Recently, the increasing negative effects related to climate change have been encouraging the development of strategies, both technical and legislative, to face it. This is particularly evident in urban context, where now live the 55% of the world population and it is expected to reach the 68% by 2050. Soil sealing, and soil consumption are becoming an important issue: according the 2023 SNPA Report on soil consumption, the city of Padua and the province of Padua are both on the top of the Veneto Region, since they are characterized by the 49,76% and the 18,69% of concrete surfaces respectively. Furthermore, Padua has been chosen as one of the one hundred European cities that yearn for the climate neutrality by 2030. In this context, it is of paramount importance to develop strategies to make cities sustainable, resilient, and autonomous in the food production, pursuing environmental and social justices. This project is built around these topics, and it seeks to identify possible suitable green areas in the Municipality of Padua to host urban agriculture practices, in particular urban community gardens and Urban Food Forests, through the use of public participation instruments and spatial-multicriteria decision analysis in GIS environment. So, community gardens and Urban Food Forests are the two topics of this research. Regarding Urban Food Forests, bibliographic research was conducted in order to define the state of the art of this kind of practice, followed by semi-structured interviews administered to local key informants of the Padua Municipality and to volunteers who works in a food forest, during on-site visits. Information gained from interviews were of particular importance to focus on potentials and criticalities of this kind of practice and helped in the process of criteria identification and their weighting. Thank to the spatial-multicriteria decision analysis it was possible to identify the best suitable sites to host Urban Food Forests. Finally, for each of the ten most suitable green areas a further survey was conducted, quantifying the proportion of land actually exploitable, that is, the surface free from vegetation or artificial elements. It was evaluated the overlapping between the ten selected sites and the latest forestation project, named “10mila alberi per Padova”. For urban community gardens a similar approach was used. They have existed in the city since the 1990s and are managed by the Padua Municipality. Today, there are 710 allotments divided in 19 different sites, distributed across Padua. Here, only a summary is presented, together with an insight into the topic, since it is the matter of a scientific article in publishing. This study gives a first structured framework of two agroecological practices for the Paduan context, both eligible for urban sustainable development, and allows to test participatory multicriteria methodologies for suitable site-selection. Hence, the approach used could be an effective instrument to support decision-making processes, through citizens’ and stakeholders’ participation.
L’inasprimento degli effetti negativi associati al cambiamento climatico ha recentemente stimolato l’applicazione di strategie e strumenti anche normativi per poterlo fronteggiare. Ciò è di particolare rilevanza in contesto urbano, dove attualmente risiede circa il 55% della popolazione mondiale e dove ci si aspetta che entro il 2050 questo valore raggiunga il 68%. Gli impatti riconducibili al consumo e all’impermeabilizzazione dei suoli, in contesto urbano e non solo, negli ultimi anni stanno sperimentando un netto incremento: secondo il rapporto SNPA (Sistema Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente) sul consumo di suolo del 2023, Padova comune e Padova provincia si collocano entrambe al primo posto nella Regione del Veneto per suolo consumato, con il 49,76% e il 18,69% rispettivamente di superficie cementificata. Senza dimenticare che Padova è stata selezionata come una delle cento città pilota che ambiranno alla neutralità climatica entro il 2030, nell’ambito del progetto europeo Net Zero City Emission. Si rende necessario, dunque, attuare delle politiche volte a rendere le città più sostenibili e resilienti di fronte alle sfide del futuro, nonché il più autonome possibile per quanto riguarda la produzione e il consumo di cibo, in un contesto di giustizia ambientale e sociale. In questo ambito si sviluppa il presente lavoro, che mira, con l’ausilio di strumenti di partecipazione pubblica e di analisi multi-criteriali in ambiente GIS, a identificare aree verdi della Municipalità di Padova potenzialmente idonee ad ospitare pratiche sostenibili di agricoltura urbana, quali le foreste commestibili (le cosiddette Urban Food Forests) e gli orti urbani. La ricerca si è sviluppata quindi in due filoni paralleli e complementari tra loro, il primo riguardante le Urban Food Forests e il secondo gli orti urbani. Nel primo caso è stata condotta un’indagine bibliografica preliminare per delineare lo stato dell’arte delle Urban Food Forests, seguita da alcune interviste semi-strutturate a