Aim of the study: Compare the diagnostic value of DWI, STIR, and T2 DIXON for muscle edema in patients affected by muscle dystrophy. Materials and methods: Patients with a diagnosis or a clinical suspect of muscle dystrophy referring to our tertiary center were included in this study. All patients underwent an MR scan of the calves including DWI, STIR, and T2 DIXON in the protocol. Muscle edema was assessed using the Mercuri scale. A 1 to 10-point scale was applied to evaluate the quality of images for each sequence. ADCmin and ADCmean values were extracted from the muscle with the highest degree of edema on STIR. The ANOVA test was used to compare the three sequences for muscle edema and artifacts severity. The Spearman correlation coefficient was applied to investigate the relationship between ADC values and muscle edema severity. All analyses were performed with SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics version 26, IBM Armonk, NY, USA) applying p<0.05 as significance level. Results: Fourteen patients were examined (10 male, mean ageSD, 44.519.7 yrs). On average muscle edema was 0.5 on DWI, 1.2 on STIR and 1.1 on DIXON (p=0.001); by the Bonferroni correction a statistical significant difference occurred between DWI and STIR as well as DWI and T2 DIXON (p=0.002 and p=0.003, respectively). The T2 DIXON showed the highest quality (p=0.000). A statistically significant correlation occurred between ADC mean and the grade of edema with each sequence. Conclusioni: The T2 DIXON seems to enable a higher quality of images and a good assessment of muscle edema in patients with muscle dystrophy. Future studies performed on a larger sample are needed to verify these preliminary data. Keywords: muscular dystrophy, DWI, STIR, DIXON, MRI
Obiettivo: Confrontare il valore diagnostico di DWI, STIR e T2 DIXON per l’identificazione dell’edema nei pazienti affetti da distrofia muscolare. Materiali e metodi: Pazienti con diagnosi o sospetto diagnostico di distrofia muscolare afferenti al nostro centro di terzo livello esaminati con RM sono stati inclusi in questo studio. Il protocollo RM applicato includeva T1w TSE, STIR, DWI e T2 Dixon sul piano assiale. Per ogni paziente, con ogni sequenza, è stato valutato il coinvolgimento muscolare a livello dei polpacci applicando la scala di Mercuri. Inoltre, utilizzando una scala da 1 a 10 è stata valutata la qualità delle immagini. Per quanto riguarda la DWI, sono stati estratti dalle mappe ADC i valori di ADC min e ADC mean del muscolo con maggiore edema. Mediante analisi di varianza (ANOVA) sono stati confrontati i risultati ottenuti con le tre sequenze in termini di score dell’edema e di qualità delle immagini. Utilizzando il coefficiente di Spearman è stata esplorata la relazione tra i valori di ADCmin e ADC mean e il grado di edema con le sequenze STIR e DWI. Le analisi statistiche sono state effettuate mediante SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics version 26, IBM Armonk, NY, USA) applicando p<0.05 come livello di significatività. Risultati: Sono stati esaminati 14 pazienti (10 maschi, età mediaDS: 44.519.7 anni). Il grading medio con DWI è risultato di 0.5 mentre con STIR è risultato rispettivamente di 1.2 e 1.1 con STIR e DIXON (p=0.001); applicando la correzione secondo Bonferroni è emerso che in particolare vi fosse una differenza statisticamente significativa nel confronto tra DWI e le altre sequenze (rispettivamente, p=0.002 nel confronto con STIR e p=0.003 nel confronto con la DIXON). Non sono invece emerse differenze nel confronto tra STIR e DIXON. La sequenza T2 DIXON ha dimostrato i valori medi più alti di qualità delle immagini (7.9) rispetto alla STIR (7) e alla DWI (5.5) (p=0.000). Inoltre è emersa una correlazione statisticamente significativa di grado moderato tra i valori di ADCmean e il grading con tutte e tre le sequenze. Conclusioni: La sequenza T2 Dixon sembra offrire una valutazione di maggiore qualità dell’edema muscolare con minore presenza di artefatti. Studi futuri eseguiti su un campione di pazienti più ampio sono necessari per verificare questi dati preliminari. Parole chiave: distrofia muscolare, DWI, STIR, DIXON , RM.
Confronto tra diffusione, dixon e stir nei pazienti affetti da distrofia musculare
Aim of the study: Compare the diagnostic value of DWI, STIR, and T2 DIXON for muscle edema in patients affected by muscle dystrophy. Materials and methods: Patients with a diagnosis or a clinical suspect of muscle dystrophy referring to our tertiary center were included in this study. All patients underwent an MR scan of the calves including DWI, STIR, and T2 DIXON in the protocol. Muscle edema was assessed using the Mercuri scale. A 1 to 10-point scale was applied to evaluate the quality of images for each sequence. ADCmin and ADCmean values were extracted from the muscle with the highest degree of edema on STIR. The ANOVA test was used to compare the three sequences for muscle edema and artifacts severity. The Spearman correlation coefficient was applied to investigate the relationship between ADC values and muscle edema severity. All analyses were performed with SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics version 26, IBM Armonk, NY, USA) applying p<0.05 as significance level. Results: Fourteen patients were examined (10 male, mean ageSD, 44.519.7 yrs). On average muscle edema was 0.5 on DWI, 1.2 on STIR and 1.1 on DIXON (p=0.001); by the Bonferroni correction a statistical significant difference occurred between DWI and STIR as well as DWI and T2 DIXON (p=0.002 and p=0.003, respectively). The T2 DIXON showed the highest quality (p=0.000). A statistically significant correlation occurred between ADC mean and the grade of edema with each sequence. Conclusioni: The T2 DIXON seems to enable a higher quality of images and a good assessment of muscle edema in patients with muscle dystrophy. Future studies performed on a larger sample are needed to verify these preliminary data. Keywords: muscular dystrophy, DWI, STIR, DIXON, MRIFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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