Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by a reduced insulin sensitivity in the peripherical tissues (liver, muscle and adipose tissue) followed by a decrease in the pancreatic insulin secretion and finally by the onset of hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance has a crucial role in the diabetes development and could be caused by hereditary or acquired factors such as visceral obesity. The main type 2 diabetes complications involve the vascular district as a result of the severity and duration of hyperglycemia, however diabetic patients also suffer from andrological problems which are due to metabolic imbalance of the disease. Hypogonadism is a clinical condition comprising both symptoms and biochemical evidence of testosterone deficiency (TT < 12 nmol/l). This problem hits a high percentage of diabetic patients causing a deterioration of both the clinical status and the quality of life. The excessive amount of visceral fat in these men causes a dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis which brings to a decrease in gonadotropin and testosterone secretion. Then, low testosterone levels lead to increased adiposity and insulin re-sistance. This bidirectional relationship between obesity and hypogonadism can eas-ily become a vicious cycle, and it’s necessary to establish a proper therapeutic approach to stop it: weigh loss should be the primary strategy aiming to reverse this condition, followed by testosterone replacement therapy. Aim of the study is to evaluate the ability of known cardiometabolic indices (Visceral Adiposity Index, Triglyceride Glucose Index, Lipid Accumulation Product) in identifying hypogonadism in a cohort of diabetic patients from Padua University Andrology Clinic. The purpose is to find cutoff value predicting the presence of low testosterone levels. These markers result from the combination of anthropometrical e biochemical parameters that are part of the basic evaluation of patients with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Their association with low blood testosterone level should allow them to receive an andrological evaluation. This is a cross-sectional study involving 265 male subjects aged 51-64 years who suffer from type 2 diabetes. We made these patients undergo a complete medical examination including anamnesis, biochemical and instrumental exams with a special focus on metabolic and hormonal parameters and finally the cardiometabolic indices have been calculated. The findings of the study revealed a significant association between cardiometabolic indices (Visceral Adiposity Index, Triglyceride Glucose Index, Lipid Accumulation Product) and the presence of hypogonadism. We found a negative correlation between testosterone levels and index values that confirm androgen decrease along with index growth. We observed good predictive value of VAI, TyG and LAP for hypogonadism, better than the classical parameters’ one, and we obtained for each index cutoff value for hypogonadism risk assessment. VAI, TyG and LAP represent a simple and economical way to evaluate the presence of hypogonadism in diabetic subjects. The finding of index values higher than the cutoff revealed by this study suggests making these patients undergo an andrological examination to set up the proper therapeutic approach.
Il diabete mellito di tipo 2 è una malattia cronica caratterizzata da una ridotta sensibilità insulinica da parte dei tessuti periferici (fegato, muscolo e tessuto adiposo) alla quale nel tempo si associa una diminuzione della secrezione pancreatica di questo ormone, con conseguente insorgenza di iperglicemia. La resistenza insulinica riveste un ruolo centrale nella patogenesi della malattia e può essere correlata a fattori ereditari e acquisiti tra cui il più importante è rappresentato dall’obesità viscerale. In questi pazienti si possono riscontrare anche problematiche andrologiche secondarie allo squilibrio metabolico che caratterizza la patologia di base. L’ipogonadismo, descritto come un deficit di testosterone (TT < 12 nmol/l) associato a segni e sintomi di ipotestosteronemia, interessa una quota rilevante di maschi diabetici. L’eccessivo accumulo di grasso viscerale è alla base della disregolazione dell’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-gonadi che comporta una riduzione della secrezione di gonadotropine e dunque di testosterone. L’ipotestosteronemia a sua volta alimenta il deposito di tessuto adiposo e l’insulino resistenza, generando così un circolo vizioso che si automantiene. È evidente l’importanza di interrompere questa spirale tramite approcci terapeutici mirati che permettono di migliorare il contesto metabolico e ripristinare il setting ormonale:l’obiettivo primario è rappresentato dal calo ponderale, accompagnato eventualmente dalla terapia sostitutiva con testosterone. Lo scopo del presente studio consiste nella valutazione della relazione tra l’alterazione di alcuni indici cardiometabolici (Visceral Adiposity Index, Triglyceri-de Glucose Index, Lipid Accumulation Product) e la presenza di ipogonadismo in una coorte di pazienti affetti da diabete di tipo 2, con l’obiettivo di individuare un cut-off che possa consigliare il dosaggio di testosterone in tali pazienti. I suddetti indicatori si fondano su parametri antropometrici e bioumorali che rientrano nell’inquadramento ordinario dei pazienti con diabete insulino resistente e sindrome metabolica, per cui una correlazione tra questi indicatori e una possibile alterazione ormonale permetterebbe di inviare i pazienti a controllo andrologico senza necessità di eseguire anticipatamente ulteriori esami. Questo studio trasversale ha come oggetto di interesse una coorte di 265 pazienti maschi, di età compresa tra i 51 e 64 anni, affetti da DM di tipo 2. