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Mostrati risultati da 61.760 a 61.779 di 68.208
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2021 "T'amo uomo sacro": tensioni ecologiche nelle opere di Primo Levi "T'amo uomo sacro": Ecological dynamics in Primo Levi's writings FRANCO, IRENE
Lauree magistrali 2021 T.F.P.I. - Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia: Ampliamento del campione normativo e studio dell'acquisizione del sistema fonetico-fonologico nei bambini monolingui italiani T.F.P.I. - Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia: Extension of the normative sample and study of the acquisition of the phonetic and phonological system in Italian monolingual children PALMIERI, MARIA
Lauree magistrali 2011 T.M.C.G. Tile Manager for Cartographic Generalization. Un approccio al partizionamento di dataset per la generalizzazione automatica - Pastrello, Francesco
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico 2021 T2 e T2* mapping miocardico con approccio segmentario quantitativo: valori di normalità, effetti dell’invecchiamento e differenze di genere T2 and T2* myocardial mapping with segmental quantitative approach: normal values, effects of ageing and gender differences GAMBATO, SEBASTIANO
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico 2020 Tabelline 2.0: come valorizzare la dimensione mnemonica in ottica inclusiva. Un percorso per promuovere l'apprendimento e la memorizzazione delle tabelline. Multiplication tables 2.0: how to enhance the mnemonic dimension in an inclusive perspective. A path to promote learning and memorization of multiplication tables. ZARANTONELLO, SILVIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Table Detection and Table Structure Recognition from PDF documents Table Detection and Table Structure Recognition from PDF documents XXX, MOHAMMAD HUZAIFA FAZAL
Lauree magistrali 2021 Taboo language and humour: the challenges of translating the "War and Peas" comics Taboo language and humour: the challenges of translating the "War and Peas" comics MATASSONI, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tackling the modern fiscal challenges: taxing economic value where it is generated - Pedrotta, Guido
Lauree magistrali 2016 Tactical choices with smart beta approaches: an alternative to cap-weighted allocation - Tolomeo, Stefano
Lauree magistrali 2016 Tactical portfolio choices, alternative asset and the global financial crisis - Soldà, Michela
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico 2022 Tactile stimulation in response to apnoea of prematurity - comparison between low- and high- resource settings Tactile stimulation in response to apnoea of prematurity - comparison between low- and high- resource settings NATALIZI, ALESSIA
Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico 2022 Tafamidis per la cura della cardiopatia amiloide da transtiretina wild-type: un'esperienza monocentrica Tafamidis for the treatment of wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis: a single- center study COMINCIOLI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree triennali 2022 Tagesmutter ed Educatrice per la Prima Infanzia L-19: percorsi formativi a confronto per due figure che operano nei servizi educativi 0-3 anni "Tagesmutter" and early childhood educator L-19: comparative Educational paths for two 0-3 years olds educational services workers. GERVASO, ELISA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tail risk protection strategies for equity indexes Tail risk protection strategies for equity indexes GIUST, ALESSIO
Lauree magistrali 2013 Tailoring interactions between degradable polymers and proteins, exploiting nanodiamond particles and Quartz Crystal Microbalance - Carniello, Vera
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tailoring recognition properties in confined systems by molecular size control Tailoring recognition properties in confined systems by molecular size control COLAUTTI, LUCA
Lauree magistrali 2011 Tailoring the architecture of 3d porous scaffolds made of plla for regenerative medicine - Turella, Fabio
Lauree triennali 2023 Takashi Murakami e le collaborazioni con il mondo della moda Takashi Murakami and his partnerships with fashion industry ANZALDI, VALENTINA
Lauree triennali 2022 Talebani: tra consenso e violenza Analisi della comunicazione politica in territorio afghano Taliban: between consensus and violence Analysis of political communication in Afghan territory LAMBERTI, ROSSELLA
Mostrati risultati da 61.760 a 61.779 di 68.208
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