Background: The long-term sequelae of the infection, known as Post-Covid Syndrome (PCS), are the subject of great interest given the fact that they have affected all the age groups, including young people and they risk being a permanent legacy for many of the affected subjects. The clinical case histories of the subjects who have had an asymptomatic or a paucisymptomatic infection are little studied and do not allow to clarify whether there are any health consequences and, for our purposes, whether there are any consequences on the ability to work. The vast majority of the health workers who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, falls into the two categories of asymptomatic or of paucisymptomatic. These people represent a useful group in order to monitor any consequences of the infection that did not result in a full-blown and serious clinical picture. Aim of the study: This study aims to answer two questions; in first place to define the prevalence of the long-term effects in asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic subjects; in second place, the aim of this analysis is to determine whether the development of the PCS could be traced back to an accelerated functional aging, that was estimated through the evaluation of the working capacity (Work Ability Index), the sympathovagal balance assessed by ECG HRV in its domains of time and frequencies and the respiratory functionality, evaluated by FEV1 spirometric index. Materials and methods: A clinical follow-up was performed in subjects with previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 for the purpose of this study. The subjects who took part to this project are health workers who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the period between 25/02/2020 and 17/05/2020. They were examined about twelve months after the diagnosis of the infection at the prevention service of the COU of the occupational medicine department on the occasion of the periodic health check. At the time of the medical assessment subjects have been invited to complete an ad hoc questionnaire for the anamnestic collection, which includes personal data, general medical and professional anamnesis, the Covid-19-related symptoms evaluation and their evolution at short (less of 4 weeks), middle (from 4 weeks to 12 weeks), long term (from 12 weeks onwards) and at the time of the medical examination (12 months). Working ability has been assessed through the Work Ability Index questionnaire (WAI). Subjects have been submitted to blood laboratory analysis, including general indices, inflammatory markers, immunological profile and have undergone instrumental tests such as global spirometry, FeNO and ECG HRV for heart rate variability assessment. Results: The overall initial prevalence of Post-Covid Syndrome was 46%, then decreased to 29% twelve months after the infection. In the female gender the prevalence of PCS was 59% at three months and 34% at twelve months after infection, with a significant trend towards symptom reduction. In males, the three-month prevalence was 34%, then decreased to 15% at the time of the visit, with an insignificant tendency to decline. At the time of the visit, the main symptoms were asthenia 10%, loss of concentration 10%, memory problems 10% and anosmia 7%. WAI correlates positively with the parameter HRV SDNN and with the FEV1 index. The number of symptoms present at twelve months correlates positively with the average heart rate, while negatively correlates with the FEV1 index. Conclusions: The female gender develops the PCS more frequently, but has a greater tendency to resolution. The male gender is less susceptible, but the symptoms tend to persist over time, at least one year after infection. Subjects with poor WAI values also have a reduction in SDNN and in respiratory functionality, which being associated with a greater number of symptoms, suggests that PCS may be linked to accelerated biological aging.
Presupposti dello studio: Le sequele a lungo termine dell’infezione, note come Sindrome Post-Covid (PCS), sono oggetto di forte interesse poiché hanno interessato tutte le fasce d’età, giovani inclusi e rischiano di essere un’eredità permanente per molti dei soggetti colpiti. La casistica di soggetti che hanno avuto un'infezione asintomatica o paucisintomatica, è poco studiata e non è ancora accertato se vi siano conseguenze sulla salute e, ai nostri fini, anche sulla capacità lavorativa. La stragrande maggioranza degli operatori sanitari che sono risultati positivi al test SARS-CoV-2 rientra nelle due categorie di asintomatici o paucisintomatici. Rappresentano un gruppo utile per monitorare eventuali conseguenze dell'infezione che non hanno determinato un quadro clinico conclamato e serio. Scopo dello studio: Lo scopo dello studio è rispondere a due quesiti; in primo luogo, definire la prevalenza degli effetti a lungo termine, nei soggetti asintomatici e paucisintomatici; in secondo luogo, determinare se lo sviluppo di PCS può essere ricondotto ad una accelerazione dell’invecchiamento funzionale, determinato mediante la valutazione della capacità lavorativa (Work Ability Index), del bilancio simpatovagale valutato mediante ECG HRV nei suoi domini del tempo e delle frequenze e della funzionalità respiratoria valutata mediante l’indice spirometrico FEV1. Materiali e metodi: A questo scopo è stato eseguito un follow-up clinico in soggetti con pregressa infezione da SARS-CoV-2. I soggetti che hanno preso parte allo studio sono operatori sanitari (OS) risultati positivi al SARS-CoV-2 nel periodo 25/02/2020 – 17/05/2020, esaminati a circa dodici mesi dalla diagnosi di infezione presso il servizio di prevenzione dell’UOC della Medicina del Lavoro in occasione della visita periodica. Alla visita gli OS sono stati invitati a compilare un questionario ad hoc per la raccolta anamnestica, che include i dati demografici, l’anamnesi generale e quella lavorativa, la valutazione dei sintomi legati al Covid-19 