From 2020 to the present day, our country has been severely tested by being hit hard by Covid-19, a pandemic that has led to numerous restrictions and regulations that have had to be complied with. These rules severely restricted the possibility of maintaining a physically active lifestyle outside one's home for several months, imposing the closure of places of exercise and decreeing national lockdown periods. Following an in-depth study of the existing and proven relationship between physical activity and a greater state of psychophysical well-being for those who engage in less inactivity, this paper focused on the psychological impact of these restrictions on individuals. This objective was pursued through an in-depth study of the literature that exists to date and, subsequently, through a pilot study. In particular, the aim of this exploratory work was to investigate whether, and if so how, lifestyle and exercise habits changed in individuals during the pandemic period in which gyms, swimming pools and other fitness centres were closed. This was done by comparing a first time relative to pre-pandemic habits and a second time relative to recently implemented behaviours. As this period was particularly sensitive, scales were included to measure psychophysical well-being and risk perception related to Covid-19. Subsequently, the levels of certain variables and their correlations were investigated, including anxiety, motivation to exercise, awareness during exercise and emotional intelligence in the sample considered, which included individuals in the past or currently exercising. This was investigated by means of an online questionnaire administered via Google Forms, obtaining 107 responses, of which 63 were men and 44 women, aged between 18 and 58 years. From the answers provided, it appears that the participants did not stop exercising, but the percentage of people exercising inside their own homes or in outdoor locations other than specific fitness centres appears to have increased. What emerged from the statistical analysis are significantly lower averages of anxiety and higher averages of the remaining variables in conjunction with greater amounts of exercise performed in both periods considered; this underlines the importance of exercising not only for one's physical health, but also for one's psychological well-being. With reference to the differences in the type of exercise performed, higher values of certain variables, including intrinsic motivation, awareness and perceived well-being, emerged in those who frequented specialised centres to the detriment of those who exercised independently. Lastly, the relationships between the variables were investigated in depth, among which positive correlations emerged between state and trait anxiety, between awareness during exercise and motivation, and between motivation and emotional intelligence (and its internal dimensions); each of these variables also appeared to be correlated with higher values of reported well-being. Negative correlations were found between motivation and state anxiety and between emotional intelligence (and its dimensions) and state and trait anxiety, with each of these also being associated with lower perceived well-being. This exploratory study is not sufficient to determine causal relationships between the difference in training style and lower psychophysical well-being, but the data that emerged are in agreement with the literature to date, albeit limited. The remaining correlations between variables agree with a broader literature.
Dal 2020 al momento attuale, il nostro Paese è stato messo a dura prova venendo duramente colpito dal Covid-19, una pandemia che ha portato a numerose restrizioni ed a svariate regole a cui si è dovuto sottostare. Tali norme hanno limitato notevolmente e per svariati mesi la possibilità di mantenere uno stile di vita fisicamente attivo al di fuori del proprio domicilio, imponendo la chiusura dei luoghi adibiti allo svolgimento di esercizio fisico e decretando periodi di lockdown nazionale. In seguito ad un approfondimento della relazione esistente e comprovata tra l’attività fisica svolta ed un maggior stato di benessere psicofisico per coloro che si impegnano a diminuire l’inattività, l’elaborato in questione ha voluto focalizzarsi sull’impatto psicologico che tali restrizioni hanno provocato negli individui. Tale obiettivo è stato perseguito attraverso un approfondimento sulla letteratura ad oggi esistente e, in seguito, attraverso uno studio pilota. In particolare, l’obiettivo di tale lavoro esplorativo è stato quello di approfondire se, ed eventualmente come, si sono modificate le abitudini relative allo stile di vita e alla pratica di esercizio fisico negli individui durante il periodo pandemico, in cui palestre, piscine ed ulteriori centri fitness sono rimasti chiusi. Ciò è stato svolto confrontando un primo tempo relativo alle abitudini pre-pandemiche ed un secondo tempo relativo ai comportamenti messi in atto recentemente. Essendo questo periodo così particolarmente delicato, sono state inserite delle scale volte a misurare il benessere psicofisico e la percezione del rischio legato al Covid-19. In seguito, sono stati approfonditi i livelli di alcune variabili e le loro correlazioni, tra cui l’ansia, la motivazione all’esercizio fisico, la consapevolezza durante esso e l’intelligenza emotiva nel campione considerato, il quale riguardava individui in passato o attualmente praticanti esercizio. Ciò è stato indagato attraverso un questionario online somministrato mediante Google Moduli, ottenendo 107 risposte, di cui 63 uomini e 