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Mostrati risultati da 84 a 103 di 315
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2021 Costruire in alta quota Progettazione di un rifugio alpino ecosostenibile Constructions in high altitudes Design of a sustainable alpine refuge PISCITELLI, ANNA CELESTE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Costruire in ambienti estremi: progettazione di un rifugio alpino in alta quota. Construction in extreme environments: design of a high-altitude refuge. ZAPPALÀ, CINZIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Costruzione di un codice non lineare agli elementi finiti per l'analisi di elementi shell a geometria esatta Implementation of a nonlinear FEM code for the analysis of geometrically exact shell elements DANETTI, STEFANO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Critical study of compaction grouting as a soil improvement method in Douala - Bassa industrial zone Critical study of compaction grouting as a soil improvement method in Douala - Bassa industrial zone TASSE LOUOKDOM, HAROLD COLLINS
Lauree magistrali 2023 Damage - frictional constitutive model with chemical degradation for interface elements in cement - based materials Damage - frictional constitutive model with chemical degradation for interface elements in cement - based materials TOGNON, NICOLÒ
Lauree magistrali 2021 Definizione di fattori risk-targeted per la progettazione sismica di ponti e viadotti Definition of risk-targeted factors for the seismic design of bridges and viaducts TOSO, DEVID
Lauree magistrali 2021 Design and calculation of underground tanks in different types of soils : conceived case study Design and calculation of underground tanks in different types of soils : conceived case study TUYISHIME, IRVIN
Lauree magistrali 2020 Design and Numerical Analysis of a glued-lamonated timbor olympic swimming facility and building Design and Numerical Analysis of a glued-lamonated timbor olympic swimming facility and building SEUKAP PANCHA, JAMES LANDRY
Lauree magistrali 2021 Design of an earth retaining wall working also as a floor slab for a building. Case study of a retaining wall in Bastos Yaoundé Design of an earth retaining wall working also as a floor slab for a building. Case study of a retaining wall in Bastos Yaoundé MASSO NKONLA, LEONTINE ERIKA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Design of retaining structure and it's pumping system for an underground structure construction - case study: Aulnay-sous-boi train station Design of retaining structure and it's pumping system for an underground structure construction - case study: Aulnay-sous-boi train station TCHINDA KENGNE, FRANCK JUNIOR
Lauree magistrali 2021 Design strategies and erection performances of temporary bridge. Case study: temporary bridge on Nachtigal hydroelectric power dam project in Nachtigal - Cameroon Design strategies and erection performances of temporary bridge. Case study: temporary bridge on Nachtigal hydroelectric power dam project in Nachtigal - Cameroon KAPGANG DJOFANG, IGOR GEMAEL
Lauree magistrali 2020 Developing a forensic engineering structural framework for failure evidences during the structural remodelling of reinforced concrete structures: case study an R+1 RC industrial building in Nsimalen, Yaoundé Developing a forensic engineering structural framework for failure evidences during the structural remodelling of reinforced concrete structures: case study an R+1 RC industrial building in Nsimalen, Yaoundé NGOMBEH, RENE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Digitalizzazione dei processi di gestione integrata della manutenzione immobiliare: protocolli aperti IFC e ambienti di sviluppo di applicazioni Digital building maintenance management systems: open IFC protocols and application development tools BERGO, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Digitalizzazione IFC e analisi computazionale della disposizione in elevazione delle strutture portanti e delle aperture negli edifici esistenti IFC digitization and computational analysis of the vertical layout of load bearing structures and openings in existing buildings RONCONI, GIOVANNI
Lauree magistrali 2023 Discussione sulle tecniche di recupero edilizio in Cina e in Europa Discussion on building recovery techniques in China and Europe ZHANG, YUELIN
Lauree magistrali 2021 DOS-SA (Driving Observation Schedule-Simulator Adaptation): Strumento di valutazione della guida simulata DOS-SA (Driving Observation Schedule-Simulator Adaptation): Driving evaluation tool KUQI, ALBAN
Lauree magistrali 2021 Duttilità e risposta sismica di un edificio a setti di calcestruzzo armato Ductility and seismic response of a building with reinforced concrete shearwalls RAMON, SILVIA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Dynamic analysis of cable-stayed bridges after an accidental cable failure mechanisms: Case study of Marsassoum bridge in Senegal Dynamic analysis of cable-stayed bridges after an accidental cable failure mechanisms: Case study of Marsassoum bridge in Senegal NOTOUOM DEMGNE, ROSE ORNELLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Effetti dell’ascolto della musica sulla fatica passiva legata al compito di guida Effects of music listening on passive task related driving fatigue VASCON, PIETRO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Effetti dell’emergenza sanitaria covid-19 sulla scelta del modo di trasporto: analisi della domanda di mobilità di studenti e dipendenti dell'Università di Padova Covid-19 pandemic effects on travel mode choice: analysis of travel demand of students and staff of the University of Padova BALDASSA, ANDREA
Mostrati risultati da 84 a 103 di 315
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