e della loro evoluzione a breve (<4 settimane), medio (4-12 settimane), lungo termine (>12 settimane) e al momento della visita medica (12 mesi). Viene esaminata la capacità lavorativa mediante il questionario WAI (Work Ability Index). I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a prelievo del sangue per l’analisi dei parametri ematochimici generali, includendo indici infiammatori e immunologici, oltre ad esami strumentali quali la spirometria globale, il FeNO e l’ECG HRV per lo studio della variabilità del ritmo cardiaco. Risultati: La prevalenza iniziale complessiva della Sindrome Post-Covid è stata del 46% ed è poi diminuita al 29% a dodici mesi dall’infezione. Nel genere femminile la prevalenza della PCS è risultata del 59% a tre mesi e del 34% a dodici mesi dall’infezione, con una tendenza significativa alla riduzione dei sintomi. Nel genere maschile la prevalenza a tre mesi è stata del 34%, poi diminuita a 15% al momento della visita, con una tendenza non significativa a ridursi. Al momento della visita i sintomi principali sono risultati l’astenia 10%, la perdita di concentrazione 10%, i problemi di memoria 10% e l’anosmia 7%. Il WAI è correlato positivamente con il parametro HRV SDNN e con l’indice FEV1. Il numero di sintomi presenti a dodici mesi correla positivamente con la frequenza cardiaca media, mentre è correlato negativamente con l’indice FEV1. Conclusioni: Il genere femminile sviluppa più frequentemente la PCS ma presenta una maggiore tendenza alla risoluzione. Il genere maschile è meno suscettibile ma i sintomi tendono a permanere nel tempo, almeno ad un anno dall’infezione. I soggetti con valori mediocri di WAI, presentano anche riduzione di SDNN e della funzionalità respiratoria, che associandosi ad un maggior numero di sintomi suggerendo che la PCS possa essere legata ad un invecchiamento biologico accelerato.
Sindrome Post-Covid e Invecchiamento Biologico
Background: The long-term sequelae of the infection, known as Post-Covid Syndrome (PCS), are the subject of great interest given the fact that they have affected all the age groups, including young people and they risk being a permanent legacy for many of the affected subjects. The clinical case histories of the subjects who have had an asymptomatic or a paucisymptomatic infection are little studied and do not allow to clarify whether there are any health consequences and, for our purposes, whether there are any consequences on the ability to work. The vast majority of the health workers who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, falls into the two categories of asymptomatic or of paucisymptomatic. These people represent a useful group in order to monitor any consequences of the infection that did not result in a full-blown and serious clinical picture. Aim of the study: This study aims to answer two questions; in first place to define the prevalence of the long-term effects in asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic subjects; in second place, the aim of this analysis is to determine whether the development of the PCS could be traced back to an accelerated functional aging, that was estimated through the evaluation of the working capacity (Work Ability Index), the sympathovagal balance assessed by ECG HRV in its domains of time and frequencies and the respiratory functionality, evaluated by FEV1 spirometric index. Materials and methods: A clinical follow-up was performed in subjects with previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 for the purpose of this study. The subjects who took part to this project are health workers who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the period between 25/02/2020 and 17/05/2020. They were examined about twelve months after the diagnosis of the infection at the prevention service of the COU of the occupational medicine department on the occasion of the periodic health check. At the time of the medical assessment subjects have been invited to complete an ad hoc questionnaire for the anamnestic collection, which includes personal data, general medical and professional anamnesis, the Covid-19-related symptoms evaluation and their evolution at short (less of 4 weeks), middle (from 4 weeks to 12 weeks), long term (from 12 weeks onwards) and at the time of the medical examination (12 months). Working ability has been assessed through the Work Ability Index questionnaire (WAI). Subjects have been submitted to blood laboratory analysis, including general indices, inflammatory markers, immunological profile and have undergone instrumental tests such as global spirometry, FeNO and ECG HRV for heart rate variability assessment. Results: The overall initial prevalence of Post-Covid Syndrome was 46%, then decreased to 29% twelve months after the infection. In the female gender the prevalence of PCS was 59% at three months and 34% at twelve months after infection, with a significant trend towards symptom reduction. In males, the three-month prevalence was 34%, then decreased to 15% at the time of the visit, with an insignificant tendency to decline. At the time of the visit, the main symptoms were asthenia 10%, loss of concentration 10%, memory problems 10% and anosmia 7%. WAI correlates positively with the parameter HRV SDNN and with the FEV1 index. The number of symptoms present at twelve months correlates positively with the average heart rate, while negatively correlates with the FEV1 index. Conclusions: The female gender develops the PCS more frequently, but has a greater tendency to resolution. The male gender is less susceptible, but the symptoms tend to persist over time, at least one year after infection. Subjects with poor WAI values also have a reduction in SDNN and in respiratory functionality, which being associated with a greater number of symptoms, suggests that PCS may be linked to accelerated biological aging.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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