The regional path for the government of requests for the purchase of new technologies in healthcare companies is part of the activities provided for in the Research Finalized Ministerial Network 2018 and provides for the implementation of an organizational model for the assessment of requests acquisition of new technologies integrated with HTA processes. The proposed organizational model will integrate with the National Program of HTA Medical Devices (PNHTADM) defined by the Control Room and described in the relative "Strategic Document" approved in Conference State Regions on 21/09/2017 and implemented with DGR of Veneto n. 967 of 14/09/2018. The PNHTADM had been temporarily suspended, but has now been resumed with a transposition act from a note sent to the Regions by the Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Health on 10/03/23, in order to update and renew the Program from 2023 until 2025. The regional path for the government of the requests for purchase of new technologies of health companies aims to homogenize and make transparent the process of request and evaluation of health technologies in the UVA-DM of the health companies of the Veneto Region in compliance with DGR Veneto n. 811 of 23 June 2020, operating a necessary reorganization of the processes and the operating instruments to support the innovation and the performance of the Regional Sanitary Service. The primary objective of the course is to identify and map the introduction of innovative technologies in the healthcare companies of the Veneto Region, proposing an in-depth evaluation for those deemed worthy of interest at regional and national level. For the evaluation of new technologies and the detection of potential innovation has been implemented a methodology based on MCDA modeling: the multiple-criteria decision analysis is a sub-operating research discipline that explicitly evaluates more conflicting criteria in the decision-making process and can therefore allow to make priority choices on the technologies to be evaluated for the decision to purchase new medical devices in a healthcare company. In this thesis work, we wanted to deepen the methodological protocol collaborating in the definition of the criteria of interest, follow the engineering of the model and analyze the preliminary results obtained from the simulations carried out by the pilot companies, stopping at the first test period. The pilot phase of the project will start in the coming months and further meetings are planned with the sub-working groups of the pilot companies to share the operational tools of the evaluation, understand the training activity to use the computer platform.
Il percorso regionale per il governo delle richieste d'acquisto di nuove tecnologie nelle aziende sanitarie rientra tra le attività previste nella Ricerca Finalizzata Ministeriale di Rete 2018 e prevede l’implementazione di un modello organizzativo per la valutazione delle richieste d’acquisto di nuove tecnologie integrate con i processi HTA. Il modello organizzativo proposto, a sua volta, si integrerà con il Programma Nazionale di HTA Dispositivi Medici (PNHTADM) definito dalla Cabina di Regia e descritto nel relativo “Documento Strategico” approvato in Conferenza Stato Regioni il 21/09/2017 e recepito con DGR del Veneto n. 967 del 14/09/2018. Il PNHTADM era stato temporaneamente sospeso, ma ora è stato ripreso con un atto di recepimento da una nota inviata alle Regioni dal Capo di Gabinetto del Ministero della Salute il 10/03/23, al fine di aggiornare e rinnovare il Programma dal 2023 fino al 2025. Il percorso regionale per il governo delle richieste d’acquisto di nuove tecnologie delle aziende sanitarie ha lo scopo di omogeneizzare e rendere trasparente il processo di richiesta e valutazione delle tecnologie sanitarie nelle UVA–DM delle aziende sanitarie della Regione Veneto in ottemperanza alla DGR del Veneto n. 811 del 23 giugno 2020, operando una necessaria riorganizzazione dei processi e degli strumenti operativi a supporto dell’innovazione e della performance del Servizio Sanitario Regionale. L’obiettivo primario del percorso è quello di individuare e mappare l’introduzione delle tecnologie innovative nelle aziende sanitarie della Regione Veneto, proponendo un approfondimento valutativo per quelle ritenute meritevoli di interesse a livello regionale e nazionale. Per la valutazione delle nuove tecnologie e la rilevazione dell’eventuale potenziale innovativo è stata implementata una metodologia improntata alla modellistica MCDA: la multiple-criteria decision analysis è una sotto-disciplina della ricerca operativa che valuta esplicitamente più criteri conflittuali nel processo decisionale e può quindi permettere di operare delle scelte di priorità sulle tecnologie da sottoporre a valutazione per la decisione di acquisto di nuovi dispositivi medici in un’azienda sanitaria. In questo lavoro di tesi, si è voluto approfondire il protocollo metodologico collaborando alla definizione dei criteri di interesse, seguire l’ingegnerizzazione del modello e analizzare gli esiti preliminari ottenuti dalle simulazioni effettuate dalle aziende pilota fermandosi al primo periodo di test. La fase pilota del progetto inizierà nei prossimi mesi e sono in programma ulteriori incontri con i sottogruppi di lavoro delle aziende pilota per la condivisione degli strumenti operativi della valutazione, compresivi dell’attività di formazione all’utilizzo della piattaforma informatizzata.
The regional path for the government of requests for the purchase of new technologies in healthcare companies is part of the activities provided for in the Research Finalized Ministerial Network 2018 and provides for the implementation of an organizational model for the assessment of requests acquisition of new technologies integrated with HTA processes. The proposed organizational model will integrate with the National Program of HTA Medical Devices (PNHTADM) defined by the Control Room and described in the relative "Strategic Document" approved in Conference State Regions on 21/09/2017 and implemented with DGR of Veneto n. 967 of 14/09/2018. The PNHTADM had been temporarily suspended, but has now been resumed with a transposition act from a note sent to the Regions by the Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Health on 10/03/23, in order to update and renew the Program from 2023 until 2025. The regional path for the government of the requests for purchase of new technologies of health companies aims to homogenize and make transparent the process of request and evaluation of health technologies in the UVA-DM of the health companies of the Veneto Region in compliance with DGR Veneto n. 811 of 23 June 2020, operating a necessary reorganization of the processes and the operating instruments to support the innovation and the performance of the Regional Sanitary Service. The primary objective of the course is to identify and map the introduction of innovative technologies in the healthcare companies of the Veneto Region, proposing an in-depth evaluation for those deemed worthy of interest at regional and national level. For the evaluation of new technologies and the detection of potential innovation has been implemented a methodology based on MCDA modeling: the multiple-criteria decision analysis is a sub-operating research discipline that explicitly evaluates more conflicting criteria in the decision-making process and can therefore allow to make priority choices on the technologies to be evaluated for the decision to purchase new medical devices in a healthcare company. In this thesis work, we wanted to deepen the methodological protocol collaborating in the definition of the criteria of interest, follow the engineering of the model and analyze the preliminary results obtained from the simulations carried out by the pilot companies, stopping at the first test period. The pilot phase of the project will start in the coming months and further meetings are planned with the sub-working groups of the pilot companies to share the operational tools of the evaluation, understand the training activity to use the computer platform.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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