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti a visita medica completa, comprensiva di anamnesi, esame obiettivo, esami biochimici e strumentali, soffermandosi sui parametri antropometrici e bioumorali che permettono di caratterizzare il quadro metabolico nonché quello ormonale, e si sono calcolati gli indicatori cardiometabolici oggetto di interesse. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato un’associazione significativa tra alcuni indici cardiometabolici (VAI, TyG e LAP) e una condizione di ipotestosteronemia. In particolare, si è osservata una correlazione negativa tra i livelli di testosterone e i valori indice. L'analisi multivariata che riconosce in VAI, TyG e LAP fattori che correlano in maniera significativa con TT < 12 nmol/l indipendentemente da tutti gli altri parametri e tramite le curve ROC, si è osservato come questi indicatori abbiano un’accuratezza diagnostica nei confronti dell’ipogonadismo superiore rispetto a quella dei parametri standard. Infine, è stato ricavato, per ciascun indicatore, un cutoff ideale nel predire l’ipotestosteronemia. L’impiego di VAI, TyG e LAP nella valutazione clinica dei soggetti con DM di tipo 2 rappresenta un sistema semplice ed economico per valutare la presenza di ipogonadismo e il riscontro di valori indice superiori ai cut-off emersi da questa indagine suggerisce la necessità di inviare i pazienti a controllo andrologico.
Diabete Mellito tipo 2: indici cardiometabolici e rischio di ipogonadismo
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by a reduced insulin sensitivity in the peripherical tissues (liver, muscle and adipose tissue) followed by a decrease in the pancreatic insulin secretion and finally by the onset of hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance has a crucial role in the diabetes development and could be caused by hereditary or acquired factors such as visceral obesity. The main type 2 diabetes complications involve the vascular district as a result of the severity and duration of hyperglycemia, however diabetic patients also suffer from andrological problems which are due to metabolic imbalance of the disease. Hypogonadism is a clinical condition comprising both symptoms and biochemical evidence of testosterone deficiency (TT < 12 nmol/l). This problem hits a high percentage of diabetic patients causing a deterioration of both the clinical status and the quality of life. The excessive amount of visceral fat in these men causes a dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis which brings to a decrease in gonadotropin and testosterone secretion. Then, low testosterone levels lead to increased adiposity and insulin re-sistance. This bidirectional relationship between obesity and hypogonadism can eas-ily become a vicious cycle, and it’s necessary to establish a proper therapeutic approach to stop it: weigh loss should be the primary strategy aiming to reverse this condition, followed by testosterone replacement therapy. Aim of the study is to evaluate the ability of known cardiometabolic indices (Visceral Adiposity Index, Triglyceride Glucose Index, Lipid Accumulation Product) in identifying hypogonadism in a cohort of diabetic patients from Padua University Andrology Clinic. The purpose is to find cutoff value predicting the presence of low testosterone levels. These markers result from the combination of anthropometrical e biochemical parameters that are part of the basic evaluation of patients with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Their association with low blood testosterone level should allow them to receive an andrological evaluation. This is a cross-sectional study involving 265 male subjects aged 51-64 years who suffer from type 2 diabetes. We made these patients undergo a complete medical examination including anamnesis, biochemical and instrumental exams with a special focus on metabolic and hormonal parameters and finally the cardiometabolic indices have been calculated. The findings of the study revealed a significant association between cardiometabolic indices (Visceral Adiposity Index, Triglyceride Glucose Index, Lipid Accumulation Product) and the presence of hypogonadism. We found a negative correlation between testosterone levels and index values that confirm androgen decrease along with index growth. We observed good predictive value of VAI, TyG and LAP for hypogonadism, better than the classical parameters’ one, and we obtained for each index cutoff value for hypogonadism risk assessment. VAI, TyG and LAP represent a simple and economical way to evaluate the presence of hypogonadism in diabetic subjects. The finding of index values higher than the cutoff revealed by this study suggests making these patients undergo an andrological examination to set up the proper therapeutic approach.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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