Sfoglia per Corso
Design razionale e caratterizzazione di nanobodies anti-LexA per combattere le antibiotico resistenze
Developing a 3D culture model to study astrocyte-mediated clearance of protein aggregates
Development of a fusion-entry system based on GFP complementation: an innovative approach for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics
2022/2023 SANDRO, CHIARA
Development of a novel platform for CD8+ T cell antigen discovery
2021/2022 FRISON, DENIS
Development of armed oncolytic agents based on the herpes simplex virus type 1 for the treatment of glioblastoma
2022/2023 ZAGO, ALESSIA
Dissezione molecolare e funzionale della proteina TMEM65: rilevanza per la comprensione delle encefalomiopatie mitocondriali
2023/2024 ZARBO, OLGA
Drosophila melanogaster come modello per la Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica: Caratterizzazione molecolare del mutante Tbph (TDP43) e uso della Safinamide come possibile approccio terapeutico
Effetti della modulazione di vie di segnale sulla cardiomiopatia aritmogena nel modello zebrafish
2023/2024 COMERO, SARA
Effetto del fluido follicolare derivato da pazienti con o senza endometriosi sulla morfologia e sullo sviluppo delle cellule della granulosa in coltura
Effetto dello stress termico sulla funzione delle cellule del Sertoli: studio in vitro sul ruolo dei Transient Receptor Potentials
2022/2023 STURARO, ANNA
Espressione e purificazione del dominio extracellulare del recettore immunitario CD300e
2021/2022 AMBROSI, LAURA
Espressione e purificazione del dominio legante il DNA del fattore di trascrizione ICP4 del virus dell'Herpes Simplex-1 e caratterizzazione del suo legame con le strutture G-quadruplex
Evaluation of antiangiogenic and antimetabolic drugs as a combination therapy in patient derived xenografts of ovarian cancer
2021/2022 TRENTO, CHIARA
Evaluation of the effects of combined decellularization and cryopreservation on the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of human tracheal grafts
Evaluation of the influence of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts on Patient-Derived Organoids in Pancreatic Cancer
2023/2024 TOSATO, GIULIA
Exploring the role of subunit e in F-ATP synthase functions
Fabrication and characterization of composite scaffolds based on bioactive OxPVA and 3D printed polylactic acid for focal osteochondral defects regeneration
FLYMP: a new FRET based sensor to study contact sites between mitochondria and lysosomes.
Formazione di biofilm e pattern di suscettibilità agli antibiotici in Mycobacterium smegmatis e nel patogeno Mycobacterium chimaera
2020/2021 MERLO, GIULIA
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Design razionale e caratterizzazione di nanobodies anti-LexA per combattere le antibiotico resistenze | Rational engineering and characterization of anti-LexA nanobodies to fight antibiotic resistance | CAMPAGNARO, ENRICA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Developing a 3D culture model to study astrocyte-mediated clearance of protein aggregates | Developing a 3D culture model to study astrocyte-mediated clearance of protein aggregates | SALVUCCI, MARIA ESTER | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Development of a fusion-entry system based on GFP complementation: an innovative approach for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics | Development of a fusion-entry system based on GFP complementation: an innovative approach for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics | SANDRO, CHIARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Development of a novel platform for CD8+ T cell antigen discovery | Development of a novel platform for CD8+ T cell antigen discovery | FRISON, DENIS | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Development of armed oncolytic agents based on the herpes simplex virus type 1 for the treatment of glioblastoma | Development of armed oncolytic agents based on the herpes simplex virus type 1 for the treatment of glioblastoma | ZAGO, ALESSIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Dissezione molecolare e funzionale della proteina TMEM65: rilevanza per la comprensione delle encefalomiopatie mitocondriali | Molecular and functional dissection of TMEM65 protein: relevance to understanding mitochondrial encephalomyophaties | ZARBO, OLGA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Drosophila melanogaster come modello per la Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica: Caratterizzazione molecolare del mutante Tbph (TDP43) e uso della Safinamide come possibile approccio terapeutico | Drosophila melanogaster as a model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Molecular characterization of the Tbph (TDP43) mutant and use of Safinamide as a possible therapeutic approach | DORS, ANA CAROLINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Effetti della modulazione di vie di segnale sulla cardiomiopatia aritmogena nel modello zebrafish | Effects of modulation of signaling pathways on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in the zebrafish model | COMERO, SARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Effetto del fluido follicolare derivato da pazienti con o senza endometriosi sulla morfologia e sullo sviluppo delle cellule della granulosa in coltura | Effect of follicular fluid derived from patients with or without endometriosis on the morphology and development of granulosa cells in culture | GARZARELLA, SILVIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Effetto dello stress termico sulla funzione delle cellule del Sertoli: studio in vitro sul ruolo dei Transient Receptor Potentials | The effect of thermal stress on Sertoli cell function: an in vitro study on the role of Transient Receptor Potentials | STURARO, ANNA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Espressione e purificazione del dominio extracellulare del recettore immunitario CD300e | Expression and purification of the extracellular domain of the immune receptor CD300e | AMBROSI, LAURA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Espressione e purificazione del dominio legante il DNA del fattore di trascrizione ICP4 del virus dell'Herpes Simplex-1 e caratterizzazione del suo legame con le strutture G-quadruplex | Expression and purification of the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factor ICP4 of Herpes Simplex virus-1 and characterization of its binding to G-quadruplex structures | RIZZI, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Evaluation of antiangiogenic and antimetabolic drugs as a combination therapy in patient derived xenografts of ovarian cancer | Evaluation of antiangiogenic and antimetabolic drugs as a combination therapy in patient derived xenografts of ovarian cancer | TRENTO, CHIARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Evaluation of the effects of combined decellularization and cryopreservation on the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of human tracheal grafts | Evaluation of the effects of combined decellularization and cryopreservation on the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of human tracheal grafts | CARDACI, ALESSIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Evaluation of the influence of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts on Patient-Derived Organoids in Pancreatic Cancer | Evaluation of the influence of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts on Patient-Derived Organoids in Pancreatic Cancer | TOFFANIN, SABRINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | EVENTI DI SPLICING ALTERNATIVI NELLA CARDIOMIOPATIA ARITMOGENA: DALLO SCREENING GENETICO ALLA VALIDAZIONE IN VITRO | Alternative splicing site events in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: from genetic to in vitro validation | TOSATO, GIULIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Exploring the role of subunit e in F-ATP synthase functions | Exploring the role of subunit e in F-ATP synthase functions | BOSCOLO NATA, FEDERICA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Fabrication and characterization of composite scaffolds based on bioactive OxPVA and 3D printed polylactic acid for focal osteochondral defects regeneration | Fabrication and characterization of composite scaffolds based on bioactive OxPVA and 3D printed polylactic acid for focal osteochondral defects regeneration | TORO MARIN, VALENTINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | FLYMP: a new FRET based sensor to study contact sites between mitochondria and lysosomes. | FLYMP: a new FRET based sensor to study contact sites between mitochondria and lysosomes. | CAPITA, BEATRICE | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Formazione di biofilm e pattern di suscettibilità agli antibiotici in Mycobacterium smegmatis e nel patogeno Mycobacterium chimaera | Biofilm formation and antibiotic susceptibility pattern in Mycobacterium smegmatis and in the pathogen Mycobacterium chimaera | MERLO, GIULIA |
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