This dissertation examines the acquisition of Relative Clauses by Egyptian Arabic preschoolers (aged three to five years). We aim to determine when EA learners begin relativizing, the pattern of PPRCs acquisition, the role of the preposition categories in the acquisition of PPRCs, locality effects, the role of formal features in facilitating these effects, error types produced by EA learners, and the role of clitics in acquiring non-subject RCs. First, we demonstrated that four types of RCs are found in EA: restrictive relative clause, non-restrictive relative clause, free relative clause, and predicative relative clause. Additionally, we demonstrate that resumptive pronouns occur obligatorily in positions except for the highest subject position and the embedded subject position. In the former case, gaps are obligatory, while in the latter, resumptive pronouns and gaps alternate optionally, representing a language-specific last-resort strategy (e.g., Aoun 1981, Shlonsky 1992, Aoun and Choueiri 1997), among others. Furthermore, we establish that in EA, the raising derivation is available in SRCs and some PPRCs, while the matching derivation is available for ORCs. The availability of reconstruction with resumptive pronouns aligns with findings in Hebrew RCs by Sichel (2014), Doron (1981), and Sharvit (1999) and the framework of Aoun et al. (2001), Aoun and Li (2003), and Aoun et al. (2010). Moving on to the acquisition and experimental phase, we administered an elicited production task to 61 EA learners and 10 adults, adapted from Thiel, Sanfelici, Koch, and Schulz (2014) and inspired by Friedmann & Novogrodsky (2004, 2006). After investigating the Salama corpus on CHILDES for EA learner transcriptions, we adapted the elicitation task to the Egyptian Arabic cultural context to ensure participants had mastered the lexical items. Additionally, a pre-experimental phase included a denomination task. The following insights were observed: First, EA learners begin relativizing at the age of three, in line with their cross-linguistic peers. Furthermore, subject-object asymmetry was observed in EA learner production (e.g., Novogrodsky and Friedmann 2006; Belletti and Contemori 2012 and Contemori and Belletti 2014). Second, EA learners start producing PPRCs at the age of four, but mastery is not achieved by age five, consistent with findings by Costa and Friedmann (2012). Third, children find the production of lexical PPRCs easier than functional and complex PPRCs due to formal features, supported by works such as Cinque and Rizzi (2010), Svenonius (2010), and Covazzi (2019). Fourth, intervention effects were observed in the acquisition of Egyptian Arabic RCS. Moreover, formal feature dissimilarities such as gender and absence of feature specification aid in overcoming these difficulties, supporting the Relativized Minimality approach (Rizzi 1990, 2004; Friedmann et al. 2009), along with findings related to the role of feature dissimilarities in overcoming intervention effects (Friedmann 2009; Adani et al. 2010; Belletti et al. 2012; Bentea et al. 2016). Fifth, errors among children included subject fronting, resumptive DP, and errors related to extraction sites. Specifically, children avoided producing non-subject RCs, opting instead for their transformation into SRCs, consistent with research by Botwinik et al. (2015) and others. Finally, the presence of the resumption strategy in EA does not resolve subject-object asymmetry or improve RC production, supporting the claim of it being a last-resort strategy, as argued by Friedmann and Costa (2011), Costa, Friedmann, et al. (2014), and Lau (2016) in terms of acquisitional background, and Shlonsky (1992), Aoun and Choueiri (1997), and Aoun and Li (2003) in terms of theoretical background.
Questo studio esamina l'acquisizione delle Frasi Relative da parte dei bambini egiziani di età prescolare (tra i tre e i cinque anni). Lo scopo è determinare quando i bambini egiziani iniziano a produrre Frasi Relative, il modello di acquisizione delle PPRC, il ruolo delle categorie preposizionali nell'acquisizione delle PPRC, gli effetti di località, il ruolo dei tratti formali nel facilitare questi effetti, i tipi di errori prodotti dai bambini egiziani e il ruolo dei clitici nell'acquisizione di Frasi Relative non soggetto. Le discussioni teoriche vertono sulla sintassi delle Frasi Relative in arabo egiziano, evidenziando la distribuzione dei pronomi di ripresa. Ho dimostrato che i pronomi di ripresa si verificano obbligatoriamente in posizioni diverse dalla highest subject position e dall’embedded subject. Nel primo caso, i gaps sono obbligatori, mentre nel secondo, i pronomi di ripresa ed i gaps si alternano facoltativamente, rappresentando una strategia specifica della lingua come last resort (ad esempio Aoun 1981, Shlonsky 1992, Aoun e Choueiri 1997, tra gli altri). Inoltre, abbiamo stabilito che in arabo egiziano, la derivazione di raising è disponibile nelle SRC e in alcune PPRC, mentre la derivazione di matching è disponibile per le ORC. La disponibilità della ricostruzione con pronomi di ripresa si allinea con i risultati nelle Frasi Relative ebraiche di Sichel 2014, Doron 1981 e Sharvit 1999. Passando all'acquisizione e alla fase sperimentale, abbiamo somministrato un compito di produzione elicita a 61 apprendisti di arabo egiziano e 10 adulti, adattato da Thiel, Sanfelici, Koch e Schulz 2014 e ispirato a Friedmann e Novogrodsky 2004, 2006. Dopo aver esaminato il corpus Salama su CHILDES per le trascrizioni degli apprendisti di arabo egiziano, abbiamo adattato il compito di elicitation al contesto culturale egiziano per garantire che i partecipanti avessero padroneggiato gli elementi lessicali. Inoltre, una fase pre-sperimentale includeva un compito di denominazione. Sono stati osservati i seguenti punti chiave: In primo luogo, i