Romantic relationships are one of the most significant human experiences, profoundly influencing the psychological, emotional and overall well-being of individuals. Experiencing stable and satisfying affective relationships also contributes to an improvement in physical health and a reduction of stress, thus increasing the quality of life of the subject. Each individual reaches adulthood with his own personal baggage of experiences, feelings, emotions and lived experiences that shape his character and his very personal way of entering into relationships with others. The romantic relationship itself is recognized as a construct influenced by multiple dynamics, personal and relational. Within this wide field we wanted to investigate specifically some constructs within a group of couples recruited from the general population. Firstly, since our initial experience of relationship with each other takes place during early childhood through interactions with our reference figures, it seemed reasonable to delve into any adverse childhood experiences (Adverse Childhood Experience, ACE), such as neglect, mistreatment or neglect. These types of experiences can compromise not only the individual’s predisposition to a specific way of relating to our reference figures, but also the possibility of building a safe attachment style, which allows us to live our life experience in interaction with others. Another aspect that, according to the literature, lays its foundations in the first years of life of a subject is attachment. According to John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, interactions with our reference figures, particularly those that the subject lives during his childhood years, shape how individuals perceive themselves, other neighbors and relationships. In adulthood we talk about adult attachment styles, referring to a constellation of knowledge, expectations and insecurities that each individual has in reference to himself and his intimate relationships. These models have their roots in the attachment styles that come to be defined during childhood, which however do not necessarily last unchanged over time; in fact, they can be modified according to the relationships experienced by the individual in his life path. Finally, the last aspect to be examined is the current functional abilities of the couple; it is now well known that successful relationships require some effort and literature has over the years confirmed that there are certain abilities which Trained and built within the relationship, can contribute to the success of this goal. The type and quality of communication, problem solving in the couple, the level of intimacy, attention and commitment are just some of the aspects that contribute to the definition of the relationship-specifies that each couple builds through hundreds of ordinary and banal moments during their daily lives, thus delineating multiple facets that make every human bond unique. The relationship within the human being’s life is so important that it has been defined by some theorists as a "fundamental and essential human need for the well-being of the individual". This link can be both beneficial and dysfunctional, however, and have different outcomes in a person’s life, balance and mental health. Secondly, within the study, we wanted to investigate the constructs examined in the context of the participants' couple, wanting to verify if they presented associations between them.
Le relazioni romantiche rappresentano una delle esperienze umane più significative, influenzando profondamente il benessere psicologico, emotivo e complessivo degli individui. Sperimentare delle relazioni affettive stabili e soddisfacenti contribuisce inoltre ad un miglioramento della salute fisica ed una riduzione dello stress, aumentando conseguentemente la qualità della vita del soggetto. Ogni individuo arriva all’età adulta con un suo bagaglio personale di esperienze, sensazioni, emozioni e vissuti che forgiano il suo carattere e la sua personalissima modalità di entrare in relazione con il prossimo. La relazione romantica di per sé è riconosciuta come un costrutto influenzato da molteplici dinamiche, personali e relazionali. All’interno di questo ampio campo si è voluto indagare nello specifico alcuni costrutti all’interno di un gruppo di coppie reclutate a partire dalla popolazione generale. In primo luogo, in quanto la nostra iniziale esperienza di relazione con l’altro avviene durante la prima infanzia, tramite le interazioni con le nostre figure di riferimento, è parso ragionevole approfondire eventuali esperienze avverse infantili (Adverse Childhood Experience, ACE), come l’abbandono, il maltrattamento o vissuti di trascuratezza. Questo tipo di vissuti possono andare a compromettere non solo la predisposizione dell’individuo ad una specifica modalità di entrare in relazione con le nostre figure di riferimento, ma anche la possibilità di costruire uno stile di attaccamento sicuro, il quale ci permetta di vivere al massimo la nostra esperienza di vita in interazione con gli altri. Un ulteriore aspetto che, in base alla letteratura, pone le sue fondamenta nei primi anni di vita di un soggetto è l’attaccamento. Secondo la Teoria dell’attaccamento di John Bowlby, le interazioni con le nostre figure di riferimento, in particolare quelle che il soggetto vive durante gli anni della sua infanzia, modellano il modo in cui gli individui percepiscono sé stessi, gli altri vicini e le