Most of the electricity produced worldwide pass through one or more semiconductor devices (mostly in voltage converters). The efficiency at which the electronic circuit and, thus, the devices convert electrical energy has an enormous impact on the worldwide consumption of electricity. The majority of these devices are still made of silicon, however they are really close to their theoretical limit. To radically improve the conversion efficiency, other semiconductors must be studied. Wide band gap semiconductors are much more suited for high voltage applications. Both silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) have good credentials. However, the presence of defects and trapping of charges still play a detrimental role in these. The goal of this research is to analyse GaN transistors and how traps can degrade the performance of the devices. Analysis are performed on TCAD and some measurements on wafer are presented. Results confirm the expected effects of traps such as current saturation and threshold voltage instabilities. The following results are obtained with a collaboration with the University of Gent (UGent).
La maggior parte dell’elettricità prodotta globalmente scorre attraverso uno o più dispositivi a semiconduttori (principalmente convertitori di tensione). L’efficienza dei circuiti elettronici e quindi dei convertitori, ha un impatto enorme nel consumo globale di corrente elettrica. La maggior parte di questi dispositivi è ancora costruita in silicio, tecnologia che però e prossima al suo limite teorico. Per ottimizzare radicalmente l’efficienza di conversione, altri semiconduttori devono essere studiati. I semiconduttori a largo bandgap sono i più adatti per applicazioni ad alte tensioni. Sia i dispositivi basati sul carburo di silicio (SiC) sia quelli sul Nitruro di Gallio hanno delle buone caratteristiche. Nonostante ciò, la presenza di difetti e trappole che catturano le cariche giocano ancora un ruolo determinante in questi tipi di dispositivi. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è analizzare i transistor al nitruro di gallio e verificare come le trappole possano degradarne le prestazioni. Le analisi sono state eseguite con TCAD, inoltre, alcune misure sui wafer sono riportate di seguito. Gli studi confermano gli effetti aspettati che le trappole causano nei dispositivi, come la saturazione della corrente e l’instabilità della tensione di soglia. I risultati presentati sono ottenuti in collaborazione con l’università di Gent (UGent).
GaN transistor and traps: investigation and modeling
Most of the electricity produced worldwide pass through one or more semiconductor devices (mostly in voltage converters). The efficiency at which the electronic circuit and, thus, the devices convert electrical energy has an enormous impact on the worldwide consumption of electricity. The majority of these devices are still made of silicon, however they are really close to their theoretical limit. To radically improve the conversion efficiency, other semiconductors must be studied. Wide band gap semiconductors are much more suited for high voltage applications. Both silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) have good credentials. However, the presence of defects and trapping of charges still play a detrimental role in these. The goal of this research is to analyse GaN transistors and how traps can degrade the performance of the devices. Analysis are performed on TCAD and some measurements on wafer are presented. Results confirm the expected effects of traps such as current saturation and threshold voltage instabilities. The following results are obtained with a collaboration with the University of Gent (UGent).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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