Spectroscopy is the procedure by which the frequencies of radiation absorbed or emitted by particular substances are detected and measured. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of grapes of different varieties in terms of: pH, total acidity and Brix degree, using the NIR (Near infra-red) spectrophotometer. The NIRS spectrophotometer allows the evaluation of different chemical and physical components of the sample. It is already in use for the analysis of feed samples, durum wheat and other organic components. There are many works in the scientific literature on the calibration of different components. This technology makes it possible to build instruments without moving parts, with reduced size and weight, which are easy to transport without compromising their functionality. In the experimentation, different grape varieties were analysed, specifically: Gewürztraminer cultivated in Alto Adige with a guyot training technique, Glera, Raboso and Pinot Nero cultivated in Veneto. The aim of this thesis is to verify the applicability of the NIRS spectrophotometer in the analysis of wine grapes. This instrument is currently used for the analysis of numerous organic and inorganic substances. Different wine grape varieties were tested in order to obtain pH, acidity and Brix values. A further objective was to discriminate between different grape varieties using the NIRS technique. NIRS is one of the rapid analysis methods that allow non-destructive analysis of the analysed component. The grape is made up of a series of compounds that are fundamental for its subsequent vinification, so it is essential to carry out a series of chemical analyses to evaluate these characters. Today, the wine market is subject to numerous challenges. One only has to think of the pandemic, which has had very serious repercussions on the economy. Online wine sales have increased exponentially at the expense of physical sales. Climate change is also posing considerable challenges to viticulture. Investment and research are therefore essential to enable the wine market to meet these challenges. The NIRS spectrophotometer has great potential as it could enable the analysis of quantitative-qualitative characters in grapes very quickly and easily. The most 6 complex part is the development of calibration curves, which are only needed initially to calibrate an instrument. Every time a new compound has to be analysed, this operation has to be carried out. Initially, NIR spectrophotometry was underestimated as a technique and remained unused for some years. Nowadays, it has been shown that it can also be used for fraud detection and quanti-qualitative assessments. Rapid analysis methods are diverse and aim to reduce time and costs compared to classical chemical analysis. The methods are based on different techniques in addition to near-infrared, mid-infrared, frontal fluorescence spectroscopy and electron nose. These rapid analysis methods are increasingly in demand in industry. NIR (near infrared) scans were carried out on freshly harvested samples and about 9 berries per bunch were analysed. The varieties analysed are: Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir, Raboso and Glera. Once the spectra had been obtained, the samples were mellowed and stored in the fridge with essential mustard oil. Various techniques were used to analyse the mash samples: a refractometer was used to determine the Brix level, the flushtrode method was used to determine the pH and, finally, a Crison micro automatic titrator was used to determine the total acidity. Once the data collection work was finished, the data were analysed and correlated with software using the Java programming language. A regression method, the Partial least square regression, was used as a statistical model. With this method, a good correlation was found for the Brix degree R2 = 0.86, while for pH and total acidity, the R2 values were 0.47 and 0.46 respectively.
La spettroscopia è il procedimento mediante il quale vengono rilevate e misurate le frequenze delle radiazioni assorbite o emesse da particolari sostanze. Lo scopo di questa tesi è la valutazione della qualità dell’uva di diverse varietà in termini di: pH, acidità totale e grado Brix, tramite l’uso di spettrometria NIRS (Near Infrared Spectrometry). Lo spettrofotometro NIR permette di valutare diverse componenti chimico e fisiche del campione. È già in utilizzo per l’analisi di campioni di mangimi, di grano duro e di altre componenti organiche. In letteratura scientifica sono presenti molti lavori di calibrazione di diverse componenti. Questa tecnologia permette di costruire strumenti senza parti mobili, con dimensioni e peso ridotti, facilmente trasportabili senza comprometterne la loro funzionalità. Nella sperimentazione sono state analizzate diverse varietà di uva, nello specifico: Gewürztraminer coltivato in Alto Adige, Glera, Raboso e Pinot Nero coltivati, invece, in Veneto. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di verificare l’applicabilità dello spettrofotometro NIR nell’analisi dell’uva da vino. Ad oggi questo strumento viene utilizzato per l’analisi di numerose sostanze organiche ed inorganiche. Sono state testate diverse varietà di uva da vino con lo scopo di ricavare i valori di pH, acidità e grado Brix. Un ulteriore obiettivo era quello di discriminare le diverse varietà di uva tramite la tecnica NIRS. Il NIRS fa parte dei metodi di analisi rapidi che consentono un’analisi non distruttiva della componente analizzata. L’acino è composto da una serie di composti, fondamentali per la sua successiva vinificazione, è quindi fondamentale svolgere una serie di analisi chimiche per valutare questi caratteri. Ad oggi il mercato vitivinicolo è soggetto a numerose sfide. Oltre ai cambiamenti socioeconomici, anche il cambiamento climatico sta ponendo delle sfide notevoli alla