Many are the unexplained neuronal recording experimental results proposed inside scientific literature which has not been confirmed yet from the modelling and mathematical perspectives. Inside this thesis is tried to be given an answer for the measurement’s causes and the phenomenon observed inside the paper proposed from Lezmy et al.. The neuronal time evolution detected were both of Spiking and Mixed-Mode Oscillation (MMO). This last electrical activity were registered only when the target cells were treated with CGS21680. This drug acts as an enhancer of Adenosine 2A Receptor (A2aR) enabling a raise of cytosolic cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) concentration which in turns increases the HCN channel opening probability leading to the conclusion that these last integral membrane protein are the responsible for the recorded electrical time series. MMO is an emergent oscillatory activity inside the field of dynamical system. In recent years many studies have proposed technicalities to understand the model’s behaviours and the mechanism to produce these kind of special oscillatory patterns. These last ones consist in: Folded Node (FN), Singular Hopf Bifurcation (SHB) or three time scales problem. In the following work, to model the phenomenon is exploited the system described with the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) proposed from Richardson et al. which presents an Hodgkin - Huxley based structure. After a detailed analysis which shows the ability of the Richardson model to generate MMO through a FN mechanism, HCN channel are added with the suggested dynamics by Lezmy et al. and their effect is evaluated inside the model behaviour trying to reproduce the same results of the paper. Subsequently to an HCN channel model’s proper tuning of the parameters, the HCN-dependent MMOs have been activated thanks to a three time scale problem which presents a FN MMO generation mechanism inside the faster subsystem which confirms the experimental measures proposed.
Molti sono i risultati sperimentali di registrazioni neuronali proposti all’interno della letteratura scientifica che non hanno ancora trovato conferma tramite l’utilizzo di modellistica e analisi matematiche. All’interno di questa tesi si è cercato di dare risposta alla causa che ha generato queste misurazioni e i fenomeni osservati riportati all’interno del paper scientifico sviluppato da Lezmy e il suo team di ricerca. All’interno di quest’ultimo, le evoluzioni temporali neuronali riscontrate sono di Spiking e di Mixed-Mode Oscillation (MMO). Quest’ultima attività elettrica è stata registrata solamente successivamente alla somministrazione di CGS21680 alle relative cellule target. Questo farmaco agisce come stimolatore del Recettore dell’Adenosina (A2aR) inducendo una conseguente crescita della concentrazione di Adenosina Monofosfato Ciclico (cAMP) citosolico, che a sua volta permette l’aumento della probabilità di apertura dei canali HCN portando alla conclusione che tali proteine integrali di membrana siano direttamente deputate alla generazione di tali attività elettriche. Le MMO sono un fenomeno oscillatorio emergente all’interno del contesto dei sistemi dinamici. In tempi recenti molti studi hanno proposto tecniche per poter inferire il comportamento del modello e i meccanismi che permettono la generazione di questi pattern oscillatori. Questi consistono in: Folded Node (FN), Singular Hopf Bifurcation (SHB) oppure three time scales problem. Nel seguente lavoro, per poter modellare il fenomeno è stato utilizzato il sistema descritto con il set di Equazioni Differenziali Ordinarie (ODE) proposto da Richardson et al. che presenta struttura basata sul razionale di Hodgkin - Huxley. Successivamente ad un’analisi dettagliata che dimostra le abilità del modello di Richardson di generare MMO tramite presenza di un meccanismo a FN, i canali HCN, la cui dinamica completamente suggerita da Lezmy et al., vengono inseriti all’interno del modello e i loro effetti valutati in termini di comportamenti ottenuti cercando di riprodurre gli stessi risultati del paper considerato. Successivamente ad aggiustamenti relativi ai parametri dei canali HCN, MMO HCN-dipendenti vengono attivate grazie ad un three time scale problem che presenta meccanismo a FN all’interno del sottosistema veloce confermando i risultati sperimentali ottenuti.
Modelling and Analysis of Pharmacologically Induced Mixed-Mode Oscillations in a Neuronal Model
Many are the unexplained neuronal recording experimental results proposed inside scientific literature which has not been confirmed yet from the modelling and mathematical perspectives. Inside this thesis is tried to be given an answer for the measurement’s causes and the phenomenon observed inside the paper proposed from Lezmy et al.. The neuronal time evolution detected were both of Spiking and Mixed-Mode Oscillation (MMO). This last electrical activity were registered only when the target cells were treated with CGS21680. This drug acts as an enhancer of Adenosine 2A Receptor (A2aR) enabling a raise of cytosolic cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) concentration which in turns increases the HCN channel opening probability leading to the conclusion that these last integral membrane protein are the responsible for the recorded electrical time series. MMO is an emergent oscillatory activity inside the field of dynamical system. In recent years many studies have proposed technicalities to understand the model’s behaviours and the mechanism to produce these kind of special oscillatory patterns. These last ones consist in: Folded Node (FN), Singular Hopf Bifurcation (SHB) or three time scales problem. In the following work, to model the phenomenon is exploited the system described with the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) proposed from Richardson et al. which presents an Hodgkin - Huxley based structure. After a detailed analysis which shows the ability of the Richardson model to generate MMO through a FN mechanism, HCN channel are added with the suggested dynamics by Lezmy et al. and their effect is evaluated inside the model behaviour trying to reproduce the same results of the paper. Subsequently to an HCN channel model’s proper tuning of the parameters, the HCN-dependent MMOs have been activated thanks to a three time scale problem which presents a FN MMO generation mechanism inside the faster subsystem which confirms the experimental measures proposed.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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