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Mostrati risultati da 907 a 926 di 1.042
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2023 Studio mediante analisi numerica degli effetti dell'attrito negativo sulle tubazioni di estrazione di percolato in una discarica per RSU e delle conseguenti ripercussioni sulla barriera di fondo Study through numerical analysis on the negative skin friction effects on the leachate extraction pipes in a MSW landfill and the consequent repercussions on the bottom liner system FANTINATO, THOMAS
Lauree triennali 2021 Studio modellistico della possibile riattivazione di una faglia regionale per stoccaggio sotterraneo di gas Modeling the possible reactivation of a regional fault due to underground gas storage CARLAN, ERIK
Lauree triennali 2022 Studio modellistico della stabilità di faglie in un’applicazione di segregazione geologica di CO2 Modelling of fault stability in an application of CO2 sequestration MUNARIN, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2021 Studio numerico del risalto idraulico attraverso un modello ai volumi finiti con tracciamento dell'interfaccia con il metodo VOF Numerical study of the hydraulic jump by a finite volume model based on the VOF method CRISTOFORI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Studio Numerico di elementi in calcestruzzo soggetti a carichi a lungo termine Numerical Study of Concrete Elements Subjected to Long-Term Loads CONTARINO, SILVIO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Studio sperimentale del comportamento di un frangiflutti galleggiante vincolato tramite sistemi di ancoraggio aventi diversa rigidezza Experimental investigation on the performance of a floating breakwater constrained by mooring systems of different compliance FACCINI, RICCARDO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Studio sperimentale di trave strumentata soggetta a variazione termica ed analisi strutturale di ponti esistenti in CAP a cavi post tesi Experimental study of instrumented beam subject to thermal variation and structural analysis of existing PC bridges with post-tensioned tendons TIEGHI, GIANLUCA
Lauree triennali 2020 Studio sperimentale sulla propagazione di correnti stratificate attraverso una schiera di cilindri sommersi Experimental study on the propagation of stratified currents through an array of submerged cylinders CASSON, FRANCESCO
Lauree triennali 2022 Studio sperimentale sulla resistenza d'interfaccia geosintetico-terreno: influenza delle proprietà meccaniche del terreno Soil-geosynthetic interface strength by laboratory test: influence of the soil mechanical properties. STARNELLA, GENNARO
Lauree triennali 2021 Studio sperimentale sulla resistenza d’interfaccia geosintetico-terreno: influenza delle proprietà meccaniche del terreno Laboratory evaluation of soil-geosynthetic interface strength: influence of soil mechanical properties LANZA, CARLOALBERTO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Studio sperimentale sulle prestazioni di una boa accelerometrica per la misura delle onde in laboratorio Experimental investigation on the performance of an accelerometric wave buoy for the laboratory FAVARON, DAVIDE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Studio sul comportamento strutturale di solette di calcestruzzo armato con alleggerimenti sferici Study on the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete slab with lightening bubbles KHATIB GHAVAMI, SHARAR
Lauree magistrali 2021 Study of the effects induced by the introduction of automated vehicles on vehicular traffic flow in urban areas Study of the effects induced by the introduction of automated vehicles on vehicular traffic flow in urban areas PELIZZA, ALBERTO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Study of the possibilities of supplying a fuel fired thermal power station in combination of biogas from anaerobic digestion of household waste in a locality isolated from interconnected electricity network : case of Bertoua Town Study of the possibilities of supplying a fuel fired thermal power station in combination of biogas from anaerobic digestion of household waste in a locality isolated from interconnected electricity network : case of Bertoua Town FARIDA ISSA, XXX
Lauree magistrali 2021 Study on the adsorption capacity and selectivity of magnetic adsorbents based on graphene oxide toward heavy metals Study on the adsorption capacity and selectivity of magnetic adsorbents based on graphene oxide toward heavy metals RUSSO, ELEONORA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Suitability of water resources for domestic and agricultural uses in Bidou and Douka Longo Watersheds (Northern-Cameroon) Suitability of water resources for domestic and agricultural uses in Bidou and Douka Longo Watersheds (Northern-Cameroon) NSATA, SIMONE ANGE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Sustainability and resilience assessment of a planned floating city Sustainability and resilience assessment of a planned floating city LOTTO, NICOLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Sustainable geotechnical applications of mixtures of incineration bottom ash and mine tailings Sustainable geotechnical applications of mixtures of incineration bottom ash and mine tailings SOBRAL VIEIRA ESCADA MONTEIRO, LANA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Sviluppo di metodologie di prova innovative per la determinazione del coefficiente di Poisson complesso di bitumi ad uso stradale Development of innovative test methods for the determination of the complex Poisson's ratio of road bitumens BIASI, NICOLA
Mostrati risultati da 907 a 926 di 1.042
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