Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive License

Copyright is retained by the Author.

The Author, as Owner of the Copyright, grants the University of Padua the irrevocable & non-exclusive archiving and dissemination rights of the submitted Work (in digital format) and its metadata.

The Licensor also declares:

1. to be the author of the work / the owner of the related rights according to current italian legislation;

The author also certifies that the content of the work:

2. does not involve violations of copyright and related rights, whose ownership belongs to third parties;

3. does not involve violations of the current EU legislation on the protection of personal data;

4. if sponsored or funded by third parties - other than the University of Padua - any obligation or agreements with the aforementioned parties has been satisfied.

Metadata are under CC0 License

Metadata are publicy available in compliance with the information published in the privacy section of the institutional website of the University of Padova: