The thesis aims to show that the European Union (EU) is undergoing a transition toward a more sustainable transport policy and to do so it has deployed an innovative soft-policy instrument - the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) instrument. As my analysis will show, the SUMP instrument can be considered as a New Environmental Policy Instrument (NEPI), and its efficacy depends on an innovative method that favors the active participation of citizens, stakeholders, and both public and private economic actors in all stages of the SUMP, from the formulation to the implementation. To understand whether the EU is moving toward a more sustainable transport policy, I will start by introducing the Environmental Policy Integration Principle (EPI), which has been considered the main tool for including environmental priorities into sectoral policies. This concept has been at the core of the NEPIs, which have been deployed by the EU Commission to start the transition toward a greener transport policy. I will illustrate the different types of NEPIs and their features as well as the way they have been deployed by the EU Commission to enhance the transition toward sustainability. Then, I will illustrate the development of the EU political approach towards sustainable mobility, showing its evolution over time. Until 1980 the Commission’s political approach toward environmental issues was that of remedial actions instead of preventive actions, and NEPIs were seen as supplementary instruments. A new position of the Commission on environmental issues has been reflected in a series of White Papers aimed at developing and implementing public transport infrastructures and public transport policies between 1992 and 2011. Two policy initiatives have paved the way for the SUMP: the EU Green Deal and the Clean Transport, Urban Transport (CTUT) policy. The EU Green Deal is relevant because it set the six common transport priorities for the 2019-2024 period and favored the development of a Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy that introduced the same targets that we can find in the SUMP instrument. The CTUT package has been important for understanding the focus of the SUMP instrument on the mobility issues at the urban level. Its main novelty was to identify the “urban area” for which develop and implement sustainable transport measures. I will show that with the SUMP instrument and its innovative method based on a circular mechanism, the European Commission has been trying to implement a new integrated approach to policy design and implementation, which is based on the capacity to involve citizens, public and private economic actors, and stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of innovative solutions for sustainable mobility. Finally, I will present three cities that have implemented the SUMP approach (Brussels, Prague, and Wroclaw). These cities have been classified as a “forerunner”, an “engaged” and an “active” city, taking into consideration the status of their sustainable mobility policies. The analysis of the implementation of SUMP in these case studies will spell out the drivers and barriers to the implementation of this new instrument.
L’obiettivo della tesi è di dimostrare che l’Unione Europea sta attuando una transizione verso una politica di trasporti più sostenibile e nel farlo, sta adottando uno strumento di soft-policy innovativo denominato Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). La mia analisi è volta a dimostrare che lo strumento SUMP può essere considerato come un “nuovo strumento di policy ambientale” (in inglese New Environmental Policy Instrument o NEPI) la cui efficacia dipende dall’applicazione di un metodo innovativo che favorisce la partecipazione attiva di cittadini, stakeholder e attori economici (sia privati che pubblici) in tutte le fasi del SUMP, dalla sua formulazione fino all’implementazione. Per capire se l’UE si stia muovendo verso una politica dei trasporti più sostenibile, inizierò la trattazione introducendo il “principio di integrazione della policy ambientale” (in inglese Environmental Policy Integration Principle o EPI), che ha rappresentato l’input principale di inclusione delle policy ambientali in politiche settoriali. Questo concetto risiede alla base degli strumenti NEPI, utilizzati dalla Commissione europea per iniziare la transizione verso una politica di sostenibilità. Illustrerò i diversi tipi di NEPI e le loro caratteristiche, nonché il modo in cui sono stati impiegati dalla Commissione europea per migliorare la transizione verso una politica a ridotto impatto ambientale. Spiegherò poi lo sviluppo dell'approccio politico dell'UE verso una politica di trasporti ecosostenibile, mostrandone l'evoluzione nel tempo. Fino al 1980, l'approccio politico della Commissione nei confronti delle questioni ambientali si limitava all’adozione di azioni correttive anziché di azioni preventive e i NEPI erano considerati solo strumenti supplementari. L’approccio della Commissione sulle questioni ambientali è successivamente cambiato tra il 1992 e il 2011, come da evidenza in una serie di White Papers volti a