambi. Una lettura storico-culturale | Felix Salten, Bambi. A cultural-historical reading | FURLAN, ALESSIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Female Hysteria and Patriarchal Dominance: A Study of Lady Macbeth. | Female Hysteria and Patriarchal Dominance: A Study of Lady Macbeth. | ACHILLEA, SARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Female identity in the Victorian Age: Transgression and the Gothic in "Carmilla" | Female identity in the Victorian Age: Transgression and the Gothic in "Carmilla" | BRUSCHI, CAMILLA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Feminismo español en el contexto de la Guerra Civil Española | Spanish feminism in the context of the Spanish Civil War | FORTUNA, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Femmes Fatales as Mythological Creatures in Romantic and Victorian Poetry | Femmes Fatales as Mythological Creatures in Romantic and Victorian Poetry | D'AGOSTINI, ALESSIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Fenomenologia della casa come luogo non sicuro | Phenomenology of the house as unsafe place | FERRARI, VALERIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley: Occultismo, Identità e Ribellione tra Letteratura e Magia | Fernando Pessoa and Aleister Crowley: Occultism, Identity and Rebellion between Literature and Magic | MAGALHAES TRINDADE, LAURA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Fernando Pessoa e l'eteronimo Alexander Search: dall'influenza degli autori inglesi alla peculiarità di A Very Original Dinner | Fernando Pessoa and the heteronym Alexander Search: from the influence of the English authors to the peculiarity of A Very Original Dinner | ORAZI, ELISA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Flaubert et le romantisme dans Madame Bovary | Flaubert and romanticism in Madame Bovary | REBATO, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Flâneurs come “alberi murati”: camminare e scrivere al tempo del Covid | Flâneurs as “immured trees”: walking and writing during Covid times | FRIGHETTO, FEDERICA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Forced Aboriginal child removal in Australia: Stolen Generations and stolen identities | Forced Aboriginal child removal in Australia: Stolen Generations and stolen identities | ALBIERO, ELISA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) Among Advanced English Learners: A Study of Intervention Strategies at the University of Padova | Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) Among Advanced English Learners: A Study of Intervention Strategies at the University of Padova | LAURIOLA, BEATRICE | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Formulaic language in TV series: an analysis of the use of lexical bundles in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" | Formulaic language in TV series: an analysis of the use of lexical bundles in the American sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" | CRACCO, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Fortuna e ricezione del “Male oscuro” di Giuseppe Berto nel mondo anglofono | The fortune and reception of Giuseppe Berto's “Male Oscuro” in the anglophone world | OKAI, ADELAID | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Fortuna e ricezione di Primo Levi nel mondo anglofono | Influence and reception of Primo Levi in the anglophone world | TRONO, FEDERICO | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Fra city marketing e city (re)branding: il caso di Amsterdam | Between city marketing and city (re)branding: a case study of Amsterdam | BREDARIOL, SERENA |
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