The "Students against the Green Pass" movement was taken as the subject of study. Over six months of conversations on their Telegram channel were analyzed. It was also possible to interview the leader of "Students against the Green Pass-Padua" and then make an observation as a participant in meetings and manifestations. This is to find out how the organization of this movement of purpose is structured and to identify beliefs with a particular focus on conspiracy theories.
È stato preso come oggetto di studio il movimento "Studenti contro il Green Pass". Sono state analizzate oltre sei mesi di conversazioni sul loro canale Telegram. Inoltre è stato possibile fare un'intervista al leader di "Studenti contro il Green Pass-Padova" e in seguito fare osservazione partecipante a riunioni e cortei. Questo è servito per scoprire come si struttura l'organizzazione di questo movimento di scopo e di individuare le credenze con un particolare focus sulle teorie del complotto.
"Studenti contro il Green Pass: credenze, comunicazione, organizzazione"
The "Students against the Green Pass" movement was taken as the subject of study. Over six months of conversations on their Telegram channel were analyzed. It was also possible to interview the leader of "Students against the Green Pass-Padua" and then make an observation as a participant in meetings and manifestations. This is to find out how the organization of this movement of purpose is structured and to identify beliefs with a particular focus on conspiracy theories.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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