informatori chiave dell’Amministrazione Comunale e a volontari che operano in questa tipologia di realtà, raggiunti in occasione di visite a casi studio. Le informazioni ottenute hanno permesso di focalizzare le potenzialità e le criticità di questa pratica, oltre a definire dei criteri decisionali, a cui sono stati attribuiti dei pesi; in seguito, con l’analisi multi-criteriale spaziale sono state identificate le aree verdi potenzialmente idonee ad ospitare Urban Food Forests. Per le aree a maggiore idoneità è stata valutata l’area effettivamente fruibile, ovvero quella libera da elementi antropici o vegetazionali e indagata la loro eventuale sovrapposizione con il più recente progetto di forestazione urbana della città, denominato “10mila Alberi per Padova”. Un approccio simile è stato condotto anche per gli orti urbani, una pratica gestita dal Comune e già presente a Padova fin dagli anni 1990 e che, attualmente, vanta 710 lotti suddivisi in 19 siti distribuiti sul territorio comunale. In questo elaborato vengono riportati solo una breve sintesi del lavoro svolto e un approfondimento sui risultati ottenuti, in quanto questa parte di studio ha prodotto un articolo scientifico in fase di pubblicazione, posto nella sezione allegati. I risultati raggiunti con questo lavoro hanno permesso, da un lato di avere un primo quadro strutturato su queste due tipologie di pratiche agroecologiche per la città di Padova, che potrebbero candidarsi come strategie potenzialmente efficaci in termini di sviluppo urbano sostenibile, e, dall’altro, di testare delle metodologie multi-criteriali partecipate per la definizione delle aree idonee che possono essere un valido strumento a supporto dei processi decisionali, favorendo il coinvolgimento della cittadinanza e degli stakeholders.
Urban Food Forests e Orti Urbani a Padova. Scenari di buone pratiche agroecologiche attraverso l'analisi GIS multi-criteriale partecipata.
Recently, the increasing negative effects related to climate change have been encouraging the development of strategies, both technical and legislative, to face it. This is particularly evident in urban context, where now live the 55% of the world population and it is expected to reach the 68% by 2050. Soil sealing, and soil consumption are becoming an important issue: according the 2023 SNPA Report on soil consumption, the city of Padua and the province of Padua are both on the top of the Veneto Region, since they are characterized by the 49,76% and the 18,69% of concrete surfaces respectively. Furthermore, Padua has been chosen as one of the one hundred European cities that yearn for the climate neutrality by 2030. In this context, it is of paramount importance to develop strategies to make cities sustainable, resilient, and autonomous in the food production, pursuing environmental and social justices. This project is built around these topics, and it seeks to identify possible suitable green areas in the Municipality of Padua to host urban agriculture practices, in particular urban community gardens and Urban Food Forests, through the use of public participation instruments and spatial-multicriteria decision analysis in GIS environment. So, community gardens and Urban Food Forests are the two topics of this research. Regarding Urban Food Forests, bibliographic research was conducted in order to define the state of the art of this kind of practice, followed by semi-structured interviews administered to local key informants of the Padua Municipality and to volunteers who works in a food forest, during on-site visits. Information gained from interviews were of particular importance to focus on potentials and criticalities of this kind of practice and helped in the process of criteria identification and their weighting. Thank to the spatial-multicriteria decision analysis it was possible to identify the best suitable sites to host Urban Food Forests. Finally, for each of the ten most suitable green areas a further survey was conducted, quantifying the proportion of land actually exploitable, that is, the surface free from vegetation or artificial elements. It was evaluated the overlapping between the ten selected sites and the latest forestation project, named “10mila alberi per Padova”. For urban community gardens a similar approach was used. They have existed in the city since the 1990s and are managed by the Padua Municipality. Today, there are 710 allotments divided in 19 different sites, distributed across Padua. Here, only a summary is presented, together with an insight into the topic, since it is the matter of a scientific article in publishing. This study gives a first structured framework of two agroecological practices for the Paduan context, both eligible for urban sustainable development, and allows to test participatory multicriteria methodologies for suitable site-selection. Hence, the approach used could be an effective instrument to support decision-making processes, through citizens’ and stakeholders’ participation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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