The evolution of the Earth’s crust over time is strictly linked with the process of anatexis, which promotes the chemical differentiation of the continental crust. This thesis is a petrological study of residual metapelitic granulites occurring in the lowermost part of the crustal section exposed in the Serre massif (Calabria, Italy). The aim of this research is to unveil their metamorphic evolution during the Hercynian orogeny, when this crustal section underwent widespread anatexis and melt extraction. For this purpose, this study takes advantages of a combined and multidisciplinary approach, firstly based on field work activity, sampling, and petrographical observations under the optical microscope. The petrological study was made by EPMA and LA-ICPMS compositional characterization of the minerals, with particular interest on the application of the Zr-in-rutile thermometer, coupled with textural observations and in-situ analyses of rutile trace elements. The application of U-Pb dating of peritectic garnet by LA-ICPMS permitted to explore and refine the filtering process, from U-rich inclusions within garnet, of this recently proposed geochronological method, thanks to the innovative application of a split-stream system. Nanogranitoids and multiphase inclusions have been found in peritectic garnets of the investigated rocks. The inclusions have been microstructurally and chemically characterized by SEM-EDS and by Raman spectroscopy. They are very small in size, mostly ≤ 10 µm. The inclusions are of primary origin and were trapped within garnet during anatexis, recording that the rock underwent partial melting during prograde metamorphism. The conditions and mode of entrapment of the inclusions have been constrained at ~ 750 °C in the kyanite stability field by the application of the Zr-in-rutile thermometer and linked with phosphorous chemical maps obtained on garnet grains by EPMA. Finally, thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria allowed to constrain the pressure and temperature conditions of anatexis.
L'evoluzione della crosta terrestre nel tempo è strettamente legata al processo di anatessi, il quale favorisce la differenziazione chimica della crosta continentale. Questa tesi è uno studio petrologico di granuliti metapelitiche residuali localizzate nella parte più profonda di sezione crostale esposta nel massiccio delle Serre (Calabria, Italia). Lo scopo di questa ricerca è quello di svelare la loro evoluzione metamorfica durante l'orogenesi ercinica, quando questa sezione crostale subì diffusamente anatessi ed estrazione di fuso. A tal fine, questo studio si avvale di un approccio combinato e multidisciplinare, in primo luogo basato su attività di lavoro sul campo, campionamento ed osservazioni petrografiche al microscopio ottico. Lo studio petrologico è stato effettuato tramite EPMA e LA-ICPMS, mediante la caratterizzazione composizionale dei minerali, con particolare interesse all'applicazione del termometro Zr-in-rutilo, accoppiato con osservazioni tessiturali e analisi in situ di elementi in traccia in rutilo. L'applicazione della datazione U-Pb del granato peritettico mediante LA-ICPMS ha permesso di esplorare e perfezionare il processo di filtraggio, legato alla presenza di inclusioni ricche in uranio all'interno del granato, di questo metodo geocronologico recentemente sviluppato, grazie all'applicazione innovativa di un sistema split-stream. Nanogranitoidi ed inclusioni multifase sono stati trovati nei granati peritettici delle rocce studiate. Le inclusioni sono state caratterizzate microstrutturalmente e chimicamente mediante SEM-EDS e spettroscopia Raman. Sono di dimensioni molto piccole, per lo più ≤ 10 µm. Le inclusioni sono di origine primaria e sono state intrappolate all'interno del granato durante l'anatessi, dimostrando che la roccia subì fusione parziale durante il metamorfismo progrado. Le condizioni e la modalità di intrappolamento delle inclusioni sono state vincolate a ~ 750 ° C nel campo di stabilità della cianite attraverso l'applicazione del termometro Zr-in-rutilo ed in relazione alle mappe chimiche del fosforo ottenute su granati mediante EPMA. Infine, la modellazione termodinamica degli equilibri di fase ha permesso di vincolare le condizioni di pressione e temperatura dell'anatessi.
A petrological study of residual metapelitic granulites from Serre lower crust, Calabria, Italy
The evolution of the Earth’s crust over time is strictly linked with the process of anatexis, which promotes the chemical differentiation of the continental crust. This thesis is a petrological study of residual metapelitic granulites occurring in the lowermost part of the crustal section exposed in the Serre massif (Calabria, Italy). The aim of this research is to unveil their metamorphic evolution during the Hercynian orogeny, when this crustal section underwent widespread anatexis and melt extraction. For this purpose, this study takes advantages of a combined and multidisciplinary approach, firstly based on field work activity, sampling, and petrographical observations under the optical microscope. The petrological study was made by EPMA and LA-ICPMS compositional characterization of the minerals, with particular interest on the application of the Zr-in-rutile thermometer, coupled with textural observations and in-situ analyses of rutile trace elements. The application of U-Pb dating of peritectic garnet by LA-ICPMS permitted to explore and refine the filtering process, from U-rich inclusions within garnet, of this recently proposed geochronological method, thanks to the innovative application of a split-stream system. Nanogranitoids and multiphase inclusions have been found in peritectic garnets of the investigated rocks. The inclusions have been microstructurally and chemically characterized by SEM-EDS and by Raman spectroscopy. They are very small in size, mostly ≤ 10 µm. The inclusions are of primary origin and were trapped within garnet during anatexis, recording that the rock underwent partial melting during prograde metamorphism. The conditions and mode of entrapment of the inclusions have been constrained at ~ 750 °C in the kyanite stability field by the application of the Zr-in-rutile thermometer and linked with phosphorous chemical maps obtained on garnet grains by EPMA. Finally, thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria allowed to constrain the pressure and temperature conditions of anatexis.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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