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Mostrati risultati da 1.220 a 1.239 di 1.240
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2020 Valutazione statistica delle performance dei giocatori della National Basketball Association - Artuso, Davide
Lauree magistrali 2018 Variability of signature whistles of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of Losinj archipelago - Granziol, Lisa
Lauree magistrali 2013 Variables affecting HEK293 cells PEI-mediated transient transfection for Gag-GFP VLP production - Visintini, Ruben
Lauree magistrali 2018 Variational theory of confinement effects on cholesteric liquid crystals - Azzari, Paride
Lauree magistrali 2013 Vene a zeoliti in zona di faglia: i casi delle linee Merano-Mules e Pusteria (Alto Adige). - Piacentini, Giorgia
Lauree magistrali 2017 Verifica della qualità dei dati di tomografia elettrica e relative influenze sui risultati d'inversione - Borriello, Anna
Lauree magistrali 2019 Verosimiglianza a coppie in un modello per dati binari con dipendenza spaziale. - Panizza, Gianmarco
Lauree magistrali 2015 Verosimiglianze integrate in modelli per dati binari stratificati. - Gasparin, Enrico
Lauree magistrali 2017 Very High Energy emission in Galactic transient millisecond pulsars and prospects of detection with the Cherenkov Telescope Array - Spolon, Alessia
Lauree magistrali 2015 Very-High Resolution Seismo-Acoustic and morphologic investigations of a Holocene transgressive system in the Northern Adriatic Shelf - Ronchi, Livio
Lauree magistrali 2016 Violation of a tripartite Bell inequality by weak measurements - Pittaluga, Mirko
Lauree magistrali 2021 Voter model on k-partite graphs. Asymptotic behavior conditional on non-absorption - Capannoli, Federico
Lauree magistrali 2021 Wandering in the cosmological consistency relations: a critical assessment - Carollo, Giovanni Battista
Lauree magistrali 2014 Warping the effective field theory of string flux compactifications - Andriolo, Stefano
Lauree magistrali 2020 Water detection in multiphase mixtures - Simionato, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2014 Wilsonian Renormalization Group and Holography - Milan, Paolo
Lauree magistrali 2018 Witten deformations, geometry and dynamics - Masci, Leonardo
Lauree magistrali 2019 XAFS investigations of bimetallic Ce/Zr-UiO-type metal-organic frameworks - Venier, Alessandro
Lauree magistrali 2021 The Yang-Mills plateau problem in dimension four - Giacomin, Giovanni
Lauree magistrali 2021 Zeroes of p-adic L-functions: the Ellenberg-Jain-Venkatesh conjecture - Santato, Giacomo
Mostrati risultati da 1.220 a 1.239 di 1.240
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