This thesis analyzes the geomorphology of the upper basin of the Cellina Torrent, located in the western sector of the Carnic Prealps and extending for about 250 km2. The work focused on the surface processes occurred in the area from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene, but it started from the structural and stratigraphic characteristics of the bedrock. The study focuses on the landforms, the Quaternary deposits and their genesis in the framework of the setting of the NE Italy. The work is mainly based on remote sensed methods, analyzing satellite images, color orthophotos and numerous elaborations of the DEM obtained from LIDAR topographic surveys. Field survey was carried out in selected key sectors where the most interesting landforms or complex setting where present. Thanks to this combined methods, several areas have been investigated in detail: the remnants of the glacial dynamics (mainly found in the upper Val Cimoliana and Settimana), the periglacial morphologies (documented in Val Binon and Val Inferno) the gravitative ones (as the paleofrane of Pian di Crode and Passo Sant'Osvaldo), the alluvial and fluvial dynamics (witnessed in the Pinedo plain between Cimolais and Claut) and the karst landforms (for example on the northern slope of Mount Resettum). Particular attention was given to the glacial morphologies of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), to the Late Glacial till deposits and to the post-glacial landslide barriers in association with their paleolake deposits found, for example, at Malga Sette Fontane in Val Settimana. The thesis tried to compare the evolution of the upper Cellina basin with the alluvial megafan that the same torrent formed in the Friulian Plain. In particular, we wanted to investigate the fact that the Cellina River system has maintained conditions similar to glacial ones up to the entire Late Glacial and this situation has certainly been linked to the dynamics that occurred within the upper mountain basin. A fundamental result of this work is the Geomorphological Map of the upper basin of the Cellina Torrent. This document was created through a Geographical Information System (software ArcMap) at scale 1:10.000 and then elaborated and printed with the graphic software Adobe Illustrator on a 1:25.000 scale and it is attached to this thesis. This map covers the whole investigated area and it is a powerful tool for summarizing the geomorphology of the upper catchment of Cellina Torrent and for guiding the reading of the text. The map can be used for several basic purposes, as territorial planning and management of geo-hydrological risk, but can also serve as a valid tool for tourist valorization and science dissemination.
Questo lavoro di tesi analizza la geomorfologia dell’alto bacino del Torrente Cellina, un’area di circa 250 km2, situata nel settore orientale delle Prealpi Carniche. Successivamente ad una parte introduttiva iniziale a carattere strutturale e stratigrafico il lavoro si è concentrato sulle dinamiche geomorfologiche susseguitesi dal tardo Pleistocene fino all’Olocene. Lo studio approfondisce le caratteristiche dei depositi Quaternari, le morfologie e la loro genesi nel contesto del NE Italia. Il lavoro è basato principalmente su metodi di telerilevamento come l’analisi di immagini satellitari, ortofoto a colori e numerose elaborazioni del DEM ottenuto da rilievi topografici LIDAR. Inoltre, una campagna di rilevamento è stata effettuata nei settori chiave, dove erano presenti i depositi e le forme più interessanti e complesse. Grazie alla combinazione di questi metodi, si descrivono approfonditamente le dinamiche glaciali (riscontrate principalmente nell’alta Val Cimoliana e Settimana), le morfologie crionivali (documentate in Val Binon e nella Val Inferno), quelle gravitative (come le paleofrane di Pian di Crode e di passo sant’Osvaldo), le dinamiche alluvionali e fluviali (che interessano la piana di Pinedo tra Cimolais e Claut), e quelle carsiche (ad esempio, nel versante settentrionale del monte Resettum). Particolare attenzione viene data alle morfologie glaciali dell’ultimo massimo glaciale (Last Glacial Maximum, LGM), ai depositi morenici tardoglaciali e agli sbarramenti di frana post-glaciali in associazione ai loro depositi paleolacustri riscontrati, ad esempio, presso Malga Sette Fontane in Val Settimana. Infine, si è provato a correlare l’evoluzione dell’alto bacino del Cellina con il megafan alluvionale che lo stesso corso d’acqua ha formato in pianura. In particolare, si è voluto indagare il fatto che il sistema fluviale del Cellina abbia mantenuto condizioni assimilabili a quelle glaciali fino a tutto il tardoglaciale e tale situazione è stata sicuramente legata alle dinamiche avvenute all’interno dell’alto bacino montano. Parte fondamentale e risultato finale del lavoro di tesi è la Carta Geomorfologica dell’alto bacino del Torrente Cellina, in allegato a questa tesi. Questo documento è stato realizzato tramite sistema informativo geografico (Software ArcMap) alla scala 1:10,000 e poi elaborato e stampato con il software grafico Adobe Illustrator alla scala 1:25,000. Questa carta copre l'intera area indagata ed è un potente strumento per sintetizzare la geomorfologia dell’alto bacino del Torrente Cellina e utile guida durante la lettura del testo. La carta può essere utilizzata per altri diversi scopi come la pianificazione territoriale e la gestione del rischio geo-idrologico, ma può anche fungere da valido strumento di valorizzazione turistica e divulgazione scientifica.
Geomorfologia dell'alto bacino del Torrente Cellina (Alpi Carniche)
This thesis analyzes the geomorphology of the upper basin of the Cellina Torrent, located in the western sector of the Carnic Prealps and extending for about 250 km2. The work focused on the surface processes occurred in the area from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene, but it started from the structural and stratigraphic characteristics of the bedrock. The study focuses on the landforms, the Quaternary deposits and their genesis in the framework of the setting of the NE Italy. The work is mainly based on remote sensed methods, analyzing satellite images, color orthophotos and numerous elaborations of the DEM obtained from LIDAR topographic surveys. Field survey was carried out in selected key sectors where the most interesting landforms or complex setting where present. Thanks to this combined methods, several areas have been investigated in detail: the remnants of the glacial dynamics (mainly found in the upper Val Cimoliana and Settimana), the periglacial morphologies (documented in Val Binon and Val Inferno) the gravitative ones (as the paleofrane of Pian di Crode and Passo Sant'Osvaldo), the alluvial and fluvial dynamics (witnessed in the Pinedo plain between Cimolais and Claut) and the karst landforms (for example on the northern slope of Mount Resettum). Particular attention was given to the glacial morphologies of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), to the Late Glacial till deposits and to the post-glacial landslide barriers in association with their paleolake deposits found, for example, at Malga Sette Fontane in Val Settimana. The thesis tried to compare the evolution of the upper Cellina basin with the alluvial megafan that the same torrent formed in the Friulian Plain. In particular, we wanted to investigate the fact that the Cellina River system has maintained conditions similar to glacial ones up to the entire Late Glacial and this situation has certainly been linked to the dynamics that occurred within the upper mountain basin. A fundamental result of this work is the Geomorphological Map of the upper basin of the Cellina Torrent. This document was created through a Geographical Information System (software ArcMap) at scale 1:10.000 and then elaborated and printed with the graphic software Adobe Illustrator on a 1:25.000 scale and it is attached to this thesis. This map covers the whole investigated area and it is a powerful tool for summarizing the geomorphology of the upper catchment of Cellina Torrent and for guiding the reading of the text. The map can be used for several basic purposes, as territorial planning and management of geo-hydrological risk, but can also serve as a valid tool for tourist valorization and science dissemination.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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