In recent years, the Social Health Operator has played a fundamental role in meeting the primary needs of critically ill patients at health facilities such as the University Hospital of Padua. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the growing shortage of health personnel and doctors, in small numbers, increasingly delegate many technical activities to nurses who, already overworked, are faced with a constant impossibility of carry out all their duties adequately. It is precisely in this perspective that the social health worker takes on new tasks and activities that until recently were typically nursing. Increasingly sought after, the professional figure of the socio-health worker operates both within public and private structures, as well as in home services such as assistance to non self-sufficient, elderly or sick people who need care and support in carrying out of daily activities. Its scope of operations has changed dramatically in recent years, in conjunction with the evolution of nursing and medical duties. For this purpose, an attempt was made to detect and describe the activities carried out daily by socio-health workers in the Intensive Care departments of the Hospital-University of Padua (AOUP). The activities identified, thanks to the aid of a specially created tool, have been studied also taking into account some data that should make us understand the workload of intensive care in such a way as to understand if it is desirable to implement the resource of the social health worker or less. The results highlight the possibility of quantifying the various activities of the socio-health worker through the various ICUs and this measure can be useful for organizational management purposes, especially within voluminous health facilities. This management process is fundamental in the presence of strong changes, such as the recent covid-19 pandemic, which represent real health emergencies and require rapid solutions.
Negli ultimi anni l’operatore socio-sanitario ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nel soddisfare i bisogni primari dei pazienti critici presso le strutture sanitarie quali l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Padova. La pandemia Covid-19 ha messo in luce la sempre più crescente carenza di personale sanitario ed i medici, in numero esiguo, delegano sempre più molte attività tecniche agli infermieri i quali, già oberati di lavoro, si trovano di fronte ad una costante impossibilità di svolgere tutti i propri compiti in maniera adeguata. È proprio in quest’ottica che l’operatore socio sanitario si fa carico di attività nuove che fino a qualche tempo addietro erano tipicamente infermieristiche. Sempre più ricercata, la figura professionale dell’operatore socio-sanitario opera sia all’interno di strutture pubbliche sia private, oltre che in servizi a domicilio quali l’assistenza a persone non autosufficienti, anziane o malate che necessitano di cure e supporto nello svolgimento delle attività quotidiane. Il suo ambito di operatività è fortemente cambiato negli ultimi anni, in concomitanza dell’evolversi delle attività infermieristiche e mediche. A tale scopo si è cercato di rilevare e descrivere le attività espletate giornalmente dagli operatori socio sanitari nei reparti di Terapia Intensiva dell’Azienda Ospedale-Università di Padova (AOUP). Le attività individuate, grazie all’ausilio di uno strumento creato appositamente, sono state studiate tenendo conto anche di alcuni dati che dovrebbero far comprendere il carico di lavoro delle terapie intensive in maniera tale da capire se è auspicabile implementare la risorsa dell’operatore socio sanitario o meno. I risultati evidenziano la possibilità di quantificare le diverse attività dell’operatore sociosanitario attraverso le varie Terapie Intensive e tale misura può essere utile ai fini della gestione organizzativa, soprattutto all’interno di voluminose strutture sanitarie. Tale processo gestionale è fondamentale in presenza di forti cambiamenti, quali la recente pandemia covid-19, che rappresentano delle vere e proprie emergenze sanitarie e necessitano di soluzioni rapide.
Implementazione dell'operatore socio sanitario nella dotazione organica delle terapia intensiva: Valutazione delle attività e del carico assistenziale
In recent years, the Social Health Operator has played a fundamental role in meeting the primary needs of critically ill patients at health facilities such as the University Hospital of Padua. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the growing shortage of health personnel and doctors, in small numbers, increasingly delegate many technical activities to nurses who, already overworked, are faced with a constant impossibility of carry out all their duties adequately. It is precisely in this perspective that the social health worker takes on new tasks and activities that until recently were typically nursing. Increasingly sought after, the professional figure of the socio-health worker operates both within public and private structures, as well as in home services such as assistance to non self-sufficient, elderly or sick people who need care and support in carrying out of daily activities. Its scope of operations has changed dramatically in recent years, in conjunction with the evolution of nursing and medical duties. For this purpose, an attempt was made to detect and describe the activities carried out daily by socio-health workers in the Intensive Care departments of the Hospital-University of Padua (AOUP). The activities identified, thanks to the aid of a specially created tool, have been studied also taking into account some data that should make us understand the workload of intensive care in such a way as to understand if it is desirable to implement the resource of the social health worker or less. The results highlight the possibility of quantifying the various activities of the socio-health worker through the various ICUs and this measure can be useful for organizational management purposes, especially within voluminous health facilities. This management process is fundamental in the presence of strong changes, such as the recent covid-19 pandemic, which represent real health emergencies and require rapid solutions.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License