44 donne, con un’età compresa tra i 18 e i 58 anni. Dalle risposte fornite risulta che i partecipanti non abbiano smesso di allenarsi, ma appare incrementata la percentuale di persone praticanti esercizio fisico dentro la propria casa o in luoghi all’aperto differenti da specifici centri fitness. Ciò che è emerso dall’analisi statistica sono medie significativamente più ridotte di ansia e più elevate delle restanti variabili in concomitanza a maggiori quantità di esercizio svolto in entrambi i periodi considerati; ciò sottolinea l’importanza di svolgere esercizio, oltre che per la propria salute fisica, anche per il proprio benessere psicologico. In riferimento alle differenze nel tipo di allenamento svolto, sono emersi valori più elevati di alcune variabili, tra cui motivazione intrinseca, consapevolezza e benessere percepito, nei frequentatori di centri adibiti a discapito degli individui praticati esercizio in autonomia. Sono, infine, state approfondite le relazioni esistenti tra le variabili, tra cui sono emerse correlazioni positive tra ansia di stato e di tratto, tra consapevolezza durante l’esercizio e motivazione e tra motivazione ed intelligenza emotiva (e le sue dimensioni interne); ognuna di tali variabili risulta, inoltre, essere correlata a valori più elevati di benessere riportato. Correlazioni negative sono state rilevate tra motivazione ed ansia di stato e tra intelligenza emotiva (e le sue dimensioni) e ansia di stato e di tratto, con le quali risulta associato anche un minor benessere percepito. Tale studio esplorativo non è sufficiente a determinare relazioni di causalità tra la differenza nello stile di allenamento ed un minor benessere psicofisico, ma i dati emersi sono concordi alla letteratura ad ora presente, seppur sia limitata. Concordano con una letteratura più ampia le restanti correlazioni tra variabili.
Attività fisica e benessere psicofisico: l’impatto psicologico delle restrizioni in tempi di pandemia
From 2020 to the present day, our country has been severely tested by being hit hard by Covid-19, a pandemic that has led to numerous restrictions and regulations that have had to be complied with. These rules severely restricted the possibility of maintaining a physically active lifestyle outside one's home for several months, imposing the closure of places of exercise and decreeing national lockdown periods. Following an in-depth study of the existing and proven relationship between physical activity and a greater state of psychophysical well-being for those who engage in less inactivity, this paper focused on the psychological impact of these restrictions on individuals. This objective was pursued through an in-depth study of the literature that exists to date and, subsequently, through a pilot study. In particular, the aim of this exploratory work was to investigate whether, and if so how, lifestyle and exercise habits changed in individuals during the pandemic period in which gyms, swimming pools and other fitness centres were closed. This was done by comparing a first time relative to pre-pandemic habits and a second time relative to recently implemented behaviours. As this period was particularly sensitive, scales were included to measure psychophysical well-being and risk perception related to Covid-19. Subsequently, the levels of certain variables and their correlations were investigated, including anxiety, motivation to exercise, awareness during exercise and emotional intelligence in the sample considered, which included individuals in the past or currently exercising. This was investigated by means of an online questionnaire administered via Google Forms, obtaining 107 responses, of which 63 were men and 44 women, aged between 18 and 58 years. From the answers provided, it appears that the participants did not stop exercising, but the percentage of people exercising inside their own homes or in outdoor locations other than specific fitness centres appears to have increased. What emerged from the statistical analysis are significantly lower averages of anxiety and higher averages of the remaining variables in conjunction with greater amounts of exercise performed in both periods considered; this underlines the importance of exercising not only for one's physical health, but also for one's psychological well-being. With reference to the differences in the type of exercise performed, higher values of certain variables, including intrinsic motivation, awareness and perceived well-being, emerged in those who frequented specialised centres to the detriment of those who exercised independently. Lastly, the relationships between the variables were investigated in depth, among which positive correlations emerged between state and trait anxiety, between awareness during exercise and motivation, and between motivation and emotional intelligence (and its internal dimensions); each of these variables also appeared to be correlated with higher values of reported well-being. Negative correlations were found between motivation and state anxiety and between emotional intelligence (and its dimensions) and state and trait anxiety, with each of these also being associated with lower perceived well-being. This exploratory study is not sufficient to determine causal relationships between the difference in training style and lower psychophysical well-being, but the data that emerged are in agreement with the literature to date, albeit limited. The remaining correlations between variables agree with a broader literature.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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