A spontaneous healing process occurs in lesions to the peripheral nervous system. However, this process is often suboptimal and frequently results in partial or inadequate recovery of limb functionality. Clinically, interventions are employed to promote healing. An end-to-end suture ( anastomosis) is typically performed in cases of a clean lesion. However, if there is a gap between two nerve stumps, suturing would be ineffective due to tension, which would lead to scar tissue formation. In such instances, conduits called neuroguides are used to bridge the gap and guide nerve regeneration. Among the materials used for these conduits, polyvinyl alcohol has proven to be excellent for clinical applications. However, this material is not biodegradable, necessitating a second surgery for guide removal. To address this issue, an oxidation technique using potassium permanganate has been applied to make the material biodegradable. Currently, all commercially available neuro guides are passive, which has led to the idea of improving them through functionalization. This study explores two strategies for enhancing neuro guides. The first involves incorporating carbon nanotubes to make the device conductive, enabling it to harness electrical impulses that promote axonal regeneration. However, the use of nanotubes is controversial, as they are cytotoxic at certain concentrations, and this issue is dose-dependent. In this study, we tested oxidized polyvinyl alcohol samples with nanotube suspensions at two concentrations: 0.5% and 1.0%. These samples underwent cytotoxicity testing, conductivity measurement, mechanical testing and scanning electron microscopy analysis. The second strategy focuses on surface treatments. Specifically, groove patterns were impressed on the samples, as studies suggest these grooves promote straight and orderly axonal growth. Additionally, a plasma treatment was applied to deposit surface amino groups, enhancing cell adhesion. The treated samples were then seeded with cells to evaluate the number of metabolically active cells adhered, assessing the effectiveness of the modification made.
Nel caso in cui avvengano delle lesioni a nervi appartenenti al sistema nervoso periferico si assiste a un processo di guarigione spontanea, che tuttavia non è ottimale e spesso porta a un recupero parziale o comunque insufficiente delle funzionalità dell’arto. Clinicamente, quindi, si interviene per favorire la guarigione: nel caso di una lesione netta si procede a una sutura, tipicamente detta anastomosi end-to-end; se invece è presente un divario tra i due monconi nervosi allora la sutura non sarebbe efficace, perché ci sarebbe tensione e dunque formazione di tessuto cicatriziale. In questi casi si usano quindi dei condotti, detti neuroguide, per incappucciare assieme le due estremità e guidare la rigenerazione nervosa dei due estremi. Tra i materiali utilizzati c’è il polivinilalcol che si è dimostrato essere ottimo per applicazioni cliniche, tuttavia, non è biodegradabile e quindi le guide necessitano di un secondo intervento chirurgico di rimozione. Per questo è stata applicata una tecnica di ossidazione tramite permanganato di potassio che consente a questo materiale di diventare biodegradabile. Tutte le guide commerciali sono ad oggi guide passive e da qui nasce l’idea di migliorarle, funzionalizzandole. La prima di due strategie adoperate in questo studio coinvolge i nanotubi di carbonio in modo da rendere questi dispositivi conduttivi, per poi sfruttare degli impulsi elettrici che favoriscono la rigenerazione assonale. Il loro uso, tuttavia, è controverso in quanto i nanotubi sono citotossici a determinate concentrazioni, e questa problematica è dose-dipendente. In questo elaborato si è quindi proceduto a testare campioni in polivinilalcol ossidato con incorporazione di sospensioni di nanotubi a due diverse concentrazioni: 0.5% e 1.0%. Questi sono stati sottoposti a un test della citotossicità, misura della conducibilità, prove meccaniche e osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione. La seconda strategia si basa invece sull’impiego di trattamenti superficiali: in particolare sui campioni in polivinilalcol ossidato sono stati impressi pattern scanalati, in quanto ci sono studi che mostrano come questi favoriscano una crescita rettilinea e ordinata degli assoni. È stato anche eseguito un trattamento al plasma, che consente di deporre gruppi amminici superficiali per favorire l’adesione con le cellule. I campioni così trattati hanno dunque subito una semina cellulare per valutare la numerosità delle cellule metabolicamente attive adese e dunque l’efficacia delle modifiche apportate.
Funzionalizzazione e caratterizzazione di scaffolds a base di polivinilalcol ossidato per l’ottimizzazione della rigenerazione del nervo periferico.
A spontaneous healing process occurs in lesions to the peripheral nervous system. However, this process is often suboptimal and frequently results in partial or inadequate recovery of limb functionality. Clinically, interventions are employed to promote healing. An end-to-end suture ( anastomosis) is typically performed in cases of a clean lesion. However, if there is a gap between two nerve stumps, suturing would be ineffective due to tension, which would lead to scar tissue formation. In such instances, conduits called neuroguides are used to bridge the gap and guide nerve regeneration. Among the materials used for these conduits, polyvinyl alcohol has proven to be excellent for clinical applications. However, this material is not biodegradable, necessitating a second surgery for guide removal. To address this issue, an oxidation technique using potassium permanganate has been applied to make the material biodegradable. Currently, all commercially available neuro guides are passive, which has led to the idea of improving them through functionalization. This study explores two strategies for enhancing neuro guides. The first involves incorporating carbon nanotubes to make the device conductive, enabling it to harness electrical impulses that promote axonal regeneration. However, the use of nanotubes is controversial, as they are cytotoxic at certain concentrations, and this issue is dose-dependent. In this study, we tested oxidized polyvinyl alcohol samples with nanotube suspensions at two concentrations: 0.5% and 1.0%. These samples underwent cytotoxicity testing, conductivity measurement, mechanical testing and scanning electron microscopy analysis. The second strategy focuses on surface treatments. Specifically, groove patterns were impressed on the samples, as studies suggest these grooves promote straight and orderly axonal growth. Additionally, a plasma treatment was applied to deposit surface amino groups, enhancing cell adhesion. The treated samples were then seeded with cells to evaluate the number of metabolically active cells adhered, assessing the effectiveness of the modification made.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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