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Mostrati risultati da 135 a 154 di 646
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree triennali 2021 Caratterizzazione idraulica di suoli soggetti a pratiche agronomiche sostenibili in condizioni di falda ipodermica Hydraulic characterisation of soils subject to sustainable agricoltural practices under hypodemic water table conditions PIAMARTA, FRANCESCO
Lauree triennali 2020 Caratterizzazione idrologica del Bacino del Rio Cordon a seguito dell'evento Vaia: monitoraggio del periodo di scioglimento nivale Hydrological characterization of the Rio Cordon mountain basin after the Vaia event: monitoring of the snowmelt period MARTIN, MATTEO
Lauree triennali 2021 Caratterizzazione idrologica e di trasporto in sospensione del bacino del Rio Cordon (BL) a seguito dell'evento Vaia, analisi del periodo estivo-autunnale 2021 Hydrological and suspended sediment transport characterization of the Rio Cordon basin following the Vaia storm, a focus on the summer-autumn period 2021 PESAVENTO, LORENZO
Lauree triennali 2021 Caratterizzazione molecolare di piante di Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay modificate con tecnologie di evoluzione assistita (TEA) per migliorare la resilienza agli stress biotici Molecular characterization of genome-edited Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay plants to improve biotic stress resilience DEL PIOLUOGO, RICCARDO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Carbon Farming: una nuova speranza verde per la Terra Carbon farming: a new green hope for the Earth TONON, RICCARDO
Lauree triennali 2020 Censimento dei micromammiferi mediante l'analisi delle borre di Strigiformi nel territorio del delta del Po Census of micro-mammals by analyzing Strigiformes wads in the Po delta area SCOTTON, RICCARDO
Lauree triennali 2022 Censimento e descrizione delle specie arboree ed arbustive del parco di Villa Petrobelli: uno scrigno di biodiversità nella pianura della bassa padovana Census and description of the arboreal and shrubby species of Villa Petrobelli park: a treasure trove of biodiversity in the lower Padua plain DALLA VALLE, ERIK
Lauree magistrali 2021 Censimento, valutazione statica e fitosanitaria del patrimonio arboreo del Comune di Mogliano Veneto (TV) Census, static and phytosanitary evaluation on the tree population of the Municipality of Mogliano Veneto (TV). CADAMURO, MATTEO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Certification of forest reproductive materials and its role in climate-smart forestry: A case study of identification of origin of beech forest reproductive material using molecular analysis in South-Eastern Europe ​ Certification of forest reproductive materials and its role in climate-smart forestry: A case study of identification of origin of beech forest reproductive material using molecular analysis in South-Eastern Europe ​ SHRESTHA, SUJATA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Characterising and defining the scope of Canada’s 2 Billion Trees Program: Understanding the motivations and challenges of participating organisations Characterising and defining the scope of Canada’s 2 Billion Trees Program: Understanding the motivations and challenges of participating organisations ATKINSON, EVELYN COVENTRY RUTH
Lauree magistrali 2022 Characterization of host substrate of SARS-CoV-2 NSP3 and NSP5 using a degradome approach Characterization of host substrate of SARS-CoV-2 NSP3 and NSP5 using a degradome approach BRANCHER ROEDER, ANDRESSA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Characterization of the effect of T cell killing ability and resistance to environmental ROS on the efficiency of CAR-T cell Immunotherapy Characterization of the effect of T cell killing ability and resistance to environmental ROS on the efficiency of CAR-T cell Immunotherapy DARBAN, HANIEH
Lauree magistrali 2023 Chrono nutritional patterns and cardio-pulmonary fitness Chrono nutritional patterns and cardio-pulmonary fitness SALEHI KAHRIZSANGI, HAJAR
Lauree magistrali 2022 "Chrononutrition as a therapeutical strategy and its impact on metabolic diseases" "Chrononutrition as a therapeutical strategy and its impact on metabolic diseases" LLANE, ADEA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Classic biological control, the epic evolution, and a sudden global contradiction but a promising futuresolution to devastating forest pathogenic insects? - IYARWEMA HATEGEKIMANA, ROMEO THIERRY
Lauree magistrali 2021 Climate change vulnerability assessment for habitats in Tram Chim National park, Vietnam Climate change vulnerability assessment for habitats in Tram Chim National park, Vietnam MAI, PHUONG THAO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Colloidal suspension of polyphenolic nanoparticles as a novel strategy to combat antimicrobial resistance Colloidal suspension of polyphenolic nanoparticles as a novel strategy to combat antimicrobial resistance KRYSTOFOVA, ANTONIE
Lauree magistrali 2023 Come i cambiamenti climatici influenzano la produzione di olio d'oliva nell'area Mediterranea: Analisi dei problemi socio-economici, di sicurezza alimentare e possibili soluzioni How climate change affects olive oil production in the Mediterranean area: Analysis of socio-economic and food security problems, and possible solutions BONESSO, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2020 Come viene percepita la biodiversità forestale e i diversi approcci alla gestione forestale dagli escursionisti? Un'indagine a scala nazionale How is forest biodiversity and different approaches to forest management perceived by hikers? A nationwide survey CONTI, LUCA
Mostrati risultati da 135 a 154 di 646
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