In a world where technology has become the exclusive way to perform even basic actions (such as paying bills, booking medical visits, etc.), user interfaces are an increasingly fundamental tool that people must master in order not to be cut off from many aspects of daily life. The aim of this thesis is therefore to shed light on a whole series of aspects of user interfaces, aspects that are often underestimated or that the user is not even aware of during use. To do this, in chapter 1 the subtle difference between interface and user interface was highlighted, then focusing on the concept of interactivity that distinguishes the latter and its similarities with the typical face-to-face interaction of human beings. Finally, an analysis was made to define whether any object is actually equipped with a user interface or not. In chapter 2, a review of the most common user interfaces was made. For each of them, a historical and functional analysis was carried out, in order to define their characteristics, functions, areas of use, positive aspects, critical issues, design considerations and possible future developments. Therefore, command line interfaces (CLI), graphical user interfaces (GUI), multimedia interfaces, web interfaces, interfaces for the mobile world, interfaces for household appliances, pen-based interfaces, haptic interfaces, multimodal interfaces, shareable interfaces, tangible interfaces and interfaces for robots and drones were analyzed. After this review, which will continue in chapter 4, it was necessary to delve into some key concepts closely linked to the world of user interfaces in chapter 3: these are the concepts of ergonomics, usability, accessibility and user experience. Each of them was the subject of an in-depth analysis: regarding usability, aspects inherent to the definition and concepts of mental model and user model were investigated; regarding accessibility, aspects inherent to the areas of application, existing regulations, assistive technologies and the benefits that can be obtained were investigated; finally, regarding the user experience, aspects such as the definition, the concept of Human Centered Design, the elements that compose it and how AI can improve it were investigated. At the end of the chapter, the classic process for designing a user interface and the fundamental rules to make it as effective as possible were also illustrated. After the necessary interruption to delve into these key concepts, in chapter 4 the review of user interfaces continues with the analysis of the most technologically recent interfaces and with the most possible future developments. Interfaces for virtual reality (VR) were therefore analyzed (with a particular focus on the Metaverse, its definition, its characteristics, its history, its applications, and other ethical and moral issues), interfaces for augmented reality (AR), voice interfaces (VUI), conversational interfaces (CUI), gesture recognition interfaces, interfaces for brain-computer interaction, natural interfaces (NUI), intelligent interfaces and user interfaces for artificial intelligence.
In un mondo in cui la tecnologia è diventata la via esclusiva anche per svolgere azioni basilari (come pagare le bollette, prenotare visite mediche, ecc.), le interfacce utente sono uno strumento sempre più fondamentale che le persone devono saper padroneggiare per non rimanere tagliate fuori da molti aspetti della vita quotidiana. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quindi quello di fare luce su tutta una serie di aspetti delle interfacce utente, aspetti spesso sottovalutati o di cui l’utente non si rende nemmeno conto durante l’utilizzo. Per fare ciò, nel capitolo 1 è stata evidenziata innanzitutto la sottile differenza fra interfaccia e interfaccia utente, focalizzandoci poi sul concetto di interattività che contraddistingue quest’ultima e le sue similitudini con l’interazione faccia a faccia tipica degli esseri umani. In ultimo è stata fatta un’analisi atta a definire se qualsiasi oggetto è effettivamente dotato di un’interfaccia utente oppure no. Nel capitolo 2 è stata fatta una rassegna delle interfacce utente più comuni. Per ognuna di esse è stata fatta un’analisi di carattere storico e funzionale, in maniera tale da definirne caratteristiche, funzioni, ambiti di utilizzo, aspetti positivi, criticità, considerazioni di progettazione e possibili sviluppi futuri. Sono state quindi analizzate interfacce a linea di comando (CLI), interfacce grafiche (GUI), interfacce multimediali, interfacce per il web, interfacce per il mondo mobile, interfacce per elettrodomestici, interfacce basate su penna, interfacce aptiche, interfacce multimodali, interfacce condivisibili, interfacce tangibili e interfacce per robot e droni. Dopo questa rassegna, che continuerà nel capitolo 4, si è reso necessario approfondire nel capitolo 3 alcuni concetti chiave