Sfoglia per Corso BIOINGEGNERIA Laurea Magistrale (D.M. 270/2004)
Nanocellulosa da tunicati funzionalizzata con peptidi bioattivi per l'ingegneria del tessuto osseo
2022/2023 FURLAN, LAURA
Nanoparticelle caricate con un peptide anti-infiammatorio per l'artrite reumatoide
2022/2023 FACCINI, EVA
Nanoparticelle di chitosano funzionalizzate con peptide intestinale vasoattivo: una nuova frontiera nel trattamento dell'artrite reumatoide
2023/2024 JGHAB, KAWTAR
Nanoparticles as a vehicle for a novel neuroprotective drug to fight Alzheimer's disease
Neurofeedback BCI based on complexity of the EEG signal for treatment of cognitive disorders
Neuronal damage and cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: the relation among serum biomarkers, brain atrophy and cognitive performance
Neurovascular coupling between cerebral blood flow and neuroreceptor occupancy after repeated dose of amisulpride on healthy volunteers
New paradigms in patient-specific 3D printing and cartilage computational modeling
2022/2023 COATO, DAMIANO
Non-invasive imaging computational analysis for quantitative assessment of muscle contraction in human neuromuscular organoids.
Novel non-invasive methodology to map TSPO PET tracers blood-to-brain influx rate
Nuove Tecnologie per la Diagnosi Visiva: Sviluppo di un Dispositivo Basato su illuminazione a LED e Machine Learning
2023/2024 ROSSI, LORENZO
Nuovo Regolamento 2017/745 sui dispositivi medici: sviluppo di un metodo di gestione della sorveglianza post-commercializzazione
Optimization of 3D Bioprinting for the development of Human Neural Tube Model
Optimization of cascaded multimodal transformers for differential dementia diagnosis and Alzheimer's disease stage stratification on multicentric longitudinal datasets
Optimization of live imaging approaches for studying neural development
Optimization of polyacrylamide hydrogels for mechanotransduction studies
2021/2022 PAVLOVIC, LARA
Optimization of the 4D contrast-enhanced computed tomography postprocessing settings for accurate strain mapping of vascular tissues
Ottimizzazione degli iperparametri per la segmentazione automatica del Plesso Coroideo mediante UNet Transformers: applicazione alla Sclerosi Multipla
2022/2023 PERRA, SIMONE
Ottimizzazione dei parametri per il calcolo del bolo insulinico nella terapia del diabete di tipo 1 tramite tecniche di digital twin.
Ottimizzazione del dosaggio del bolo insulinico nella terapia del diabete di tipo 1 tramite approcci di digital twin e machine learning
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Nanocellulosa da tunicati funzionalizzata con peptidi bioattivi per l'ingegneria del tessuto osseo | Tunicate nanocellulose functionalized with bioactive peptides for bone tissue engineering | FURLAN, LAURA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Nanoparticelle caricate con un peptide anti-infiammatorio per l'artrite reumatoide | Nanoparticles loaded with an anti-inflammatory peptide for rheumatoid arthritis | FACCINI, EVA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Nanoparticelle di chitosano funzionalizzate con peptide intestinale vasoattivo: una nuova frontiera nel trattamento dell'artrite reumatoide | Chitosan nanoparticles functionalized with vasoactive intestinal peptide: a new frontier in rheumatoid arthritis treatment | JGHAB, KAWTAR | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Nanoparticles as a vehicle for a novel neuroprotective drug to fight Alzheimer's disease | Nanoparticles as a vehicle for a novel neuroprotective drug to fight Alzheimer's disease | PASA, MARIANGELA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Neurofeedback BCI based on complexity of the EEG signal for treatment of cognitive disorders | Neurofeedback BCI based on complexity of the EEG signal for treatment of cognitive disorders | NORDIO, FEDERICO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Neuronal damage and cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: the relation among serum biomarkers, brain atrophy and cognitive performance | Neuronal damage and cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: the relation among serum biomarkers, brain atrophy and cognitive performance | RIBATTEZZATO, ANDREA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Neurovascular coupling between cerebral blood flow and neuroreceptor occupancy after repeated dose of amisulpride on healthy volunteers | Neurovascular coupling between cerebral blood flow and neuroreceptor occupancy after repeated dose of amisulpride on healthy volunteers | SEVERINO, MARIO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | New paradigms in patient-specific 3D printing and cartilage computational modeling | New paradigms in patient-specific 3D printing and cartilage computational modeling | COATO, DAMIANO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Non-invasive imaging computational analysis for quantitative assessment of muscle contraction in human neuromuscular organoids. | Non-invasive imaging computational analysis for quantitative assessment of muscle contraction in human neuromuscular organoids. | SABEDDU, PATRIZIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Novel non-invasive methodology to map TSPO PET tracers blood-to-brain influx rate | Novel non-invasive methodology to map TSPO PET tracers blood-to-brain influx rate | BARZON, LEONARDO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Nuove Tecnologie per la Diagnosi Visiva: Sviluppo di un Dispositivo Basato su illuminazione a LED e Machine Learning | New Technologies for Visual Diagnosis: Development of a Device Based on LED Lighting and Machine Learning | ROSSI, LORENZO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Nuovo Regolamento 2017/745 sui dispositivi medici: sviluppo di un metodo di gestione della sorveglianza post-commercializzazione | New Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices: development of a post-market surveillance management method | MARCAZZAN, DEBORA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Optimization of 3D Bioprinting for the development of Human Neural Tube Model | Optimization of 3D Bioprinting for the development of Human Neural Tube Model | MELISON, ANDREA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Optimization of cascaded multimodal transformers for differential dementia diagnosis and Alzheimer's disease stage stratification on multicentric longitudinal datasets | Optimization of cascaded multimodal transformers for differential dementia diagnosis and Alzheimer's disease stage stratification on multicentric longitudinal datasets | GUARNIER, GIANMARCO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Optimization of live imaging approaches for studying neural development | Optimization of live imaging approaches for studying neural development | MASTROSIMONE, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Optimization of polyacrylamide hydrogels for mechanotransduction studies | Optimization of polyacrylamide hydrogels for mechanotransduction studies | PAVLOVIC, LARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Optimization of the 4D contrast-enhanced computed tomography postprocessing settings for accurate strain mapping of vascular tissues | Optimization of the 4D contrast-enhanced computed tomography postprocessing settings for accurate strain mapping of vascular tissues | BOTTOS, MARTINA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Ottimizzazione degli iperparametri per la segmentazione automatica del Plesso Coroideo mediante UNet Transformers: applicazione alla Sclerosi Multipla | Hyperparameters optimization for Choroid Plexus automatic segmentation using UNet Transformers: Application to Multiple Sclerosis | PERRA, SIMONE | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Ottimizzazione dei parametri per il calcolo del bolo insulinico nella terapia del diabete di tipo 1 tramite tecniche di digital twin. | Parameter optimization for insulin bolus calculation in type 1 diabetes therapy using digital twin techniques. | RANZATO, ALESSANDRA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Ottimizzazione del dosaggio del bolo insulinico nella terapia del diabete di tipo 1 tramite approcci di digital twin e machine learning | Optimization of insulin bolus dosage in type 1 diabetes therapy using digital twin and machine learning approaches | NICOLIS, GIULIA |
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