Digital nomadism is a phenomenon that is part of the latest transformations in work processes that increasingly see a predominance of what is defined as the "knowledge economy" or, as some authors more critically prefer to call it, "cognitive capitalism", which follows the crisis of Fordism. What characterizes this phenomenon is the possibility that working men and women have, thanks to technology, to work from anywhere in the world, moving from one place to another. They can be defined as: "people who travel while they work and who work while they travel." More generically, digital nomads are remote workers who have undertaken a specific lifestyle led by the overriding need to be able to independently dispose of their time while travelling by having new experiences in ever-changing places. Digital nomadism sees a reconfiguration of workspaces and times, as well as the workers’ agency concerning employers or, more specifically, commissioners, since, in most cases, it involves self-employment, albeit there is no shortage of experience of wage labour. Along these lines, agency, coupled with a passion for travel, emerges as one of the pivotal issues in choosing to embark on this lifestyle. In this research, we wanted to analyze the phenomenon of digital nomadism through the experiences of some male and female workers who have chosen this lifestyle, placing it in the framework of the work's transformations in its implications concerning mobility in its various spatial, virtual, and social forms; the dichotomy of life-time/leisure/work-time; the increasing questioning of waged/subordinate work; and the spread of digital labour/work and knowledge work.
Il nomadismo digitale è un fenomeno che si colloca nelle recenti trasformazioni dei processi lavorativi che vedono sempre più una predominanza di quella che viene definita come “economia della conoscenza” o come alcuni autori più criticamente preferiscono definirla “capitalismo cognitivo” e che fa seguito alla crisi del fordismo. Ciò che caratterizza questo fenomeno è la possibilità che lavoratori e lavoratrici hanno, grazie alla tecnologia, di lavorare da qualsiasi parte del mondo, spostandosi da un luogo all’altro. Essi, infatti, possono essere definiti come “persone che viaggiano mentre lavorano e che lavorano mentre viaggiano”. Più genericamente i nomadi digitali sono dei remote workers che hanno intrapreso un particolare stile di vita guidato dall’esigenza prioritaria di poter disporre autonomamente del proprio tempo e al contempo viaggiare facendo nuove esperienze in luoghi sempre diversi. Il nomadismo digitale vede una riconfigurazione degli spazi e dei tempi di lavoro, nonché dell’agency dei lavoratori nei confronti di datori di lavoro o più propriamente dei committenti, poiché nella maggior parte dei casi si tratta di lavoro autonomo, seppure non manchino esperienze di lavoro salariato. In tal senso l’elemento dell’agency, unitamente alla passione per il viaggio, emerge come uno dei nodi cruciali rispetto alla scelta di intraprendere questo stile di vita. In questa ricerca si è voluto analizzare il fenomeno del nomadismo digitale, attraverso le testimonianze di alcuni lavoratori e lavoratrici che hanno scelto questo stile di vita, collocandolo nel quadro delle trasformazioni del lavoro nelle sue implicazioni rispetto: alla mobilità nelle varie declinazioni spaziali, virtuali, sociali; alla dicotomia tempo di vita-leisure/tempo di lavoro; alla crescente messa in discussione del lavoro salariato/subordinato; alla diffusione del digital labour/work e del lavoro della conoscenza.
I Nomadi digitali: tra minimalismo e ideologia dell''imprenditore di se stesso'"
Digital nomadism is a phenomenon that is part of the latest transformations in work processes that increasingly see a predominance of what is defined as the "knowledge economy" or, as some authors more critically prefer to call it, "cognitive capitalism", which follows the crisis of Fordism. What characterizes this phenomenon is the possibility that working men and women have, thanks to technology, to work from anywhere in the world, moving from one place to another. They can be defined as: "people who travel while they work and who work while they travel." More generically, digital nomads are remote workers who have undertaken a specific lifestyle led by the overriding need to be able to independently dispose of their time while travelling by having new experiences in ever-changing places. Digital nomadism sees a reconfiguration of workspaces and times, as well as the workers’ agency concerning employers or, more specifically, commissioners, since, in most cases, it involves self-employment, albeit there is no shortage of experience of wage labour. Along these lines, agency, coupled with a passion for travel, emerges as one of the pivotal issues in choosing to embark on this lifestyle. In this research, we wanted to analyze the phenomenon of digital nomadism through the experiences of some male and female workers who have chosen this lifestyle, placing it in the framework of the work's transformations in its implications concerning mobility in its various spatial, virtual, and social forms; the dichotomy of life-time/leisure/work-time; the increasing questioning of waged/subordinate work; and the spread of digital labour/work and knowledge work.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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