BackGround: in clinical rehabilitation practice, following the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now more frequently faced with patients with problems deriving from the sequelae Post Covid themselves and post intensive, including, in particular, the "Critical Illness". In this syndrome, musculoskeletal symptoms range from generalized weakness to quadriplegia in the worst case. Given this variability in the cases, to date there is still a debate in the literature as it is still in doubt which evaluation and treatment approaches are most supported by evidence. Aim of the study: detect scientific evidence in the literature for the evaluation and treatment of Critical Illness. Material and methods: A bibliographic search was conducted between February 2021 and July of the same year on two databases: PubMed and PEDro. The main inclusion criteria are: studies on patients with Critical Illness, studies with disease evaluation processes, studies on the treatment of Critical Illness, studies in English and Italian published in the last 10 years. The included studies underwent methodological quality assessment. Results: the research led us to the analysis of 11 articles. These have shown that the most usable evaluation methodology in clinical practice is electromyography in which the type of damage is instrumentally quantified. For the treatment, on the other hand, the approach that would seem to show greater rehabilitation efficacy in improving fitness conditions is that based on a proposal of exercises in progression that starts from passive mobilizations and breathing exercises for the most compromised patients and then integrates exercises under resistance and aerobic exercises, including the cycle ergometer and walking, all while monitoring vital signs. However, it was highlighted that a therapy purely focused on improving fitness does not actually bring statistically detectable improvements, a different matter for the psychosocial sphere in which large improvements in anxiety and depression were found. Conclusion: although the studies provide us with indications to support the use of an evaluation methodology and an approach to treatment rather than others, the methodological level leads us to support the need for further studies, methodologically relevant, to obtain more solid guidelines on the 'subject.
Introduzione: nella pratica clinica riabilitativa ci troviamo ora, in seguito alla pandemia Covid-19, più frequentemente di fronte a pazienti con problematiche derivanti dalle sequele Post Covid e post terapia intensiva, tra cui in particolare la “Critical Illness”. In questa sindrome, i sintomi a livello muscoloscheletrico spaziano da una debolezza generalizzata fino ad una tetraplegia nel peggiore dei casi. Data questa variabilità nella casistica, ad oggi vi è ancora un dibattito in letteratura poiché ancora in dubbio quali siano l’approccio valutativo e di trattamento maggiormente supportati da evidenze. Obiettivo dello studio: rilevare in letteratura evidenze scientifiche per la valutazione e il trattamento della Critical Illness. Materiali e metodi: è stata condotta una ricerca bibliografica tra febbraio 2021 e luglio dello stesso anno su due banche dati: PubMed e PEDro. I principali criteri di inclusione sono: studi su pazienti con Critical Illness, studi con processi di valutazione della malattia, studi sul trattamento della Critical Illness, studi in lingua inglese ed italiana pubblicati negli ultimi 10 anni. Gli studi inclusi sono stati sottoposti a valutazione della qualità metodologica. Risultati: la ricerca ci ha portato all’analisi di 11 articoli effettivi. Questi hanno evidenziato che la metodologia di valutazione maggiormente spendibile nella pratica clinica è quella elettromiografica in cui si quantifica strumentalmente il tipo e l’estensione di danno. Per il trattamento, invece, l’approccio che sembrerebbe mostrare maggiore efficacia riabilitativa nel miglioramento delle condizioni di fitness è quello basato su una proposta di esercizi in progressione che parte dalle mobilizzazioni passive ed esercizi respiratori per i pazienti più compromessi per poi integrare con esercizi contro resistenza ed esercizi aerobici, tra cui il cicloergometro e la camminata, monitorando i parametri vitali per garantire la massima sicurezza ed efficacia durante l’esercizio. Tuttavia, è stato evidenziato come una terapia prettamente concentrata sul miglioramento del fitness in realtà non porti miglioramenti statisticamente rilevabili, discorso diverso per la sfera psicosociale in cui si sono riscontrati ampi miglioramenti nell’ansia e nella depressione. Conclusioni: nonostante gli studi ci forniscano delle indicazioni a supporto dell’utilizzo di una metodologia di valutazione ed un approccio al trattamento piuttosto di altri, il livello metodologico ci induce a sostenere la necessità di ulteriori studi, metodologicamente rilevanti, per ottenere delle linee guide più solide sull’argomento.
BackGround: in clinical rehabilitation practice, following the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now more frequently faced with patients with problems deriving from the sequelae Post Covid themselves and post intensive, including, in particular, the "Critical Illness". In this syndrome, musculoskeletal symptoms range from generalized weakness to quadriplegia in the worst case. Given this variability in the cases, to date there is still a debate in the literature as it is still in doubt which evaluation and treatment approaches are most supported by evidence. Aim of the study: detect scientific evidence in the literature for the evaluation and treatment of Critical Illness. Material and methods: A bibliographic search was conducted between February 2021 and July of the same year on two databases: PubMed and PEDro. The main inclusion criteria are: studies on patients with Critical Illness, studies with disease evaluation processes, studies on the treatment of Critical Illness, studies in English and Italian published in the last 10 years. The included studies underwent methodological quality assessment. Results: the research led us to the analysis of 11 articles. These have shown that the most usable evaluation methodology in clinical practice is electromyography in which the type of damage is instrumentally quantified. For the treatment, on the other hand, the approach that would seem to show greater rehabilitation efficacy in improving fitness conditions is that based on a proposal of exercises in progression that starts from passive mobilizations and breathing exercises for the most compromised patients and then integrates exercises under resistance and aerobic exercises, including the cycle ergometer and walking, all while monitoring vital signs. However, it was highlighted that a therapy purely focused on improving fitness does not actually bring statistically detectable improvements, a different matter for the psychosocial sphere in which large improvements in anxiety and depression were found. Conclusion: although the studies provide us with indications to support the use of an evaluation methodology and an approach to treatment rather than others, the methodological level leads us to support the need for further studies, methodologically relevant, to obtain more solid guidelines on the 'subject.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License