The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury has an ever-increasing incidence in sportsmen and women, and involves a recovery period ranging from 6 to 12 months depending on the type of graft chosen during surgery and the complications that may occur during the athlete's functional recovery. The period of inactivity to which the athlete is forced, in addition to affecting his or her performance, causes considerable economic losses to sports clubs as well as to public health; surgery alone has an average cost of 12,000€. This thesis work was developed with the aim of evaluating new technologies based on artificial intelligence for the prevention of these types of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Specifically, two types of acquisitions were performed: one directly on the field and one in a motion analysis laboratory. The first one was performed at the technical centre of L.R. Vicenza, a team playing in the Serie C football championship, and 9 players were analysed. Seven video cameras (4 GoPro Hero 7 Black and 3 Gopro Hero 3+) were positioned at the sides of a small square acquisition area, within which each athlete performed three changes of direction to the right and three to the left. Using software developed by BBSoF, a spin-off of the University of Padua, 20 anatomical points were semi-automatically identified directly on the video. The same footage was then processed with Mediapipe, an open source framework developed by Google, which tracks movements using artificial intelligence. The two different methodologies were then compared to determine the offset between the hip, knee and ankle joint angles calculated with the two models. The second acquisition was performed in the Movement Analysis laboratory of the University of Padua, where 1 subject, myself, was analysed using the Vicon Nexus stereophotogrammetry system, and 4 video cameras (GoPro Hero 7 Black), two positioned for the sagittal plane and two for the frontal plane. Ten repetitions of the following tasks were analysed: walking, bipodal and monopodal squat, bipodal and monopodal landing from a 32cm box. Also in this second set-up, the joint angles estimated from the Vicon system were compared with those obtained from the model reconstructed with Mediapipe and artificial intelligence.
L’infortunio al Legamento Crociato Anteriore (LCA) ha un’incidenza in continua crescita negli sportivi e comporta un periodo di recupero che varia dai 6 ai 12 mesi a seconda della tipologia di innesto scelto in fase operatoria e le complicanze che ci possono essere durante il recupero funzionale dell'atleta. Il periodo di inattività al quale è costretto l’atleta, oltre a gravare sulle proprie prestazioni, va a causare ingenti perdite economiche alle società sportive oltre che alla sanità pubblica; il solo intervento chirurgico ha un costo medio di 12.000€. Questo lavoro di tesi è stato sviluppato con lo scopo di valutare nuove tecnologie basate su intelligenza artificiale per la prevenzione di questi tipi di infortuni al legamento crociato anteriore. Nello specifico sono state effettuate due tipologie di acquisizioni: una direttamente in campo e una in un laboratorio di analisi del movimento. La prima è stata eseguita presso il centro tecnico del L.R. Vicenza, squadra militante nel campionato Serie C di calcio, e sono stati analizzati 9 giocatori. Sono state posizionate 7 videocamere (4 GoPro Hero 7 Black e 3 Gopro Hero 3+) ai lati di una piccola area quadrata di acquisizione, all’interno della quale ogni atleta ha eseguito tre cambi di direzione a destra e tre a sinistra. Tramite un software sviluppato da BBSoF, spin-off dell’Università di Padova, sono stati identificati in maniera semi-automatica 20 punti anatomici direttamente a video. Gli stessi filmati sono stati successivamente elaborati con Mediapipe, framework open source sviluppato da Google, che traccia i movimenti grazie all’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale. Le due diverse metodologie sono state poi messe a confronto per determinare l’offset tra gli angoli articolari di anca, ginocchio e caviglia calcolati con i due modelli. La seconda acquisizione invece è stata eseguita nel laboratorio di Analisi del Movimento dell'Università degli Studi di Padova dove è stato analizzato 1 soggetto, me medesimo, utilizzando il sistema di stereofotogrammetria Vicon Nexus, e 4 videocamere (GoPro Hero 7 Black), due posizionate per la ripresa del piano sagittale e due per quella del piano frontale. Sono state analizzate dieci ripetizioni dei seguenti task: cammino, squat bipodalico e monopodalico, atterraggio bipodalico e monopodalico da un box di 32cm. Anche in questo secondo set up, si sono confrontati gli angoli articolari stimanti a partire dal sistema Vicon con quelli ottenuti dal modello ricostruito con Mediapipe e l’intelligenza artificiale.
Confronto tra tecnologia markerless e tecnologia markerless basata su intelligenza artificiale per la prevenzione di infortuni al legamento crociato anteriore
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury has an ever-increasing incidence in sportsmen and women, and involves a recovery period ranging from 6 to 12 months depending on the type of graft chosen during surgery and the complications that may occur during the athlete's functional recovery. The period of inactivity to which the athlete is forced, in addition to affecting his or her performance, causes considerable economic losses to sports clubs as well as to public health; surgery alone has an average cost of 12,000€. This thesis work was developed with the aim of evaluating new technologies based on artificial intelligence for the prevention of these types of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Specifically, two types of acquisitions were performed: one directly on the field and one in a motion analysis laboratory. The first one was performed at the technical centre of L.R. Vicenza, a team playing in the Serie C football championship, and 9 players were analysed. Seven video cameras (4 GoPro Hero 7 Black and 3 Gopro Hero 3+) were positioned at the sides of a small square acquisition area, within which each athlete performed three changes of direction to the right and three to the left. Using software developed by BBSoF, a spin-off of the University of Padua, 20 anatomical points were semi-automatically identified directly on the video. The same footage was then processed with Mediapipe, an open source framework developed by Google, which tracks movements using artificial intelligence. The two different methodologies were then compared to determine the offset between the hip, knee and ankle joint angles calculated with the two models. The second acquisition was performed in the Movement Analysis laboratory of the University of Padua, where 1 subject, myself, was analysed using the Vicon Nexus stereophotogrammetry system, and 4 video cameras (GoPro Hero 7 Black), two positioned for the sagittal plane and two for the frontal plane. Ten repetitions of the following tasks were analysed: walking, bipodal and monopodal squat, bipodal and monopodal landing from a 32cm box. Also in this second set-up, the joint angles estimated from the Vicon system were compared with those obtained from the model reconstructed with Mediapipe and artificial intelligence.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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