The objective of this study is the redesign of the production area dedicated to the oven doors of Unox Manifattura S.r.l. company, introducing single assembly stations in parallel with each other, in which a maximum of two operators can work, in order to reduce the area occupied by this island and free up space for the installation of a new production line. After the analysis of the current door production process, were identified the three product families and the activities to be carried out for door assembly. Task execution times were measured using the Bedaux method and an ergonomic analysis was carried out at the same time. This analysis has defined a structure that allows working with the door vertically, which is being studied by the technical office, as well as recommending the use of male operators aged between 18 and 45 to reduce the risks associated to the musculoskeletal system when they move oven’s glass. In order to guarantee the production of 180 pieces/day, was identified the need for 9 working hours per day and 5 assembly stations where 7 operators will be employed, one of which is shared between two stations. The shared operator will work for 60% of the day in one station with an operator and for the remaining 40% he will work in a different station together with another operator. To understand how the operators divide the activities when they work together in the same station, was performed a balancing with three different methods: trial and error, LCR and RPW. The balance with the best performance indices for each type of station was then chosen. The new layout of the island was designed, reducing the occupied surface area by approximately 100 mq, thus freeing up the space necessary for the introduction of the new production line, as requested by the company. The new process allowed to reduce the number of human resources used, the assembly time, the WIP and therefore stocks thanks also to the introduction of trolleys for moving materials from the internal glass and bending stations to the assembly stations. The project implementation costs are the purchase of workbenches and trolleys, because many other equipments are already present in the company and therefore only a reorganization of resources will be necessary. Savings are obtained from the lower number of human resources used and the gains derive from the additional production capacity of the production line that can be installed and from the greater productivity of the door island, in fact can be reached 191 pcs/day. It is a weekly company's task the calculation of the resources needed to avoid creating too many stocks or underutilising operators. In the cash flow calculation, the earnings deriving from greater productivity were not considered because the data relating to the unit profit of an oven was not available. The calculation of cash flows shows that the investment is profitable already from the first year.
L’obiettivo di questo studio è la riprogettazione dell’area di produzione dedicata alle porte dei forni dell’azienda Unox Manifattura S.r.l., introducendo singole postazioni di assemblaggio in parallelo tra loro, in cui possono lavorarci al massimo due operatori, al fine di ridurre l’area occupata da tale isola e liberare spazio per l’installazione di una nuova linea di produzione. In seguito all’analisi dell’attuale processo di produzione delle porte, sono state identificate le tre famiglie di prodotto e le attività da svolgere per l’assemblaggio della porta. Sono stati misurati i tempi di esecuzione dei task utilizzando il metodo Bedaux e contemporaneamente è stata svolta un’analisi ergonomica. Tale analisi ha definito una struttura che permette di lavorare con la porta in verticale, in fase di studio da parte dell’ufficio tecnico, oltre che consigliare l’impiego di operatori maschi con età compresa tra i 18 e i 45 anni per ridurre i rischi legati all’apparato muscolo-scheletrico quando si movimentano i vetri. Successivamente è stata identificata la necessità di 9 ore lavorative al giorno per garantire la produzione di 180 pz/gg e 5 stazioni di assemblaggio in cui verranno impiegati 7 operatori, di cui uno condiviso tra due stazioni. L’operatore condiviso lavorerà per il 60% della giornata in una stazione con un operatore e per il rimanente 40% lavorerà in una stazione diversa assieme ad un altro operatore. Per capire come gli operatori si suddividono le attività, quando lavorano assieme nella stessa stazione, sono stati eseguiti i bilanciamenti con tre diversi metodi: per tentativi, LCR e RPW. È stato poi scelto il bilanciamento con i migliori indici di performance per ogni tipologia di postazione. È stato disegnato il nuovo layout dell’isola riducendo la superficie occupata di circa 100 mq, liberando così lo spazio necessario per l’introduzione della nuova linea di produzione, come richiesto dall’azienda. Il nuovo processo ha permesso di ridurre il numero di risorse umane impiegate, ridurre il tempo di assemblaggio, ridurre il WIP e quindi le scorte grazie anche all’introduzione di carrellini per lo spostamento dei materiali dalle stazioni vetri interni e piegatrice alle stazioni di assemblaggio. I costi di realizzazione del progetto riguardano l’acquisto dei banchi di lavoro e dei carrelli, perché molte altre attrezzature sono già presenti in azienda e quindi sarà necessaria solo una riorganizzazione delle risorse. Si ottengono risparmi dal minor numero di risorse umane impiegate e i guadagni derivano dalla capacità produttiva aggiuntiva della linea di produzione che si può installare e dalla maggiore produttività dell’isola porte, dato che si possono raggiungere i 191 pz/gg. È compito dell’azienda eseguire un calcolo settimanale delle risorse necessarie da impiegare per evitare che si realizzano troppe scorte o che ci sia un sottoutilizzo degli operatori. Nel calcolo del flusso di cassa non sono stati considerarti i guadagni derivanti dalla maggiore produttività perché non si hanno a disposizione i dati relativi al guadagno unitario di un forno. Il calcolo dei flussi di cassa mostra che l’investimento risulta remunerativo già dal primo anno.
Riprogettazione di un processo di assemblaggio manuale: il caso Unox Manifattura S.r.l.
The objective of this study is the redesign of the production area dedicated to the oven doors of Unox Manifattura S.r.l. company, introducing single assembly stations in parallel with each other, in which a maximum of two operators can work, in order to reduce the area occupied by this island and free up space for the installation of a new production line. After the analysis of the current door production process, were identified the three product families and the activities to be carried out for door assembly. Task execution times were measured using the Bedaux method and an ergonomic analysis was carried out at the same time. This analysis has defined a structure that allows working with the door vertically, which is being studied by the technical office, as well as recommending the use of male operators aged between 18 and 45 to reduce the risks associated to the musculoskeletal system when they move oven’s glass. In order to guarantee the production of 180 pieces/day, was identified the need for 9 working hours per day and 5 assembly stations where 7 operators will be employed, one of which is shared between two stations. The shared operator will work for 60% of the day in one station with an operator and for the remaining 40% he will work in a different station together with another operator. To understand how the operators divide the activities when they work together in the same station, was performed a balancing with three different methods: trial and error, LCR and RPW. The balance with the best performance indices for each type of station was then chosen. The new layout of the island was designed, reducing the occupied surface area by approximately 100 mq, thus freeing up the space necessary for the introduction of the new production line, as requested by the company. The new process allowed to reduce the number of human resources used, the assembly time, the WIP and therefore stocks thanks also to the introduction of trolleys for moving materials from the internal glass and bending stations to the assembly stations. The project implementation costs are the purchase of workbenches and trolleys, because many other equipments are already present in the company and therefore only a reorganization of resources will be necessary. Savings are obtained from the lower number of human resources used and the gains derive from the additional production capacity of the production line that can be installed and from the greater productivity of the door island, in fact can be reached 191 pcs/day. It is a weekly company's task the calculation of the resources needed to avoid creating too many stocks or underutilising operators. In the cash flow calculation, the earnings deriving from greater productivity were not considered because the data relating to the unit profit of an oven was not available. The calculation of cash flows shows that the investment is profitable already from the first year.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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