Sfoglia per Corso
Controlling foam ageing in viscoelastic media
2018/2019 Guidolin, Chiara
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) distortions: a new window into the physics of inflation
2016/2017 Ziliani, Oreste
Cosmological Implications of Mimetic Gravity
2015/2016 Bertazzo, Niccolò
Cosmological perturbations during inflation and the consistency relation: an effective field theory approach.
2015/2016 Pasini, Nicolò
Cosmological perturbations in mimetic gravity models
2016/2017 Foffano, Luca
Cosmological tests of modified gravity models with non-zero gravitational slip
2019/2020 Caputo, Claudia
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity, An Introduction and some Mathematical Tools
2017/2018 Benfari, Filippo
Crescita in economia come problema di dinamica di sistemi complessi
2016/2017 Teza, Gianluca
Criticality in neural networks: a study of the interplay between experimental tools and theoretical models
2016/2017 Martinello, Matteo
Cryo-electron microscopy structure of Photosystem II-LHCII supercomplex
2016/2017 Grinzato, Alessandro
Dalle networks e dai polimeri, alla complessità economica e allo sviluppo.
2015/2016 Zanlorenzi, Marco
Dark Matter in Supersymmetric theories
2016/2017 Ramponi, Valentino
Decay of localized states in the SIS model
2014/2015 Zampieri, Guido
Definizione dell' entropia termostatistica e temperature negative
2014/2015 Garilli, Alberto
Density instabilities in multi-layer dipolar Fermi gases
2014/2015 Callegari, Michele
The density limit in fusion plasmas: the role of edge instabilities
2019/2020 Vivenzi, Nicholas
Depth distributions of particles in plastics in seawater
2018/2019 Tuccori, Nicolò
Description of Bound and Unbound Many- Body Systems at the Drip- Lines
2013/2014 Moschini, Laura
Design and construction of a microdosimetric detector for the International Space Station (ISS)
2011/2012 Sbrogiò, Guido
Design and optimization around 1 MeV of a calorimeter for a cubesat mission
2016/2017 Berlato, Francesco
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