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Mostrati risultati da 551 a 570 di 608
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2022 Sviluppo e Sperimentazione di Due Ginocchia Artificiali in un Banco di Prova Motorizzato per la Valutazione di Ginocchiere Sportive Development and Testing of Two Artificial Knee Joints in a Motorised Test Bench for Dynamic Knee Brace Assessment MATTALIANO BELFORTI, FRANCESCA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Sviluppo e Validazione di modelli radiomici basati su Imaging di Risonanza Magnetica per la caratterizzazione di adenomi ipofisari Development and Validation of MRI-based radiomics models for the characterization of pituitary adenoma OLIVA, ELIA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Sviluppo e validazione di un metodo per il calcolo del Disposition Index in soggetti diabetici tipo 2 da dati CGM Development and validation of a method to calculate the Disposition Index in type 2 diabetic subjects using CGM data MASTELLARO, GABRIELE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Sviluppo ed implementazione di un indice di rischio di infortunio al legamento crociato anteriore tramite analisi del movimento Development and implementation of an anterior cruciate ligament injury risk index by motion analysis RIGONI, GIULIO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Sviluppo ed implementazione di un modello basato sul Material Requirements Planning per la gestione ottimale del materiale impiegato per l'attività chirurgica Development and implementation of a model based on Material Requirements Planning for the optimal management of material used for surgical activities RICCARDI, ANTONIO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Sviluppo, design e valutazione dell’usabilità di un’interfaccia web amministrativa per il monitoraggio in tempo reale di studi clinici condotti con la piattaforma IMPACT Development, design, and usability evaluation of a web-based administrative interface for the real time monitoring of clinical studies conducted with the IMPACT platform CAUSIN, LORENZO CARLO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tecniche di machine learning lineari e non-lineari per la classificazione di soggetti con infezione batterica in paesi in via di sviluppo Linear and non-linear machine learning techniques for the classification of bacterially infected subjects in developing countries ATZENI, MICHELE
Lauree magistrali 2021 Tecniche non supervisionate per il rilevamento della mancata infusione di insulina nella terapia del Diabete di Tipo 1. Unsupervised techniques for the detection of insulin pump faults in Type 1 Diabetes therapy. CORDEDDU, GIOVANNI
Lauree magistrali 2021 Telemonitoring patients' vital signals collected through wearable sensors during clinical trials: development of a web-based dashboard Telemonitoring patients' vital signals collected through wearable sensors during clinical trials: development of a web-based dashboard MARANGON, ENRICO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Temporal Dynamics of Calcium Signaling: Clustering Adrenal Cells Producing Aldosterone through Ca2+ FURA-2 with the use of functional statistical analysis Temporal Dynamics of Calcium Signaling: Clustering Adrenal Cells Producing Aldosterone through Ca2+ FURA-2 with the use of functional statistical analysis FERNANDEZ DE VELASCO, JUAN
Lauree magistrali 2022 The contribution of alterations in musculoskeletal geometry to gait impairments in children with cerebral palsy: a simulation study. The contribution of alterations in musculoskeletal geometry to gait impairments in children with cerebral palsy: a simulation study. ROCCO, ALESSANDRO
Lauree magistrali 2023 The effect of High Tibial Osteotomy on medial and lateral knee contact forces: a musculoskeletal modeling analysis during daily activities on patients with varus malalignment and unicompartmental osteoarthritis. The effect of High Tibial Osteotomy on medial and lateral knee contact forces: a musculoskeletal modeling analysis during daily activities on patients with varus malalignment and unicompartmental osteoarthritis. CHIAROT, MARIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 The effect of the humeral neck-shaft angle on the biomechanics of a stemless shoulder prosthesis in reverse configuration The effect of the humeral neck-shaft angle on the biomechanics of a stemless shoulder prosthesis in reverse configuration BERTONI, ANNALISA
Lauree magistrali 2022 The use of "EMG driven" nueromusculoskeletal modeling in the evaluation of the effects of rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease. The use of "EMG driven" nueromusculoskeletal modeling in the evaluation of the effects of rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease. MORO, GLORIA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Time-conditional propensity score matching per la conduzione di studi retrospettivi osservazionali: simulazione in silico e applicazione al caso della classe di farmaci SGLT2 inibitori nella nefropatia diabetica. Time-conditional propensity score matching for retrospective observational studies: in silico simulation and application to SGLT2 inhibitors in diabetic nephropathy. MINOTTO, MATILDE
Lauree magistrali 2023 Time-efficient Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation of Choroid Plexus from brain MRI Time-efficient Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation of Choroid Plexus from brain MRI GIUPPONI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Tool Wear Impact On The Superelasticity Of A Wrought And Additive Manufacturing Nitinol For Biomedical Applications Tool Wear Impact On The Superelasticity Of A Wrought And Additive Manufacturing Nitinol For Biomedical Applications TUCCI, FLAVIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Topografie EEG nella scoliosi idiopatica adolescenziale EEG microstates in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ZANETTI, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Towards the control of a cursor on the screen using a 4-class mi based BCI Towards the control of a cursor on the screen using a 4-class mi based BCI ZANCHI, LUCA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Transcriptome analysis to investigate different stages of pluripotency towards 3D morphogenesis Transcriptome analysis to investigate different stages of pluripotency towards 3D morphogenesis LA BARBERA, MARIA GRAZIA
Mostrati risultati da 551 a 570 di 608
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