relazioni. In età adulta si parla di Stili di attaccamento adulti, riferendosi ad una costellazione di conoscenze, aspettative e insicurezze che ogni individuo ha in riferimento a sé e alle sue relazioni intime. Questi modelli hanno le loro radici negli stili di attaccamento che vengono a delinearsi durante l’infanzia, i quali però non perdurano necessariamente invariati nel tempo; infatti, possono essere modificati in base alle relazioni vissute dall’individuo nel suo percorso di vita. Infine, l’ultimo aspetto che verrà approfondito riguarda le attuali abilità funzionali della coppia; è ormai risaputo che le relazioni di successo richiedano un po’ di fatica e la letteratura ha negli anni confermato come vi siano alcune abilità che, allenate e costruite all’interno della relazione, possano contribuire alla riuscita di questo obiettivo. La tipologia e qualità della comunicazione, il problem solving della coppia, il livello di intimità, attenzione ed impegno sono solo alcuni degli aspetti che concorrono alla definizione della traiettoria relazione-specifica che ogni coppia costruisce tramite centinaia di momenti ordinari e banali durante la propria quotidianità, andando così a delineare molteplici sfaccettature che rendono unico ogni legame umano. La relazione nell’ambito della vita dell’essere umano risulta talmente importante da essere stata definita da alcuni teorici un “bisogno umano fondamentale ed essenziale per il benessere dell’individuo”. Questo legame però può essere sia benefico che disfunzionale e avere differenti outcomes nella vita di una persona, sul suo equilibrio e sulla sua salute psicofisica. In secondo luogo, all’interno dell’elaborato, si è voluto indagare i costrutti presi in esame nel contesto di coppia dei partecipanti, volendo verificare se presentassero associazioni tra loro.
Abilità di coppia: associazioni con esperienze infantili e stile di attaccamento adulto.
Romantic relationships are one of the most significant human experiences, profoundly influencing the psychological, emotional and overall well-being of individuals. Experiencing stable and satisfying affective relationships also contributes to an improvement in physical health and a reduction of stress, thus increasing the quality of life of the subject. Each individual reaches adulthood with his own personal baggage of experiences, feelings, emotions and lived experiences that shape his character and his very personal way of entering into relationships with others. The romantic relationship itself is recognized as a construct influenced by multiple dynamics, personal and relational. Within this wide field we wanted to investigate specifically some constructs within a group of couples recruited from the general population. Firstly, since our initial experience of relationship with each other takes place during early childhood through interactions with our reference figures, it seemed reasonable to delve into any adverse childhood experiences (Adverse Childhood Experience, ACE), such as neglect, mistreatment or neglect. These types of experiences can compromise not only the individual’s predisposition to a specific way of relating to our reference figures, but also the possibility of building a safe attachment style, which allows us to live our life experience in interaction with others. Another aspect that, according to the literature, lays its foundations in the first years of life of a subject is attachment. According to John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, interactions with our reference figures, particularly those that the subject lives during his childhood years, shape how individuals perceive themselves, other neighbors and relationships. In adulthood we talk about adult attachment styles, referring to a constellation of knowledge, expectations and insecurities that each individual has in reference to himself and his intimate relationships. These models have their roots in the attachment styles that come to be defined during childhood, which however do not necessarily last unchanged over time; in fact, they can be modified according to the relationships experienced by the individual in his life path. Finally, the last aspect to be examined is the current functional abilities of the couple; it is now well known that successful relationships require some effort and literature has over the years confirmed that there are certain abilities which Trained and built within the relationship, can contribute to the success of this goal. The type and quality of communication, problem solving in the couple, the level of intimacy, attention and commitment are just some of the aspects that contribute to the definition of the relationship-specifies that each couple builds through hundreds of ordinary and banal moments during their daily lives, thus delineating multiple facets that make every human bond unique. The relationship within the human being’s life is so important that it has been defined by some theorists as a "fundamental and essential human need for the well-being of the individual". This link can be both beneficial and dysfunctional, however, and have different outcomes in a person’s life, balance and mental health. Secondly, within the study, we wanted to investigate the constructs examined in the context of the participants' couple, wanting to verify if they presented associations between them.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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