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Mostrati risultati da 162 a 181 di 227
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2022 Ricostruzione dell’identità femminile nativa americana: le relazioni fra le donne nel romanzo “Love Medicine” di Louise Erdrich Reconstructing Native American female identity: the relationships between women in Louise Erdrich’s “Love Medicine” PASQUI, BIANCA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Rileggere Lev Tolstoj in chiave ecocritica: spunti di riflessione ecologica in Guerra e pace, Anna Karenina e Resurrezione Re-reading Leo Tolstoy in an ecocritical key: ideas for ecological reflection in War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection ZANOTTI, FRANCESCA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Riscoprire la narratologija. Proposta di analisi della narrazione, dei motivi e dei personaggi di Tridcat’-tri uroda di Lidija Zinov’eva-Annibal Rediscover Narratologija. An analysis of plot, tropes and characters of Tridsat'-tri uroda by Lydia Zinovìeva-Annibal RUSSO, ATTILIO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Safe Spaces in Intercultural, Dialogue-based Virtual Exchange Programs: A Qualitative Analysis of University Students’ Perceptions Safe Spaces in Intercultural, Dialogue-based Virtual Exchange Programs: A Qualitative Analysis of University Students’ Perceptions MINARDO, MARTA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Samuel Beckett and the multiple facets of Time in "Waiting for Godot", "Endgame" and "Krapp’s Last Tape". Samuel Beckett and the multiple facets of Time in "Waiting for Godot", "Endgame" and "Krapp’s Last Tape". PACELLA, CHIARA
Lauree magistrali 2022 "Sedmiramenný svícen" di Josef Škvorecký - Proposta di traduzione "Sedmiramenný svícen" by Josef Škvorecký - A translation proposal SIVIERO, GIOVANNA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Sidney's "Astrophil and Stella" and Ecocriticism Sidney's "Astrophil and Stella" and Ecocriticism PRENDIN, ANNA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Speaking Words of Wisdom: An Analysis of the Old English "Precepts", "The Gifts of Men" and "The Fortunes of Men" Speaking Words of Wisdom: An Analysis of the Old English "Precepts", "The Gifts of Men" and "The Fortunes of Men" NICHETTI, GIOVANNI
Lauree magistrali 2023 Speech Acts and Politeness: A Study of Zambian English Speech Acts and Politeness: A Study of Zambian English KANDOLONYI, KABWITA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Speech Acts in the EFL Classroom: A Pragmatic Analysis of a Selection of Secondary Level Coursebooks by two Leading Publishers Speech Acts in the EFL Classroom: A Pragmatic Analysis of a Selection of Secondary Level Coursebooks by two Leading Publishers KOSTINA, ELENA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Strategies and Approaches to Teaching English as a Foreign Language Online: Students’ Perceptions and Satisfaction. Strategies and Approaches to Teaching English as a Foreign Language Online: Students’ Perceptions and Satisfaction. DZIEWULSKA, JULIA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Stylistic Characterisation in Gerard Reve's The Evenings/De Avonden: A Corpus-based and Transitivity Analysis Stylistic Characterisation in Gerard Reve's The Evenings/De Avonden: A Corpus-based and Transitivity Analysis GNESATO, CAMILLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Sulla Legittimazione dell'Assurdo: i Governi e gli Atti Rivoluzionari in "Noi" e "1984" On the Legitimation of the Absurd: Government and Revolutionary Acts in "We" and "1984" PASSUELLO, ALICE
Lauree magistrali 2023 Superdiverse Coexistence: The Interplay of The Global South and European International Higher Education Superdiverse Coexistence: The Interplay of The Global South and European International Higher Education LEANGSOMBUT, PICHAYAPUK
Lauree magistrali 2023 Teaching Hamlet with Emojis Teaching Hamlet with Emojis UNEN, SELIN
Lauree magistrali 2021 Teatro documentario tra etica ed estetica. Voci dalla guerra nella Russia contemporanea Documentary theatre between ethics and aesthetics. Voices from the war in contemporary Russia CANTABELLA, ELENA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Teatros ejemplares: una propuesta didáctica para una mirada contemporánea a Cervantes Teatros ejemplares: a didactic proposal for a contemporary view on Cervantes BENICO, ANNA
Lauree magistrali 2023 That change sank into my heart’s root: Voices of Mental Distress in Medieval Literature That change sank into my heart’s root: Voices of Mental Distress in Medieval Literature MAGGIO, OSCAR
Lauree magistrali 2022 The acquisition of English as a third language in bilinguals: a case study in an Italian middle school The acquisition of English as a third language in bilinguals: a case study in an Italian middle school LISSA, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 The autobiographical genre in African American literature. The case of sports autobiographies. The autobiographical genre in African American literature. The case of sports autobiographies. FEVOLA, FRANCESCO
Mostrati risultati da 162 a 181 di 227
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