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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 18 di 18
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree triennali 2023 Arterial Spin Labeling: a non-invasive approach for estimating perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis. Arterial Spin Labeling: a non-invasive approach for estimating perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis. GASPARETTO, ALLEGRA
Lauree triennali 2022 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge: aspetti implementativi degli algoritmi di segmentazione e di predizione Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge: implementation aspects of segmentation and prediction algorithms MORANDIN, LAMBERTO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Comparison of Weakly Supervised Models for Choroid Plexus Segmentation Using Non-Expert Annotations Comparison of Weakly Supervised Models for Choroid Plexus Segmentation Using Non-Expert Annotations DALL'OSTO, NICOLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Confronto tra architetture deep learning per la segmentazione semantica del plesso coroideo a partire da immagini di risonanza magnetica cerebrale: applicazione alla sclerosi multipla A comparison of deep learning architectures for the semantic segmentation of choroid plexus from brain MRI: application to multiple sclerosis VISANI, VALENTINA
Lauree magistrali 2021 From Brain Quick to Matlab and EEGLAB: development of an EEG data conversion plugin for Micromed devices From Brain Quick to Matlab and EEGLAB: development of an EEG data conversion plugin for Micromed devices AMBROSINO, MARIAGRAZIA
Lauree triennali 2022 Imaging Biomedicale nella Degenerazione Maculare: Tecnologie e Metodi di Analisi Biomedical Imaging of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Technologies and Analysis Methods BENOZZO, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2021 La polisonnografia per lo studio del sonno: Conversione e Armonizzazione del Cleveland Family Study per l'analisi dell'elettroencefalogramma Polysomnography oriented to sleep analysis: Cleveland Family Study conversion and harmonization for electroencephalogram survey ROSSI, CECILIA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Optimization of cascaded multimodal transformers for differential dementia diagnosis and Alzheimer's disease stage stratification on multicentric longitudinal datasets Optimization of cascaded multimodal transformers for differential dementia diagnosis and Alzheimer's disease stage stratification on multicentric longitudinal datasets GUARNIER, GIANMARCO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Optimization of the 4D contrast-enhanced computed tomography postprocessing settings for accurate strain mapping of vascular tissues Optimization of the 4D contrast-enhanced computed tomography postprocessing settings for accurate strain mapping of vascular tissues BOTTOS, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Ottimizzazione degli iperparametri per la segmentazione automatica del Plesso Coroideo mediante UNet Transformers: applicazione alla Sclerosi Multipla Hyperparameters optimization for Choroid Plexus automatic segmentation using UNet Transformers: Application to Multiple Sclerosis PERRA, SIMONE
Lauree triennali 2022 Risonanza Magnetica al Sodio: stato dell'arte e applicazioni all'imaging biomedicale Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging: state of the art and applications in biomedical imaging GAVIOLI, GABRIELE
Lauree magistrali 2022 Separazione delle sorgenti della suscettività magnetica: studio dell'impatto delle metodologie di stima del rilassamento trasversale. Magnetic susceptibility source separation: study of how estimation methods affect transverse relaxation. QUIRINO, RICCARDO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Study of sleep EEG with non-linear indices and correlation with age and sleep quality indicators Study of sleep EEG with non-linear indices and correlation with age and sleep quality indicators RIDOLFO, ANNA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Study of the relationship between choroid plexus volume and CSF derived biomarkers in patients with multiple sclerosis Study of the relationship between choroid plexus volume and CSF derived biomarkers in patients with multiple sclerosis CECCHINATO, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Sviluppo di un'applicazione cloud estendibile per gestione, analisi e condivisione remota di dati elettroencefalografici compatibile con il software Micromed Brain Quick Development of an extensible cloud application for the management, analysis, and remote sharing of electroencephalographic data, compatible with Micromed Brain Quick software MARITTIMI, ANTONIO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Time-efficient Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation of Choroid Plexus from brain MRI Time-efficient Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation of Choroid Plexus from brain MRI GIUPPONI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree triennali 2022 Tomografia Computerizzata a conteggio di fotoni: principi, sviluppi ed applicazioni cliniche Photon Counting CT: principles, developments and clinical applications BANO, STEFANO
Lauree triennali 2021 Utilizzo di dispositivi indossabili in trial clinici per lo studio della sclerosi multipla The use of wearable devices in clinical trials to study multiple sclerosis COCCHETTO, GIADA
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 18 di 18
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