Sfoglia per Corso
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en el aprendizaje universitario de la lengua española en Italia: la percepción de los estudiantes
Elementi di morfologia nominale albanese: i casi
2023/2024 CEKA, TEA
ELF and GenZ: can a language and a generation shape each other?
2022/2023 COSTA, CHIARA
Elizabeth Bowen: the "Forgotten" One among Modernist Writers
2020/2021 BELLARO, ANNA
"Em ouro e alma": arte e dispersione in Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Emarginazione e affermazione dell'identità in "Wide Sargasso Sea" di J. Rhys e "La bambinaia francese" di B. Pitzorno
2023/2024 ANDRIOLO, ANNA
Emilia Pardo Bazán e la lotta per i diritti della donna: un’analisi della saggistica e di Morriña
2023/2024 GAMBA, MARTINA
Emilia Pardo Bazán e la sua produzione saggistica e narrativa: la tematica femminista
2020/2021 PIRAN, SONIA
En busca de don Quijote. Proposta di traduzione dallo spagnolo all'italiano.
En busca del Núcleo del disturbio: un estudio sobre los cimientos de la poética de Samanta Schweblin
EN TRANSICIÓN. La metamorfosi identitaria nella Spagna del 23-F dal punto di vista del personaggio travesti e della società proto-democratica.
English as a Lingua Franca in a Translanguaging context: an analysis of a Pre-A1 communicative Italian course
English as a lingua franca in marketing: Focus on the use of anglicisms in Italian and Polish
English as a Lingua Franca: Its use in the Field of Medicine
English as a second language: preschool teaching and learning
English idioms and their processing: a study on Italian students of English
English in Italian advertising: an analysis of slogans
English Medium Instruction in the Arabian Peninsula: A Survey Investigating Students' Perceptions
2023/2024 SAQUI, MARYEM
English Modality: Focus on Core modals and Semi-modals and their Changes in the Contemporary Age
2020/2021 CURZI, SARA
English word-formation: suffix competition in nominalization
2022/2023 COREN, SELENE
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en el aprendizaje universitario de la lengua española en Italia: la percepción de los estudiantes | The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the Spanish learning process in the Italian university: students’ perception | VALANDRO, GIADA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Elementi di morfologia nominale albanese: i casi | Elements of Albanian nominal morphology: the cases | CEKA, TEA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | ELF and GenZ: can a language and a generation shape each other? | ELF and GenZ: can a language and a generation shape each other? | COSTA, CHIARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Elizabeth Bowen: the "Forgotten" One among Modernist Writers | Elizabeth Bowen: the "Forgotten" One among Modernist Writers | BELLARO, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | "Em ouro e alma": arte e dispersione in Mário de Sá-Carneiro | "Em ouro e alma": art and dispersion in Mário de Sá-Carneiro | ANTIDORMI, VERONICA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Emarginazione e affermazione dell'identità in "Wide Sargasso Sea" di J. Rhys e "La bambinaia francese" di B. Pitzorno | Marginalization and affirmation of identity in J. Rhys's "Wide Sargasso Sea" and B. Pitzorno's "La bambinaia francese" | ANDRIOLO, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Emilia Pardo Bazán e la lotta per i diritti della donna: un’analisi della saggistica e di Morriña | Emilia Pardo Bazán and the fight for women’s rights: an analysis of her non-fiction production and of Morriña | GAMBA, MARTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Emilia Pardo Bazán e la sua produzione saggistica e narrativa: la tematica femminista | Emilia Pardo Bazán and her non-fiction and narrative production: the feminist theme | PIRAN, SONIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | En busca de don Quijote. Proposta di traduzione dallo spagnolo all'italiano. | En busca de don Quijote. Translation proposal from spanish to italian. | ZECCHIN, ALESSIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | En busca del Núcleo del disturbio: un estudio sobre los cimientos de la poética de Samanta Schweblin | Looking for El núcleo del disturbio: a study of the foundations of Samanta Schweblin's work | RAVERA, CECILIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | EN TRANSICIÓN. La metamorfosi identitaria nella Spagna del 23-F dal punto di vista del personaggio travesti e della società proto-democratica. | IN TRANSITION. Identity metamorphosis in the 23-F Spain from the perspective of travesti character and proto-democratic society. | SARCINELLA, CHIARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | English as a Lingua Franca in a Translanguaging context: an analysis of a Pre-A1 communicative Italian course | English as a Lingua Franca in a Translanguaging context: an analysis of a Pre-A1 communicative Italian course | RONZANI, ALTHEA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | English as a lingua franca in marketing: Focus on the use of anglicisms in Italian and Polish | English as a lingua franca in marketing: Focus on the use of anglicisms in Italian and Polish | MARCINIAK, PIOTR | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | English as a Lingua Franca: Its use in the Field of Medicine | English as a Lingua Franca: Its use in the Field of Medicine | CARRARO, MARTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | English as a second language: preschool teaching and learning | English as a second language: preschool teaching and learning | SPILIMBERGO, MARTINA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | English idioms and their processing: a study on Italian students of English | English idioms and their processing: a study on Italian students of English | BATTIATA, PAOLA FEDERICA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | English in Italian advertising: an analysis of slogans | English in Italian advertising: an analysis of slogans | ROSSATO, GIORGIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | English Medium Instruction in the Arabian Peninsula: A Survey Investigating Students' Perceptions | English Medium Instruction in the Arabian Peninsula: A Survey Investigating Students' Perceptions | SAQUI, MARYEM | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | English Modality: Focus on Core modals and Semi-modals and their Changes in the Contemporary Age | English Modality: Focus on Core modals and Semi-modals and their Changes in the Contemporary Age | CURZI, SARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | English word-formation: suffix competition in nominalization | English word-formation: suffix competition in nominalization | COREN, SELENE |
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