The gbaga channel is located in the south-east of togo, it is bordered by mangroves all along. Over the years, these mangroves have been partly destroyed by the local population for many reasons. But today, consequences such as flooding, scarcity of fish species, impact on the local population. Awareness raising and reforestation activities have been carried out, but they have had more failure than success. This research consists of identifying the causes of mangrove destruction and proposing an inclusive and participatory reforestation plan. This will help to limit the consequences of mangrove destruction and above all benefit from the ecosystem services provided by mangroves.
le chenal de Gbaga est situé au sud-est du Togo, il es bordé par des mangroves tout le long. Au fil des années, ces mangroves on été en partie détruites par les populations locales pour des multiples raisons. Mais aujourd'hui des conséquences tels que les inondations, la rareté des espèces halieutiques, impacte la population local. Des activités de sensibilisations et de reboisement au été faites, mais elles ont eu plus d'échec que de réussites. Cette recherche consiste à ressortir les causes des destruction des mangroves et proposer un plan de reboisement inclusif et participatif. Ceci contribuera à limiter les conséquence de la destruction des mangroves et surtout bénéficier des services écosystémiques rendu par les mangroves.
Restauration et conservation des mangroves tou le long du chenal de Gbaga (Togo): enjeux et defis
The gbaga channel is located in the south-east of togo, it is bordered by mangroves all along. Over the years, these mangroves have been partly destroyed by the local population for many reasons. But today, consequences such as flooding, scarcity of fish species, impact on the local population. Awareness raising and reforestation activities have been carried out, but they have had more failure than success. This research consists of identifying the causes of mangrove destruction and proposing an inclusive and participatory reforestation plan. This will help to limit the consequences of mangrove destruction and above all benefit from the ecosystem services provided by mangroves.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License