Background: Internships conducted in health professions degree programs are key training experiences for the adult student who, through the experience of professional practice, can acquire the skills required at the end of the degree program. The success of the internship experience depends on the interactions of many actors: students, teaching tutors, coordinators of educational activities, service coordinators of internship sites, and clinical instructors. Clinical instructors, despite the fact that there is legislation that defines the criteria for filling this role, do not receive uniform and widespread recognition in the Italian reality by the universities and organizations for which they work. This lack of recognition prevents the creation of training courses for clinical instructors, with the result that they may not be properly trained to fill this position. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the perceived training needs of the clinical instructors of the Physiotherapy Degree Course at the University of Padua, branch of Venice, with the purpose of creating a training course designed to fill the perceived gaps. Materials and methods: To perform this survey, a literature review was conducted to identify the most suitable methodology and then an ad hoc questionnaire was created. The questionnaire was submitted online to a sample of 58 active clinical instructors in the academic year 2023-2024. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively, internal consistency and relationships between questions were assessed using Cronbach's alpha index and Pearson's correlation index. Results: Clinical instructors’ participation in the questionnaire was high, suggesting a growing awareness and interest in their own training. It appears from the questionnaire that the guides feel confident in stimulating students in the therapeutic relationship, clinical reasoning, and rehabilitation practice, but they feel they struggle in the less frequent and more critical situations, such as giving negative feedback or counteracting student disinterest, or in finding quality time to devote to reflection on their experiences. It also emerges, a lack of communication between teaching tutors and clinical instructors, which is probably caused in part by the pandemic and personnel turnover. Discussion of the results: To improve this situation, an ECM accredited training intervention is proposed with specific objectives and appropriate teaching methods, with the aim of addressing the critical issues that have emerged, promoting effective dialogue between tutors and instructors, and encouraging motivation and interest in the role. Such a training intervention cannot be an isolated event but must be the basis of a training course that accompanies internship guides in their growth in this role with the purpose of raising the quality of internships offered to students.
Background: I tirocini svolti nei corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie sono delle esperienze formative fondamentali per lo studente adulto che, attraverso l’esperienza della prassi professionale, può acquisire le competenze richieste al termine del percorso di studi. La buona riuscita dell’esperienza di tirocinio dipende dalle interazioni di molti soggetti: studenti, tutor didattici, coordinatori delle attività didattiche, coordinatori dei servizi delle sedi di tirocinio e guide di tirocinio. In particolare, le guide di tirocinio, nonostante esista una normativa che definisce i criteri per ricoprire tale ruolo, non godono di un riconoscimento univoco e diffuso nella realtà italiana da parte delle Università e delle aziende per cui lavorano. Questo mancato riconoscimento impedisce che vengano creati dei corsi di formazione per le guide di tirocinio, con il risultato che potrebbero non essere formate opportunamente per ricoprire tale incarico. Scopo: Questo studio si propone di indagare il fabbisogno formativo percepito dalle guide di tirocinio del Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia dell'Università di Padova, sede di Venezia, con lo scopo di creare un corso di formazione destinato a colmare i gap percepiti. Materiale e metodi: Per eseguire tale indagine, dopo una revisione della letteratura, è stato creato un questionario ad hoc seguendo la metodologia proposta in letteratura. Il questionario è stato somministrato online a un campione di 58 guide di tirocinio attive nell'anno accademico 2023-2024. I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati quantitativamente e utilizzando l'indice alpha di Cronbach e l'indice di correlazione di Pearson per valutare la consistenza interna e le relazioni tra le domande. Risultati: La partecipazione delle guide di tirocinio è stata elevata, suggerendo una crescente consapevolezza e interesse verso la propria formazione. Dal questionario emerge che le guide si sentono sicure nello stimolare gli studenti alla relazione terapeutica, al ragionamento clinico e alla prassi riabilitativa, ma si sentono in difficoltà nelle situazioni meno frequenti e più critiche, come dare feedback negativi o contrastare il disinteresse degli studenti, oppure nel trovare tempo di qualità da dedicare alla riflessione sulle esperienze vissute. Emerge inoltre, una mancanza di comunicazione tra tutor didattici e guide, verosimilmente causata in parte dalla pandemia e dal turnover di personale. Discussione: Per migliorare questa situazione si propone un intervento formativo, accreditato ECM, con obiettivi specifici e metodi didattici adeguati, con lo scopo ultimo di affrontare le criticità emerse, promuovere un dialogo efficace tra tutor e guide e incentivare la motivazione e l’interesse nel ruolo di guida. Tale intervento formativo per conseguire questi ultimi obiettivi non può essere un evento isolato ma deve essere la base di un percorso formativo che accompagna le guide di tirocinio nella loro crescita in questo ruolo con il fine di elevare la qualità dei tirocini offerti agli studenti.
Rilevazione del bisogno e pianificazione di un percorso formativo per le guide di tirocinio del corso di laurea in fisioterapia dell’Università di Padova, sede di Venezia
Background: Internships conducted in health professions degree programs are key training experiences for the adult student who, through the experience of professional practice, can acquire the skills required at the end of the degree program. The success of the internship experience depends on the interactions of many actors: students, teaching tutors, coordinators of educational activities, service coordinators of internship sites, and clinical instructors. Clinical instructors, despite the fact that there is legislation that defines the criteria for filling this role, do not receive uniform and widespread recognition in the Italian reality by the universities and organizations for which they work. This lack of recognition prevents the creation of training courses for clinical instructors, with the result that they may not be properly trained to fill this position. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the perceived training needs of the clinical instructors of the Physiotherapy Degree Course at the University of Padua, branch of Venice, with the purpose of creating a training course designed to fill the perceived gaps. Materials and methods: To perform this survey, a literature review was conducted to identify the most suitable methodology and then an ad hoc questionnaire was created. The questionnaire was submitted online to a sample of 58 active clinical instructors in the academic year 2023-2024. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively, internal consistency and relationships between questions were assessed using Cronbach's alpha index and Pearson's correlation index. Results: Clinical instructors’ participation in the questionnaire was high, suggesting a growing awareness and interest in their own training. It appears from the questionnaire that the guides feel confident in stimulating students in the therapeutic relationship, clinical reasoning, and rehabilitation practice, but they feel they struggle in the less frequent and more critical situations, such as giving negative feedback or counteracting student disinterest, or in finding quality time to devote to reflection on their experiences. It also emerges, a lack of communication between teaching tutors and clinical instructors, which is probably caused in part by the pandemic and personnel turnover. Discussion of the results: To improve this situation, an ECM accredited training intervention is proposed with specific objectives and appropriate teaching methods, with the aim of addressing the critical issues that have emerged, promoting effective dialogue between tutors and instructors, and encouraging motivation and interest in the role. Such a training intervention cannot be an isolated event but must be the basis of a training course that accompanies internship guides in their growth in this role with the purpose of raising the quality of internships offered to students.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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