In Italy, Heart Failure represents the leading cause of hospitalization in people over the age of sixty-five and is considered a public health problem of enormous importance, as it entails disabling consequences for the person, such as a significant reduction in the quality of life and the degree of self-sufficiency. Therefore, the person with heart failure requires adequate nursing care in each phase of transition from one care setting to another, as well as in the phase that goes from hospital discharge to the patient's return to the home. In the European Guidelines dedicated to Heart Failure it is not specified whether there is a nursing management assistance program dedicated to patients, and if present as it is declined in the various healthcare contexts. The aim of the thesis was to explore in the literature and in the national territory if there are advanced nursing care programs aimed at patients with heart failure and to develop the idea of a nursing-managed clinic, where advanced nursing, which can be introduced into the integrated hospital-community care network for heart failure. For this purpose, a qualitative exploratory survey was developed, divided into two phases: a telephone exploratory survey which considered the cardiological clinics of all the Health Authorities of the Veneto Region and two other Italian Regions; a semi-structured interview addressed to a group of nurses who in the past managed a nursing clinic dedicated to patients with heart failure in a healthcare company in the Veneto Region. The results, especially from the literature review, showed a significant reduction in the risk of hospital readmission and in the mortality rate, an increase in the quality of life. However, differences emerged in the local context regarding the objectives, organization and activity of a Nursing Clinic dedicated to patients with heart failure. The challenge still remains open.
In Italia lo Scompenso Cardiaco rappresenta la prima causa di ricovero ospedaliero nelle persone con età superiore ai sessantacinque anni ed è considerato un problema di salute pubblica di enorme rilievo, in quanto comporta nella persona delle conseguenze invalidanti, quali la significativa riduzione della qualità di vita e del grado di autosufficienza. Pertanto la persona con scompenso cardiaco richiede un adeguata presa in carico infermieristica in ogni fase di transito tra un setting assistenziale ad un altro, come anche nella fase che va dalla dimissione ospedaliera al rientro nel domicilio del paziente. Nelle Linee Guida Europee dedicate all’Insufficienza Cardiaca non è specificato se sia previsto un programma assistenziale a gestione infermieristica dedicato ai pazienti, e se presente come viene declinato nei diversi contesti sanitari. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato di tesi è stato di esplorare in letteratura e nel territorio nazionale se esistono dei programmi di assistenza infermieristica avanzati rivolti al paziente con scompenso cardiaco e di sviluppare l’idea di un ambulatorio a gestione infermieristica, dove si attuano attività di nursing avanzata, che possa essere introdotto nella rete assistenziale integrata ospedaliera-territoriale per lo scompenso cardiaco. A tale scopo è stata sviluppata un’indagine esplorativa qualitativa, articolata in due fasi: un’indagine esplorativa telefonica che ha considerato gli Ambulatori Cardiologici di tutte le Aziende Sanitarie della Regione del Veneto e di altre due Regioni d’Italia; un’intervista semi-strutturata rivolta ad un gruppo di infermieri che gestivano in passato un ambulatorio infermieristico dedicato al paziente con insufficienza cardiaca in un’azienda sanitaria della Regione del Veneto. I risultati, in particolare dalla revisione della letteratura, hanno evidenziato una significativa riduzione del rischio di riammissione ospedaliera e del tasso di mortalità, un aumento della qualità di vita. Tuttavia nel contesto locale sono emerse delle divergenze per quanto riguarda gli obiettivi, l’organizzazione e l’attività di un Ambulatorio Infermieristico dedicato al paziente con scompenso cardiaco. La sfida rimane tutt’ora aperta.
L'Ambulatorio per il paziente con Scompenso Cardiaco: una proposta di Nursing avanzato.
In Italy, Heart Failure represents the leading cause of hospitalization in people over the age of sixty-five and is considered a public health problem of enormous importance, as it entails disabling consequences for the person, such as a significant reduction in the quality of life and the degree of self-sufficiency. Therefore, the person with heart failure requires adequate nursing care in each phase of transition from one care setting to another, as well as in the phase that goes from hospital discharge to the patient's return to the home. In the European Guidelines dedicated to Heart Failure it is not specified whether there is a nursing management assistance program dedicated to patients, and if present as it is declined in the various healthcare contexts. The aim of the thesis was to explore in the literature and in the national territory if there are advanced nursing care programs aimed at patients with heart failure and to develop the idea of a nursing-managed clinic, where advanced nursing, which can be introduced into the integrated hospital-community care network for heart failure. For this purpose, a qualitative exploratory survey was developed, divided into two phases: a telephone exploratory survey which considered the cardiological clinics of all the Health Authorities of the Veneto Region and two other Italian Regions; a semi-structured interview addressed to a group of nurses who in the past managed a nursing clinic dedicated to patients with heart failure in a healthcare company in the Veneto Region. The results, especially from the literature review, showed a significant reduction in the risk of hospital readmission and in the mortality rate, an increase in the quality of life. However, differences emerged in the local context regarding the objectives, organization and activity of a Nursing Clinic dedicated to patients with heart failure. The challenge still remains open.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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