viticoltura. Sono quindi fondamentali investimenti e ricerche per consentire al mercato vitivinicolo di affrontare queste sfide. Lo spettrofotometro NIR ha notevoli potenzialità dato che potrebbe consentire l’analisi dei caratteri quanti-qualitativi dell’uva in modo molto rapido e semplice. La parte più complessa è lo sviluppo di curve di calibrazione, necessarie solo inizialmente per tarare uno strumento. Ogni qual volta si deve analizzare un nuovo composto è necessario svolgere quest’operazione. Per eseguire la calibrazione NIRS per le analisi degli acini sono 4 state eseguite 9 scansioni (9 acini) su grappoli freschi appena raccolti. Una volta ricavati gli spettri sono stati ammostati i campioni e conservati con olio essenziale di senape in frigo. Per le analisi sui campioni ammostati sono state utilizzate diverse tecniche: per il grado Brix è stato usato un rifrattometro, per il pH è stato utilizzata una sonda elettrochimica e infine, per l’acidità totale un titolatore automatico. Finito il lavoro di raccolta dati si è passati all’analisi e correlazione dei dati con una macchina virtuale in Python. Come modello statistico è stato utilizzato un metodo di regressione, il Partial least square regression (PLSR). L’analisi PLSR ha prodotto un modello di regressione per ognuna delle variabili considerate. Numericamente i modelli hanno raggiunto un R2 di 0,86 per il grado Brix, 0,47 per il pH e 0.46 per l’acidità totale. Come metodo di classificazione è stato usato un algoritmo di Support Vector Machine (SVM)., il quale che posiziona tutti i dati in un sistema cartesiano, creando un’iperpiano che divide l’insieme dei punti in funzione della classificazione. L’unica varietà che non è riuscito a segmentare il sistema è il Raboso.
Analisi qualitativa dell'uva tramite la definizione di curve di taratura NIRS
Spectroscopy is the procedure by which the frequencies of radiation absorbed or emitted by particular substances are detected and measured. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of grapes of different varieties in terms of: pH, total acidity and Brix degree, using the NIR (Near infra-red) spectrophotometer. The NIRS spectrophotometer allows the evaluation of different chemical and physical components of the sample. It is already in use for the analysis of feed samples, durum wheat and other organic components. There are many works in the scientific literature on the calibration of different components. This technology makes it possible to build instruments without moving parts, with reduced size and weight, which are easy to transport without compromising their functionality. In the experimentation, different grape varieties were analysed, specifically: Gewürztraminer cultivated in Alto Adige with a guyot training technique, Glera, Raboso and Pinot Nero cultivated in Veneto. The aim of this thesis is to verify the applicability of the NIRS spectrophotometer in the analysis of wine grapes. This instrument is currently used for the analysis of numerous organic and inorganic substances. Different wine grape varieties were tested in order to obtain pH, acidity and Brix values. A further objective was to discriminate between different grape varieties using the NIRS technique. NIRS is one of the rapid analysis methods that allow non-destructive analysis of the analysed component. The grape is made up of a series of compounds that are fundamental for its subsequent vinification, so it is essential to carry out a series of chemical analyses to evaluate these characters. Today, the wine market is subject to numerous challenges. One only has to think of the pandemic, which has had very serious repercussions on the economy. Online wine sales have increased exponentially at the expense of physical sales. Climate change is also posing considerable challenges to viticulture. Investment and research are therefore essential to enable the wine market to meet these challenges. The NIRS spectrophotometer has great potential as it could enable the analysis of quantitative-qualitative characters in grapes very quickly and easily. The most 6 complex part is the development of calibration curves, which are only needed initially to calibrate an instrument. Every time a new compound has to be analysed, this operation has to be carried out. Initially, NIR spectrophotometry was underestimated as a technique and remained unused for some years. Nowadays, it has been shown that it can also be used for fraud detection and quanti-qualitative assessments. Rapid analysis methods are diverse and aim to reduce time and costs compared to classical chemical analysis. The methods are based on different techniques in addition to near-infrared, mid-infrared, frontal fluorescence spectroscopy and electron nose. These rapid analysis methods are increasingly in demand in industry. NIR (near infrared) scans were carried out on freshly harvested samples and about 9 berries per bunch were analysed. The varieties analysed are: Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir, Raboso and Glera. Once the spectra had been obtained, the samples were mellowed and stored in the fridge with essential mustard oil. Various techniques were used to analyse the mash samples: a refractometer was used to determine the Brix level, the flushtrode method was used to determine the pH and, finally, a Crison micro automatic titrator was used to determine the total acidity. Once the data collection work was finished, the data were analysed and correlated with software using the Java programming language. A regression method, the Partial least square regression, was used as a statistical model. With this method, a good correlation was found for the Brix degree R2 = 0.86, while for pH and total acidity, the R2 values were 0.47 and 0.46 respectively.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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