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Mostrati risultati da 209 a 228 di 1.118
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree triennali 2021 Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza: il cambiamento del loro rapporto e della visione della realtà attraverso i due tomi del Don Chisciotte. Don Chisciotte and Sancio Panza: the development of their relationship and of their vision of the reality. BORELLA, CLAUDIA
Lauree triennali 2020 Don Quichotte et Alceste comme Ajax : les héros en cavale de la réalité deviennent les « badins de la farce » Don Quixote and Alceste like Ajax: the heroes on the run from reality become the «jokers of the farce» CHIARINI, SEBLE
Lauree triennali 2023 Donna o uomo? Questo è il dilemma: le Valchirie tra donna, uomo e terzo genere Woman or Man? That is the question: Valkyries between Woman, Man, and Third Gender ROSSETTO, TANIA
Lauree triennali 2023 Donne e salazarismo: il caso di A Madona di Natália Correia Women and Salazarism: the case of A madona by Natália Correia TUTINO, ROBERTA
Lauree triennali 2020 Doria et Ahèlme, deux personnages de Faïza Guène Doria and Ahèlme, two characters by Faïza Guène CODISPOTI, ALICE
Lauree triennali 2023 Dynamiques commerciales et figures féminines dans "Au Bonheur des Dames" d'Émile Zola Commercial dynamics and female figures in "Au Bonheur des Dames" by Émile Zola PAZZI, MARTA
Lauree triennali 2022 Dystopia or Satire? Reading Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange Dystopia or Satire? Reading Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange ZANCO, LUCREZIA
Lauree triennali 2020 Economia e Finanza nel Mondo di Émile Zola Economics and Finance in the World of Émile Zola DE GIULI, ILARIA
Lauree triennali 2021 Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of Mass Industrialised Transportation on the world, and vice versa Economic, Social and Cultural Impact of Mass Industrialised Transportation on the world, and vice versa AVRUTIN, LEON ERIC
Lauree triennali 2022 Economía y sostenibilidad: la lengua utilizada en los blogs Economics and sustainability: the language used in blogs GAIOTTI, SARA
Lauree triennali 2022 Egipto y el río Nilo: traduzione per l'infanzia dallo spagnolo all'italiano Egipto y el río Nilo: children's literature translation from Spanish to Italian PAN, ISABELLA
Lauree triennali 2020 "Ein Brief" von Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Zur Sprachkrise Ein Brief by Hugo von Hofmannsthal: on the crisis of language FAILONI, ELISA
Lauree triennali 2023 Ein Hungerkünstler et un Homme-Plume: l'absolu de l'existence artistique chez Kafka et Flaubert Ein Hungerkünstler and an Homme-Plume: the absolute of artistic existence in Kafka and Flaubert CUSIN, SABRINA
Lauree triennali 2021 Ekphrasis und Musik in E.T.A Hoffmanns Die Fermate Ekphrasis and Music in E.T.A Hoffmann's Die Fermate CORSO, NICOLE
Lauree triennali 2020 El adverbio en español. Estado de la cuestión en las gramáticas de referencia y propuesta didáctica para estudiantes universitarios. The adverb in Spanish. State of the cuestion in reference grammars and didactic proposal for university students. BARISON, GIORGIA
Lauree triennali 2020 El Andaluz: storia, cultura e pregiudizi Andalusian: history, culture and prejudices GUIZZO, ANNACHIARA
Lauree triennali 2022 "El coloquio de los perros": magia, brujería y engaño Analísis crítico y literario "El coloquio de los perros": magic, witchcraft and deceit Critical and literary analysis CRIVELLARI, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2021 El curso de italiano de Luis Ardit (1918): aprender italiano en Argentina. Luis Ardit's Italian Course (1918): Learning Italian in Argentina. PROIETTO BATTURI, ROSSELLA
Lauree triennali 2022 El diccionario de papel y el diccionario en línea en el proceso de aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera: análisis comparativo Paper dictionary and online dictionary in the learning process of Spanish as a foreign language: comparative analysis MONTERA, MARTA
Mostrati risultati da 209 a 228 di 1.118
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