sviluppare e migliorare politiche di infrastrutture di trasporto pubblico. Si possono individuare due politiche in particolare che hanno posto le basi per lo sviluppo dello strumento SUMP: il Green Deal europeo (2019-2024) e la politica Clean Transport, Urban Transport (CTUT). Il Green Deal europeo è una politica di rilevanza per la mobilità sostenibile perché ha fissato le sei priorità della politica europea dei trasporti per il periodo 2019-2024 e ha contribuito allo sviluppo di una strategia di mobilità denominata Smart and Sustainable Transport Policy che condivide gli stessi obiettivi che ritroveremo nello strumento SUMP. La politica Clean Transport, Urban Transport risulta invece rilevante per comprendere il focus dello strumento SUMP sulle questioni di mobilità a livello urbano. La principale novità del pacchetto di policy CTUT è stata quella di individuare l’area urbana come riferimento per lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di misure di trasporto ecosostenibili. Attraverso lo strumento SUMP e il suo metodo innovativo basato su un meccanismo di tipo circolare, la Commissione europea ha cercato di attuare un approccio “integrato” basato sulla capacità di coinvolgere i cittadini, gli attori economici pubblici e privati e gli stakeholder nella formulazione e attuazione di soluzioni innovative di mobilità. Infine, analizzerò tre città che hanno adottato lo strumento SUMP (Bruxelles, Praga e Wroclaw). Queste città sono state classificate secondo tre categorie: “precursore” (forerunner), “coinvolta” (engaged) e “attiva” (active) prendendo in considerazione lo status delle loro politiche di mobilità sostenibile. L’analisi dell’implementazione di SUMP nelle città di Bruxelles, Praga e Wroclaw ha lo scopo di evidenziare gli incentivi e le barriere all’attuazione di questo strumento innovativo.
The thesis aims to show that the European Union (EU) is undergoing a transition toward a more sustainable transport policy and to do so it has deployed an innovative soft-policy instrument - the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) instrument. As my analysis will show, the SUMP instrument can be considered as a New Environmental Policy Instrument (NEPI), and its efficacy depends on an innovative method that favors the active participation of citizens, stakeholders, and both public and private economic actors in all stages of the SUMP, from the formulation to the implementation. To understand whether the EU is moving toward a more sustainable transport policy, I will start by introducing the Environmental Policy Integration Principle (EPI), which has been considered the main tool for including environmental priorities into sectoral policies. This concept has been at the core of the NEPIs, which have been deployed by the EU Commission to start the transition toward a greener transport policy. I will illustrate the different types of NEPIs and their features as well as the way they have been deployed by the EU Commission to enhance the transition toward sustainability. Then, I will illustrate the development of the EU political approach towards sustainable mobility, showing its evolution over time. Until 1980 the Commission’s political approach toward environmental issues was that of remedial actions instead of preventive actions, and NEPIs were seen as supplementary instruments. A new position of the Commission on environmental issues has been reflected in a series of White Papers aimed at developing and implementing public transport infrastructures and public transport policies between 1992 and 2011. Two policy initiatives have paved the way for the SUMP: the EU Green Deal and the Clean Transport, Urban Transport (CTUT) policy. The EU Green Deal is relevant because it set the six common transport priorities for the 2019-2024 period and favored the development of a Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy that introduced the same targets that we can find in the SUMP instrument. The CTUT package has been important for understanding the focus of the SUMP instrument on the mobility issues at the urban level. Its main novelty was to identify the “urban area” for which develop and implement sustainable transport measures. I will show that with the SUMP instrument and its innovative method based on a circular mechanism, the European Commission has been trying to implement a new integrated approach to policy design and implementation, which is based on the capacity to involve citizens, public and private economic actors, and stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of innovative solutions for sustainable mobility. Finally, I will present three cities that have implemented the SUMP approach (Brussels, Prague, and Wroclaw). These cities have been classified as a “forerunner”, an “engaged” and an “active” city, taking into consideration the status of their sustainable mobility policies. The analysis of the implementation of SUMP in these case studies will spell out the drivers and barriers to the implementation of this new instrument.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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