Sfoglia per Corso
Esplorazione di tecniche di machine learning per l'annotazione funzionale delle proteine
Establishment of a coculture in vitro model for assessing biomaterials for bone regeneration
Estimation of ground reaction forces with applications for ecological monitoring of joint loading: a combined musculoskeletal and optimization based proof of concept
Evaluation of different training strategies for motor-imagery brain-machine interfaces
2021/2022 MANETTA, DAVID
Experimental Analysis of Running Biomechanics of Elite Paralympic Amputee Sprinters in Treadmill and Track Tests
Exploring dopamine lateralization with SPECT imaging in Parkinson's Disease
2023/2024 ALUSHANI, TED
Fabrication of innovative bioactive glass-ceramic scaffolds through alkaline activation and additive manufacturing
Fake talk in bacteria: Quorum quenching in dental infections
Feasibility and validation of SageMotion, an IMU-based biofeedback system for gait retraining and modification: a comparative analysis with OpenCap on the execution of gait retraining techniques
2023/2024 CINEL, SARA
Feasibility Study: Replicating Dynamic Impact Events of the Spinal Cord
2022/2023 FAGAN, RACHELE
Fluidodinamica cardiovascolare nella popolazione femminile in condizioni patologiche: modellazione numerica
2020/2021 MELITO, ILARIA
Formability improvement of 316 stainless steel sheets by sub-zero manufacturing
Forward dynamic simulations of walking in persons with muscle weakness after incomplete spinal cord injury
2023/2024 STOPPA, GIULIA
FRANX: Progetto di re-ingegnerizzazione di un sistema di frazionamento automatico di radiofarmaci per la medicina nucleare
From Brain Quick to Matlab and EEGLAB: development of an EEG data conversion plugin for Micromed devices
Functional evaluation of femoral neck anteversion in pediatric patients
Funzionalità meccanica di un fissatore circolare esterno per il trattamento di fratture di piatto e pilone tibiale: modellazione agli elementi finiti
Funzionalizzazione covalente di matrici biologiche per promuovere l'endotelizzazione
2021/2022 BELEI, DOINA
Funzionalizzazione e caratterizzazione di scaffold elettrofilati a base di polichetone per l'ingegneria del tessuto osseo
Funzionalizzazione e caratterizzazione di scaffolds a base di polivinilalcol ossidato per l’ottimizzazione della rigenerazione del nervo periferico.
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Esplorazione di tecniche di machine learning per l'annotazione funzionale delle proteine | Exploration of machine learning techniques for functional annotation of proteins | CINCOTTA, SERGIO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Establishment of a coculture in vitro model for assessing biomaterials for bone regeneration | Establishment of a coculture in vitro model for assessing biomaterials for bone regeneration | BARBOLINI, GIORGIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Estimation of ground reaction forces with applications for ecological monitoring of joint loading: a combined musculoskeletal and optimization based proof of concept | Estimation of ground reaction forces with applications for ecological monitoring of joint loading: a combined musculoskeletal and optimization based proof of concept | IMBESI, CRISTINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Evaluation of different training strategies for motor-imagery brain-machine interfaces | Evaluation of different training strategies for motor-imagery brain-machine interfaces | MANETTA, DAVID | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Experimental Analysis of Running Biomechanics of Elite Paralympic Amputee Sprinters in Treadmill and Track Tests | Experimental Analysis of Running Biomechanics of Elite Paralympic Amputee Sprinters in Treadmill and Track Tests | BARBACANE, SARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Exploring dopamine lateralization with SPECT imaging in Parkinson's Disease | Exploring dopamine lateralization with SPECT imaging in Parkinson's Disease | ALUSHANI, TED | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Fabrication of innovative bioactive glass-ceramic scaffolds through alkaline activation and additive manufacturing | Fabrication of innovative bioactive glass-ceramic scaffolds through alkaline activation and additive manufacturing | RINALDI, FRANCESCO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Fake talk in bacteria: Quorum quenching in dental infections | Fake talk in bacteria: Quorum quenching in dental infections | SALVETTI, ALESSANDRO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Feasibility and validation of SageMotion, an IMU-based biofeedback system for gait retraining and modification: a comparative analysis with OpenCap on the execution of gait retraining techniques | Feasibility and validation of SageMotion, an IMU-based biofeedback system for gait retraining and modification: a comparative analysis with OpenCap on the execution of gait retraining techniques | CINEL, SARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Feasibility Study: Replicating Dynamic Impact Events of the Spinal Cord | Feasibility Study: Replicating Dynamic Impact Events of the Spinal Cord | FAGAN, RACHELE | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Fluidodinamica cardiovascolare nella popolazione femminile in condizioni patologiche: modellazione numerica | Cardiovascular fluid dynamics in the female population in pathological conditions: numerical modeling | MELITO, ILARIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Formability improvement of 316 stainless steel sheets by sub-zero manufacturing | Formability improvement of 316 stainless steel sheets by sub-zero manufacturing | ROCCA, FRANCESCO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Forward dynamic simulations of walking in persons with muscle weakness after incomplete spinal cord injury | Forward dynamic simulations of walking in persons with muscle weakness after incomplete spinal cord injury | STOPPA, GIULIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | FRANX: Progetto di re-ingegnerizzazione di un sistema di frazionamento automatico di radiofarmaci per la medicina nucleare | FRANX: Re-engineering of an automatic radiopharmaceuticals fractionation system for nuclear medicine project | NOVAGA, FRANCESCO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | From Brain Quick to Matlab and EEGLAB: development of an EEG data conversion plugin for Micromed devices | From Brain Quick to Matlab and EEGLAB: development of an EEG data conversion plugin for Micromed devices | AMBROSINO, MARIAGRAZIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Functional evaluation of femoral neck anteversion in pediatric patients | Functional evaluation of femoral neck anteversion in pediatric patients | RAUNICH, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Funzionalità meccanica di un fissatore circolare esterno per il trattamento di fratture di piatto e pilone tibiale: modellazione agli elementi finiti | Mechanical functionality of an external circular fixator for the treatment of tibial plateau and pilon fractures: finite element modeling | VERRECCHIA, LUCREZIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Funzionalizzazione covalente di matrici biologiche per promuovere l'endotelizzazione | Covalent functionalization of biological matrices to promote endothelialization | BELEI, DOINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Funzionalizzazione e caratterizzazione di scaffold elettrofilati a base di polichetone per l'ingegneria del tessuto osseo | Functionalization and characterization of polyketone based electrospun scaffolds for bone tissue engineering | FABIANI, FRANCESCO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Funzionalizzazione e caratterizzazione di scaffolds a base di polivinilalcol ossidato per l’ottimizzazione della rigenerazione del nervo periferico. | Functionalization and characterization of scaffolds based on oxidized polyvinyl alcohol for the optimization of peripheral nerve regeneration. | ZAFFALON, ANDREA |
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