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Mostrati risultati da 280 a 299 di 503
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2021 Modello di bilanciamento di una linea di assemblaggio flessibile mixed model con feeder lines Balancing model of a flexible mixed model assembly line with feeder lines SAWIRES, JOHN NASRY SHOUKRY EBRAHIM
Lauree magistrali 2021 Modello di calcolo per l’analisi delle prestazioni di un ugello di scarico a doppio flusso MODEL FOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF A DUAL - STREAM JET NOZZLE GRITTI, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Modello dinamico a parametri concentrati dell'impatto di manipolatori robotici collaborativi Lumped parameter dynamic model of the impact of collaborative robotic manipulators CARRARO, NICOLÒ
Lauree magistrali 2023 Modello dinamico di robot mobili per la movimentazione di carichi Mobile robots' dynamic model for loads handling BELLUCO, NICOLÒ
Lauree magistrali 2020 Modello Vibrazionale di un Robot a 7 assi Vibrational Model of a 7-axis Robot CANESCHI, ALESSIO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Monitoraggio della propagazione di cricche di fatica in barre pre-intagliate mediante applicazione del metodo DCPD Monitoring of fatigue crack propagation in pre-notched bars by applying the DCPD method ZECCHIN, CRISTIAN
Lauree magistrali 2023 Multi-point optimization of a transonic fan for boundary layer ingestion propulsion Multi-point optimization of a transonic fan for boundary layer ingestion propulsion BERGAMIN, ALBERTO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Multiaxial fatigue: application of SED criterion and combined TCD-CP approach on notched specimens Multiaxial fatigue: application of SED criterion and combined TCD-CP approach on notched specimens DE MIN, NICCOLO'
Lauree magistrali 2022 Nanofibre metalliche per elettrodi trasparenti flessibili: stato dell'arte e direzioni future Metal Nanofibers for Flexible Transparent Electrodes: State of the Art and Future Directions DONADEL, SAMUELE
Lauree magistrali 2021 Numerical analysis of the structural behaviour of Running Prosthetic Feet and validation against paralympic athletes treadmill running data Numerical analysis of the structural behaviour of Running Prosthetic Feet and validation against paralympic athletes treadmill running data MARTELLATO, ANTONIO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Numerical and experimental analysis of the torsional and impact behaviour of the shell of a ski touring boot Numerical and experimental analysis of the torsional and impact behaviour of the shell of a ski touring boot GIROTTO, STEFANO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Numerical characterization of the hydrodynamic damping in a circular hydrofoil cascade Numerical characterization of the hydrodynamic damping in a circular hydrofoil cascade ALBICINI, FRANCESCO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Numerical investigation on forming processes for the production of micro textured tappets Numerical investigation on forming processes for the production of micro textured tappets CAULI, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Operational assessment and optimisation of a test bench for an electric-driven turboprop Operational assessment and optimisation of a test bench for an electric-driven turboprop LUCCA, NICOLA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Optimizing a pellet-based FDM process for pharmaceutical tablets production Optimizing a pellet-based FDM process for pharmaceutical tablets production PERONI, GIORGIO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Ottimizzazione cinematica di sistema robotico per riabilitazione Kinematic optimization of rehabilitation robot ROSSI, ANDREA MANLIO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Ottimizzazione dei flussi di materiale e dei sistemi di stoccaggio in un magazzino di materie prime e semilavorati: il caso DAB PUMPS S.P.A. Material flows and storage systems optimization in a raw materials and semi-finished products warehouse: the DAB PUMPS S.P.A. case. SANDON, SIMONE
Lauree magistrali 2023 Ottimizzazione dei flussi logistici tramite implementazione di un software WMS nel reparto sviluppo prodotto moto del Gruppo Piaggio Optimization of logistic flows by implementation of a WMS software in the motorcycle product development department of Piaggio Group DAL BO', MARCO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Ottimizzazione del cambio formato in una linea di imbottigliamento. Il caso Acqua Minerale San Benedetto S.p.A. Quick Changeover implementation in a bottling line. The case of Acqua Minerale San Benedetto S.p.A. BOTTACIN, RICCARDO
Mostrati risultati da 280 a 299 di 503
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