Sfoglia per Titolo
Bootstrap per serie storiche: alcune recenti applicazioni
Bootstrap percolation in geometric inhomogeneous random graphs
Bootstrap Percolation on Regular Trees and Hyperbolic Lattices
Bootstrapping Word Order in Down Syndrome: Turkish Psycholinguistic Study
2022/2023 INCE, ELVAN
Bora Bolscevica: Come la Rivoluzione d'Ottobre ha influenzato la Sinistra e la Destra italiane nel primo dopoguerra
Border Children: A Postcolonial Investigation of Italian Citizenship and Collective Identity Construction
2022/2023 RIVA, SOFIA
Border Imperialism in Times of “Migration Crisis”: A Case Study
2022/2023 COVIC, SAMANTA
“Borderlands, tradurre l’identità e il genere tra due sponde”
Borderlands/La Frontera: la costruzione identitaria attraverso la scrittura di Gloria Anzaldúa.
2022/2023 BELLI, ANNA
Borderline Personality Disorder and attachment styles in adulthood
BORDERLINE: prospettive psicoanalitiche
Borders as a Method of Securitization and Labor Market Regulation. A conceptual exploration of the EU's borders
Boreogadus saida physiological responses under future ocean acidification and warming scenarios
Borges e l'antico inglese: analisi del poema sulle gesta di Beowulf, Solomon and Saturn e Battaglia di Maldon.
Boris Pahor: le conseguenze del Fascismo nella sua letteratura
2023/2024 LAMON, MARTA
Born Before Arrival: competenze dell'ostetrica nella formazione sul parto precipitoso in emergenza
Born Digital Businesses: How smart organization can help companies thrive in the digital age and unlocking growth potential
Borrelia spp. e tick-borne encephalitis virus in zecche prelevate da uccelli migratori in Nord-Est Italia
2021/2022 Grillo, Sofia
Borsa e ciclo economico: una verifica empirica per il caso statunitense
2008/2009 Albarea, Andrea
Bosco di Novoledo: rilievo floristico e studio di biodiversità
2014/2015 Riondato, Andrea
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Bootstrap per serie storiche: alcune recenti applicazioni | Bootstrap for time series: some recent applications | MARTINAZZO, LUIGI | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Bootstrap percolation in geometric inhomogeneous random graphs | Bootstrap percolation in geometric inhomogeneous random graphs | CAUTERO, TOMMASO MARIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Bootstrap Percolation on Regular Trees and Hyperbolic Lattices | Bootstrap Percolation on Regular Trees and Hyperbolic Lattices | DE GASPARI, DAMIANO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Bootstrapping Word Order in Down Syndrome: Turkish Psycholinguistic Study | Bootstrapping Word Order in Down Syndrome: Turkish Psycholinguistic Study | INCE, ELVAN | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Bora Bolscevica: Come la Rivoluzione d'Ottobre ha influenzato la Sinistra e la Destra italiane nel primo dopoguerra | Bolshevik Bora: How the Russian Revolution affected the Italian Left and Right parties in the first post-war period | TURRINI, NICHOLAS | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Border Children: A Postcolonial Investigation of Italian Citizenship and Collective Identity Construction | Border Children: A Postcolonial Investigation of Italian Citizenship and Collective Identity Construction | RIVA, SOFIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Border Imperialism in Times of “Migration Crisis”: A Case Study | Border Imperialism in Times of “Migration Crisis”: A Case Study | COVIC, SAMANTA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | “Borderlands, tradurre l’identità e il genere tra due sponde” | "Borderlands, translating identity and gender between two borders" | BARTOLUCCI, LAURA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Borderlands/La Frontera: la costruzione identitaria attraverso la scrittura di Gloria Anzaldúa. | Borderlands/La Frontera: identity construction through Gloria Anzaldúa's writing. | BELLI, ANNA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Borderline Personality Disorder and attachment styles in adulthood | Borderline Personality Disorder and attachment styles in adulthood | ORSINO, REBECCA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | BORDERLINE: prospettive psicoanalitiche | BORDERLINE: psychoanalytic perspectives | CICCARELLI, MATTEO | |
Lauree magistrali | 2020 | Borders as a Method of Securitization and Labor Market Regulation. A conceptual exploration of the EU's borders | Borders as a Method of Securitization and Labor Market Regulation. A conceptual exploration of the EU's borders | TEMIZKAN, NUR BANU | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Boreogadus saida physiological responses under future ocean acidification and warming scenarios | Boreogadus saida physiological responses under future ocean acidification and warming scenarios | DIFRONZO, ERICA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Borges e l'antico inglese: analisi del poema sulle gesta di Beowulf, Solomon and Saturn e Battaglia di Maldon. | Borges and Old English: analysis of the poem on the exploits of Beowulf, Solomon and Saturn and Battle of Maldon. | ZANCHETTA, ANGELA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Boris Pahor: le conseguenze del Fascismo nella sua letteratura | Boris Pahor: the consequences of Fascism in his literature | LAMON, MARTA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Born Before Arrival: competenze dell'ostetrica nella formazione sul parto precipitoso in emergenza | Born Before Arrival: midwife's competences in educating on emergency out of hospital births | ZUBEROSKA, ELISA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Born Digital Businesses: How smart organization can help companies thrive in the digital age and unlocking growth potential | Born Digital Businesses: How smart organization can help companies thrive in the digital age and unlocking growth potential | STRONATI, MICHELA | |
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico | 2021 | Borrelia spp. e tick-borne encephalitis virus in zecche prelevate da uccelli migratori in Nord-Est Italia | - | Grillo, Sofia | |
Lauree triennali | 2008 | Borsa e ciclo economico: una verifica empirica per il caso statunitense | - | Albarea, Andrea | |
Lauree triennali | 2014 | Bosco di Novoledo: rilievo floristico e studio di biodiversità | - | Riondato, Andrea |
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