strettamente legati al mondo delle interfacce utente: si tratta dei concetti di ergonomia, usabilità, accessibilità e user experience. Ognuno di loro è stato oggetto di un’analisi approfondita: riguardo l’usabilità sono stati indagati aspetti inerenti la definizione e i concetti di modello mentale e utente modello; riguardo l’accessibilità sono stati indagati invece aspetti inerenti agli ambiti di applicazione, le regolamentazioni esistenti, le tecnologie assistive e i benefici ottenibili; infine riguardo la user experience sono stati indagati aspetti quali la definizione, il concetto di Human Centered Design, gli elementi che la compongono e come l’IA può migliorarla. Sul finire del capitolo è stato inoltre illustrato il processo classico per la progettazione di un’interfaccia utente e le regole fondamentali per renderla il più efficace possibile. Dopo l’interruzione necessaria per approfondire questi concetti chiave, nel capitolo 4 la rassegna delle interfacce utenti continua con l’analisi delle interfacce tecnologicamente più recenti e con più sviluppi possibili futuri. Sono state quindi analizzate interfacce per la realtà virtuale (VR) (con un focus particolare sul Metaverso, la sua definizione, le sue caratteristiche, la sua storia, le sue applicazioni, e altre questioni di natura etica e morale) interfacce per la realtà aumentata (AR), interfacce vocali (VUI), interfacce conversazionali (CUI), interfacce a riconoscimento dei gesti, interfacce per l’interazione cervello-computer, interfacce naturali (NUI), interfacce intelligenti e interfacce utente per l’intelligenza artificiale.
Comunicare e interagire con le macchine: dagli albori alle interfacce neurali
In a world where technology has become the exclusive way to perform even basic actions (such as paying bills, booking medical visits, etc.), user interfaces are an increasingly fundamental tool that people must master in order not to be cut off from many aspects of daily life. The aim of this thesis is therefore to shed light on a whole series of aspects of user interfaces, aspects that are often underestimated or that the user is not even aware of during use. To do this, in chapter 1 the subtle difference between interface and user interface was highlighted, then focusing on the concept of interactivity that distinguishes the latter and its similarities with the typical face-to-face interaction of human beings. Finally, an analysis was made to define whether any object is actually equipped with a user interface or not. In chapter 2, a review of the most common user interfaces was made. For each of them, a historical and functional analysis was carried out, in order to define their characteristics, functions, areas of use, positive aspects, critical issues, design considerations and possible future developments. Therefore, command line interfaces (CLI), graphical user interfaces (GUI), multimedia interfaces, web interfaces, interfaces for the mobile world, interfaces for household appliances, pen-based interfaces, haptic interfaces, multimodal interfaces, shareable interfaces, tangible interfaces and interfaces for robots and drones were analyzed. After this review, which will continue in chapter 4, it was necessary to delve into some key concepts closely linked to the world of user interfaces in chapter 3: these are the concepts of ergonomics, usability, accessibility and user experience. Each of them was the subject of an in-depth analysis: regarding usability, aspects inherent to the definition and concepts of mental model and user model were investigated; regarding accessibility, aspects inherent to the areas of application, existing regulations, assistive technologies and the benefits that can be obtained were investigated; finally, regarding the user experience, aspects such as the definition, the concept of Human Centered Design, the elements that compose it and how AI can improve it were investigated. At the end of the chapter, the classic process for designing a user interface and the fundamental rules to make it as effective as possible were also illustrated. After the necessary interruption to delve into these key concepts, in chapter 4 the review of user interfaces continues with the analysis of the most technologically recent interfaces and with the most possible future developments. Interfaces for virtual reality (VR) were therefore analyzed (with a particular focus on the Metaverse, its definition, its characteristics, its history, its applications, and other ethical and moral issues), interfaces for augmented reality (AR), voice interfaces (VUI), conversational interfaces (CUI), gesture recognition interfaces, interfaces for brain-computer interaction, natural interfaces (NUI), intelligent interfaces and user interfaces for artificial intelligence.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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