bambini egiziani iniziano a produrre Frasi Relative all'età di tre anni, in linea con i loro coetanei cross-linguistici. Inoltre, è stata osservata un'asimmetria soggetto-oggetto nella produzione dei bambini egiziani(Novogrodsky and Friedmann 2006; Belletti and Contemori 2012 and Contemori and Belletti 2014). In secondo luogo, i bambini egiziani iniziano a produrre PPRC all'età di quattro anni, ma la padronanza non viene raggiunta entro i cinque anni, in linea con i risultati di Costa e Friedmann 2012. In terzo luogo, i bambini trovano più facile la produzione di PPRC lessicali rispetto a PPRC funzionali e complesse a causa dei tratti formali (Cinque e Rizzi 2010, Svenonius 2010 e Covazzi 2019). In quarto luogo, sono stati osservati effetti di intervento nell'acquisizione delle RCS dell'arabo egiziano. Inoltre, dissimilarità dei tratti formali come genere ed assenza di specificazione dei tratti aiutano a superare queste difficoltà, supportando l'approccio della minimalità relativizzata (Rizzi 1990, 2004; Friedmann et al. 2009), insieme ai risultati correlati al ruolo delle dissimilarità dei tratti nel superare gli effetti di intervento (Friedmann 2009; Adani et al. 2010; Belletti et al. 2012; Bentea et al. 2016). Quinto, gli errori tra i bambini includono il subject fronting, il pronome di ripresa e errori relativi ai siti di estrazione. In particolare, i bambini evitavano di produrre FR non soggetto, optando invece per la loro trasformazione in SRC, coerentemente con la ricerca di Botwinik et al. 2015 e altri. Infine, la presenza della strategia di ripresa in arabo egiziano non risolve l'asimmetria soggetto-oggetto o migliora la produzione di FR, supportando l'affermazione che si tratti di una strategia estrema, come sostenuto da Friedmann e Costa 2011, Costa, Friedmann, et al. 2014, e Lau 2016 , e Shlonsky 1992, Aoun e Choueiri 1997, e Aoun e Li 2003).
L'acquisizione delle frasi relative da parte dei bambini egiziani in età prescolare.
This dissertation examines the acquisition of Relative Clauses by Egyptian Arabic preschoolers (aged three to five years). We aim to determine when EA learners begin relativizing, the pattern of PPRCs acquisition, the role of the preposition categories in the acquisition of PPRCs, locality effects, the role of formal features in facilitating these effects, error types produced by EA learners, and the role of clitics in acquiring non-subject RCs. First, we demonstrated that four types of RCs are found in EA: restrictive relative clause, non-restrictive relative clause, free relative clause, and predicative relative clause. Additionally, we demonstrate that resumptive pronouns occur obligatorily in positions except for the highest subject position and the embedded subject position. In the former case, gaps are obligatory, while in the latter, resumptive pronouns and gaps alternate optionally, representing a language-specific last-resort strategy (e.g., Aoun 1981, Shlonsky 1992, Aoun and Choueiri 1997), among others. Furthermore, we establish that in EA, the raising derivation is available in SRCs and some PPRCs, while the matching derivation is available for ORCs. The availability of reconstruction with resumptive pronouns aligns with findings in Hebrew RCs by Sichel (2014), Doron (1981), and Sharvit (1999) and the framework of Aoun et al. (2001), Aoun and Li (2003), and Aoun et al. (2010). Moving on to the acquisition and experimental phase, we administered an elicited production task to 61 EA learners and 10 adults, adapted from Thiel, Sanfelici, Koch, and Schulz (2014) and inspired by Friedmann & Novogrodsky (2004, 2006). After investigating the Salama corpus on CHILDES for EA learner transcriptions, we adapted the elicitation task to the Egyptian Arabic cultural context to ensure participants had mastered the lexical items. Additionally, a pre-experimental phase included a denomination task. The following insights were observed: First, EA learners begin relativizing at the age of three, in line with their cross-linguistic peers. Furthermore, subject-object asymmetry was observed in EA learner production (e.g., Novogrodsky and Friedmann 2006; Belletti and Contemori 2012 and Contemori and Belletti 2014). Second, EA learners start producing PPRCs at the age of four, but mastery is not achieved by age five, consistent with findings by Costa and Friedmann (2012). Third, children find the production of lexical PPRCs easier than functional and complex PPRCs due to formal features, supported by works such as Cinque and Rizzi (2010), Svenonius (2010), and Covazzi (2019). Fourth, intervention effects were observed in the acquisition of Egyptian Arabic RCS. Moreover, formal feature dissimilarities such as gender and absence of feature specification aid in overcoming these difficulties, supporting the Relativized Minimality approach (Rizzi 1990, 2004; Friedmann et al. 2009), along with findings related to the role of feature dissimilarities in overcoming intervention effects (Friedmann 2009; Adani et al. 2010; Belletti et al. 2012; Bentea et al. 2016). Fifth, errors among children included subject fronting, resumptive DP, and errors related to extraction sites. Specifically, children avoided producing non-subject RCs, opting instead for their transformation into SRCs, consistent with research by Botwinik et al. (2015) and others. Finally, the presence of the resumption strategy in EA does not resolve subject-object asymmetry or improve RC production, supporting the claim of it being a last-resort strategy, as argued by Friedmann and Costa (2011), Costa, Friedmann, et al. (2014), and Lau (2016) in terms of acquisitional background, and Shlonsky (1992), Aoun and Choueiri (1997), and Aoun and Li (2003) in terms of theoretical background.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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